首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 论物货企业机电产品营销问题

    On Marketing Mechanical and Electric Products of Material Enterprises

  2. 萌物比二货动物更容易让人产生这种感觉。

    Cute animals produced this feeling significantly more strongly than did funny animals .

  3. 我要打发他攻击亵渎的国民,吩咐他攻击我所恼怒的百姓,抢财为掳物,夺货为掠物,将他们践踏,像街上的泥土一样。

    I send him against a godless nation , I dispatch him against a people who anger me , to seize loot and snatch plunder , and to trample them down like mud in the streets .

  4. 本程序适用于以下材料和物项:收货、生产、装配期间的各种材料,以及发运的材料。

    This procedure is applied to material and items , from receipt of material into production to the completion and assembly of items and dispatch .