
  • 网络physical machine
  1. 这表明比物理机多获益50%。

    This represents a gain of50 % over the physical machine .

  2. 实现分时虚拟物理机的软件方法

    A Method to Implement Virtual Physical Machine by Software Technique on Time Sharing Systems

  3. 文中对卓越周期的物理机制作了简要的解释,并依B·古登堡公式推导了地倾斜的热倾斜估算公式。

    Physical mechanism of the predominant period is concisely discussed , and formula of thermic tilt component is deduced from B. Gutenberg relation .

  4. DB2会基于一个分布图将整个表数据分布到位于不同物理机上的数据库分区中。

    DB2 would distribute the entire table data among database partitions that could be located on different physical machines , based on a distribution map .

  5. 理想情况下,每个VM既不知道同一物理机上运行的其他VM的存在,也不受它们的影响。

    Ideally each VM is both unaware and unaffected by other VMs that could be operating on the same physical machine .

  6. 这被认为是公平的用户测试,因为如果在物理机上启用了HT,我们无法大规模利用16处理器。

    This was considered a fair user test since we cannot scale to utilize the16 procs if HT was enabled on physical .

  7. 数据共享通过形成两个或多个DB2子系统来实现,在z/OSParallelsysplex中,这些子系统通常在不同的物理机上运行。

    Data sharing is achieved by forming two or more DB2 subsystems that typically run on different physical machines in z / OS Parallel sysplex .

  8. 确保在参与DB2pureScale集群的所有物理机内在根级别设置了SSH(无密码)。

    Ensure that SSH ( without a password ) is set up at the root level within all the physical machines participating in a DB2 pureScale cluster .

  9. IaaS通过虚拟化技术共享物理机资源池,用户通过向运营商租赁虚拟机来承载应用系统。

    IaaS shares the physical resource pool by virtualization technology , and users lease the virtual machines from operators to host the applications .

  10. 它通过在操作系统和硬件之间增加虚拟机监视器(VMM)一层,能在一台物理机上管理并运行多台客户机操作系统。

    By adding a virtual machine monitor ( VMM ) between operating system and hardware , it can manage and run multiple guest OSes on a single machine .

  11. O-code可在物理机上解译(为VM),或从O-code编译为主机的本机语言。

    The O-code could be interpreted on a physical machine ( as a VM ) or compiled from O-code to the native machine language of the host .

  12. 首先,通过从物理机提取O-code,可以在各个主机上轻松解译它。

    First , by abstracting the O-code from the physical machine , it could easily be interpreted on a variety of hosts .

  13. 本文对这种现象和物理机制作了详细的阐释,对TTA和STT这两个作用过程对OLED磁效应可能存在的不同影响做了相应的解释。

    This article gave a detailed explanation of this phenomenon and the physical mechanism , the explanation on the TTA and STT role process there may be different effects on the OLED magnetic effect .

  14. 您不需要有物理机和连接的广泛信息。

    You do not need to have extensive information about physical machine and connection .

  15. 其实验效果与物理机完全一样。

    The experimental effect of virtual machines is as the same as the physics machines .

  16. 本文对引起恒星光谱线加宽的物理机制作了回顾。

    The historical retrospect of physical mechanisms of spectral lines broadening in stars is presented .

  17. 并且在使用更少的物理机的同时,保持虚拟机性能基本不变。

    With this approach , we use fewer physical machines while maintain essentially the same VM performance .

  18. 这意味着您可以在一台物理机运行一个软件栈的多个实例。

    This means you can run multiple instances of a software stack on a single physical machine .

  19. 这些节点有些是物理机,有些是部署在物理机上的虚拟机。

    Some nodes are physical machines , the others are virtual machines which reside on physical machines .

  20. 当若干节点部署在同一台物理机上时,称这样的节点是共生虚拟机容器域。

    While some nodes are deployed on same physical machine , these nodes are co-resident virtual machines .

  21. 集群由两台或者多台配置相同的服务器(物理机或者虚拟机均可)组成。

    Clusters consist of two or more servers ( physical or virtual ) running with the same configuration .

  22. 虚拟化技术允许具有不同操作系统的多个虚拟机在同一物理机上独立地并行地运行。

    Virtualization technology allows multiple virtual machines with different operating systems to run independent parallel operation on the same physical machine .

  23. 此外,在此情形下,异常日志在多台物理机间传播,也使得协调它们明显更复杂。

    Additionally exceptions logs , in this case , are spread between multiple physical machines , which makes their reconciliation significantly more complex .

  24. 虽然每个学生都使用独立的显示器和输入设备,但实际上却是共用同一台物理机。

    Each student gets their own monitor and input devices , but under the covers they are all running on the same physical machine .

  25. 但是在云计算数据中心内,若两个具有大量相同内存页的虚拟机运行在不同的物理机上,则内存共享并不能充分发挥其作用。

    In cloud computing data center , two virtual machines holding lots of identical pages and residing on different physical machines will cause sharing lost .

  26. 该方法可以成功地分辨出物理机环境与虚拟机环境的不同,并且事先只需了解较少的待检测目标的配置信息,对不同硬件配置的依赖性较小。

    This method can detect virtual machine successfully and require only a little knowledge of target machine 's hardware configurations , has little dependence on different hardware configurations .

  27. 这一技术允许系统管理员创建一种利用多个节点(物理机)和集群(跨越物理资源的应用程序进程)的部署拓扑。

    This technology allows system administrators to create a deployment topology that leverages multiple nodes ( physical machines ) and clusters ( application processes that span physical resources ) .

  28. 目前,数据中心作为构建云计算资源池的基本载体,通过虚拟化的方式以物理机服务单元承载虚拟机,同时以虚拟机服务单元来承载应用服务。

    Nowadays , as carrier for resource pool of cloud computing , datacenter takes its physical servers to carry virtual servers , while virtual servers are used to carry applications by virtualization technology .

  29. 云计算是一种面向服务的商业计算模式,它把系统内不同类型的物理机和虚拟机等异构资源整合为一个虚拟资源池,按需为用户提供各种类型的服务。

    Cloud computing is a commercial service-oriented computing model , which integrates different types of heterogeneous resources including physical and virtual resources into a virtual resource pool and provides users with various types of services on demand .

  30. 应用感知的虚拟机放置算法采用分组遗传算法,考虑不同虚拟机之间的耦合性,整合全局虚拟机的放置情况,减少物理机的使用,节约能耗,减少运营成本。

    Application-aware virtual machine placement algorithm uses grouping genetic algorithm and considers dependency in different applications . So , it can integrated virtual machine placement more effectively and decrease the use of physical machine for energy saving .