
wù wǒ liǎnɡ wànɡ
  • 熟语become unconscious of the boundary between oneself and the external world
  1. 天地之间,物我两忘。

    Between sky and earth , forgot myself and any else .

  2. 神与物游,物我两忘&论中国画的意像创造

    On the Creation of Imagery in Traditional Chinese Paintings

  3. 在这纯洁的艺术空间里,一切都被赋予了自然的神秘色彩,营造出物我两忘的境界。

    All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space , which constructs a pure ambit .

  4. 而中国古代文论中的情景关系始终强调的是一种情景交融、物我两忘的双向互动关系。

    However , in Chinese ancient literary theory , scenario relations is always to emphasize the bidirectional interactive relations of scenes and things in natural ways .

  5. 在意境中,人与大自然的关系是一种平等和谐与契合交融的关系,显示出主客交融、物我两忘、天人合一的和谐、圆融。

    In the artistical state , the relationship between human and nature is an equal , harmonious and mingled relationship , which shows the beauty of their relationships .

  6. “轻舟不系任流去,”身心放纵于湖光山色,象水里的鱼龙一样物我两忘,自由安详。

    " Adventure is not any flow to the Department ," indulgence in physical beauty , as long as the water the fish were the two I forget , the Liberal serene .

  7. 苏轼以情态意象为媒介,在词中表达出自己随缘自适、物我两忘、积极旷达的生命意识。

    Su Shi take the spirit image as a medium , expresses in the word along with the reason the life consciousness which from suitable , positive broad-minded , the thing I two forgets .

  8. 桂林古代山水诗诗人呈现出的回归自然,悠然自得,天人合一,物我两忘的生活态度,为现代都市人提供了一种全新的生活态度。

    Guilin Landscape Poetry of Ancient Poets showing a return to natural , relaxed posture , nature and people , the attitude towards life providing a new attitude towards life for the modern city .

  9. 把郑益坤老人还原为一个普通的艺术追寻者,他平凡,在寻常生活里关爱家人;同时,在艺术的世界里,他物我两忘,笔下只见静好岁月。

    Restore ZHENG Yi-kun to a normal man pursuit of art , he is ordinary , loves his families ; meanwhile , in the art world , he forgets everything but the finest days .

  10. 他用荒诞饶舌的台词和癫狂夸张的举止为观众献上令人捧腹的超级笑料,让观众在一种狂欢的状态之下,在周氏喜剧的旋涡中飞旋,笑出眼泪,笑到物我两忘。

    He uses absurd and garrulous words and maniacal and exaggerated behaviors to present the audience with super laughing stocks , making the audience , in an carnival state , whirl in Zhou 's unique comedies forgetting the surroundings and even themselves .