
  1. 碉楼是羌族最具有民族特色的物质民俗。

    The bunker is the most outstanding virtual custom with the national characteristics of Qiang Nationality .

  2. 因此维吾尔族物质民俗、精神民俗与宗教信仰有着密不可分的联系。

    Uygur folk material and , therefore , the spirit of folklore and religion are inextricably linked .

  3. 清代赣南民俗文化包括礼节、风尚、习俗、节庆、传统等等,分为物质民俗文化、社会民俗文化及精神民俗文化三大类。

    The folklore of Gannan in Qing dynasty includes matter folklore , social folklore and spirit folklore .

  4. 文章主要探讨了迟子建的小说和黑土民俗的姻缘关系,并从物质民俗、社会民俗、精神民俗和语言民俗四个方面分析迟子建小说的民俗形态。

    The relationship between the folk-custom in black-land and her fictions has been studied , and the folk-custom form in her fictions is analyzed from the four aspects of matter , society , spirit and language .

  5. 琉球民间习俗的形成,无论物质民俗,抑或精神民俗,都遵循着由粗朴到文雅,由简单到繁琐的发展规律,并且在这个发展过程中,不断受到外来习俗文化的影响和冲击。

    The development of folk customs in Ryukyu , as far as material and spiritual customs are concerned , were manifested the evolved route of from rough to gentility as well as from simple to complicated . In addition , it was embraced of the impact of foreign customs .

  6. 饮食民俗是物质生活民俗之一。

    The folk customs of diets are one of the customs of materialistic life .

  7. 从物质生活民俗、仪礼节日风俗、民间艺术、心理习惯四个部分加以探讨。

    It probes into four parts : material life folk tradition , customs and habits , folk art and ethical psychology .

  8. 第二章从农业和牧业两个方面探讨了清代马政对辽西走廊物质生产民俗的影响。

    Chapter Two discusses the influence of the policy about horses in Qing dynasty on the West Liaoning Corridor 's material productive folk customs through agriculture and livestock farming .

  9. 剧烈变迁的社会和文化,使得红河谷地的傣族传统文化,不断的在物质、民俗、精神等各个方面进行着调适与融合。

    Acute vicissitude of society and culture are making the Dai traditional culture in the Red River valley to adjust and integrate constantly in material , folk-custom , and the aspects of the spirit of the people .

  10. 研究发现在与其他民族杂居共处的社会条件下,回族伐木工群体民俗文化诸方面包括物质生活民俗、人生礼仪、宗教节日习俗与仪式等在不同时期的变化。

    By this study , I found in the social conditions of other multiethnic coexistence , Hui loggers groups folk culture included changes at different times in material folk life , life rituals , religious festivals , customs and ceremonies .

  11. 非物质文化遗产与民俗评估

    Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage and Folk Custom Assessment

  12. 在民族一国家文化寻根、反思和重构的全球性语境中,非物质文化遗产和民俗成为最热门的话题之一。

    In the global context where a country-nation search for its cultural roots , reviews and reconstructs , non-material cultural heritage and folk custom become one of the hottest topics .

  13. 过去对满族服饰的研究往往注重于把服饰品作为物质形态来把握,只把它孤立的放在物质民俗的领域之内。

    In the past , the study on the Manchu costumes tended to focus on the apparel goods as a form of material and the field of fork .