
  • 网络life etiquette
  1. 中国朝鲜族人生礼仪的道德教育功能研究

    The Research on Chinese Korean National Minority Life Etiquette 's Moral Education Function

  2. 中国是一个礼仪之邦,丧葬则被中国古代社会认为是最重要的人生礼仪之一。

    China is a state of ceremonies , funeral was China ancient society that is the most important one of the life etiquette .

  3. 人生礼仪是社会民俗事象的重要组成部分。

    Etiquette in life is an important part of social custom .

  4. 联村壮族人生礼仪研究

    A Study of the Life Rituals of Zhuang Nationality of Lian Village

  5. 人生礼仪文化透视

    Cultural Analysis of Etiquette in Life Culture

  6. 其中还阐明了各种人生礼仪与食肉文化的联系。

    The relation between all types of etiquette and meat consumption are explored in this section .

  7. 另一方面则是道教对于人生礼仪的影响。

    On the other hand , I analyze the impact of Taoist rites to the social life .

  8. 纵观蚕神信仰的广泛影响,探讨蚕神信仰对社会所产生的体现以农为本的思想,求得心理安慰,传播蚕业知识,产生新的人生礼仪习俗等积极作用。

    It discusses the influence of the belief on the society and popularizes the knowledge of silkworm breeding industry .

  9. 在广西东南地区,无论是人生礼仪还是岁时节日,都有富有意味的灯的存在形式,更有独特的文化体现。

    With its rich culture connotation and unique culture embodiment , it is celebrated in occasions like birthday rituals or traditional festivals .

  10. 作为壮族乡村社会人际交往的特定场域,联村人生礼仪体现了人际交往的格局与内在规则。

    As a particular area of social communication in Zhuang Nationality , life rituals of Lian village embody the communication pattern and internal principle .

  11. 江苏南北饮食风俗表现在人生礼仪方面的差异也很明显。

    The difference of the food customs of the South and the North of Jiangsu expressed in life ceremony and propriety is also evident .

  12. 随着社会的进步,人生礼仪逐渐褪去了宗教色彩,并删繁就简,出现了世俗化倾向。

    With the development of the society , the life rites are gradually taking off the religious characters and being simplified turning to be secular .

  13. 但是,学术界对朝鲜族礼仪特别是人生礼仪及其道德教育功能的研究比较薄弱。

    But , The academic circle is quite weak to the life etiquette and the moral education function research specially the Chinese Korean National Minority etiquette .

  14. 本文通过实地调查资料与文献资料,详细描述了肃北蒙古族人生礼仪及其祝词文本。

    In this paper , through field survey data and the literature data , a detailed description of the Subei Mongolian life in the message text etiquette .

  15. 土家族人生礼仪中礼物馈赠的文化解读在一切馈赠又接收礼品的人当中,像他们两个这样的人也是最聪明的。

    A Cultural Reading of Gift-Presenting in Tujia People ′ s Life Etiquettes ; Of all who give and receive gifts , such as they are wisest .

  16. 以神话传说、节庆活动、人生礼仪为切入点,探讨傣族水文化。

    This article , taking the myth fable , the festival celebration activity and the life etiquette as cutting point , analyzes the water culture of Dai nationality .

  17. 在此基础上运用民俗学、口头诗学和民族志诗学的理论对肃北蒙古族人生礼仪中的祝词进行了分析。

    On this basis , from folklore , oral Poetry and Poetics of the nation-the perspective of the rituals of life in the Mongolian Subei message was analyzed .

  18. 最早完成转型的是粮食结构、日常饮食习俗、人生礼仪食俗和饮食业,时间大约在北宋初年。

    It was about the early Northern Song Dynasty that grain structure , daily dietetic habits , life dietetic custom and dietetic market had earliest completed the renovation .

  19. 漫长的稻作农耕对壮族的生产、生活、人生礼仪、民族性格和深层心理,都产生了深刻持久的影响。

    The long time rice agriculture has produced a profound and lasting impact on the work , life , custom , personality and inner mentality of the Zhuang people .

  20. 第二类主要表现人们在不同岁时节令和人生礼仪中的活动情景,形象地反映出中阳地区农民生产生活的习俗。

    The second category mainly people in different age and life time through ritual activities in the scene vividly reflected in the production and life of farmers in Shenyang customs .

  21. 我国朝鲜族的人生礼仪发挥了重要的礼仪教育或道德教育的功能,对重塑我国全社会良好的礼仪道德体系有重要借鉴价值。

    Chinese Korean life ritual of etiquette has played an important function in moral education . It has importantly value to remoulds our country entire society good etiquette moral system .

  22. 当人生礼仪主体的社会角色发生变化时,周围与之有血亲或姻亲关系的社会成员的社会角色也随之发生了变化。

    When the social role of the life rituals subject changes , the role of the surrounding social members related to the subject blood ties or by marriage also changes immediately .

  23. 侗族民歌与故事、节庆社交礼俗、人生礼仪等是传统教育的主要内容,是文化濡化的重要内容。

    The main contents of traditional education include Dong folk songs and stories , festivals , social customs , rituals ; it is also an important part of the culture acculturation .

  24. 随着人类社会的出现而产生的,是人生礼仪最后一项重要内容,向来为各民族所重视。

    It has existed since the emergence of human society , being the last sacred ceremony with the most profound meaning and it has always been highly respected by all ethnic groups .

  25. 论文第一章概述察布查尔县锡伯族人生礼仪,包括锡伯族的历史沿革、语言文字等,以及锡伯族人生礼仪的基本情况。

    The first chapter outlines the life etiquette of Xibe nationality in Qapqal , including the reform in history , language , and the basic situations about life etiquette of the Xibe nationality .

  26. 无论是日常生活、岁时节日、人生礼仪、宗教祭祀中,稻米及其制品都发挥着重要的作用,体现出多元化的功能。

    Both daily life , at the age of festivals , life rituals , religious worship , the rice and its products have played an important role , reflecting the wide range of functions .

  27. 充当人生礼仪重要组成部分的诞生礼和寿礼,都是人们生命仪式中的通过礼仪,表示从人生的一个阶段向下一个阶段过渡的过程。

    As an important part of life etiquettes , birth etiquette and longevity etiquette are ' rites of passage ' in the life ceremony and signify a process from a time of life down a stage of transition .

  28. 研究发现在与其他民族杂居共处的社会条件下,回族伐木工群体民俗文化诸方面包括物质生活民俗、人生礼仪、宗教节日习俗与仪式等在不同时期的变化。

    By this study , I found in the social conditions of other multiethnic coexistence , Hui loggers groups folk culture included changes at different times in material folk life , life rituals , religious festivals , customs and ceremonies .

  29. 在大量田野调查的基础上,通过对文化主体日常生活、节日祭祀、人生礼仪中服饰的立体研究,指出具有护佑神性、实现人神沟通的传统服饰核心要素实质是哈尼先民历史的重要承载物。

    Based on abundant fieldwork , through the full-scale study on daily lives , festivals , sacrificing and life rituals , it indicates that the traditional costumes core elements with endowed divinity and communication between human and God are Hani ancestry historical bearers .

  30. 它的存在和发展与丰富的民俗活动紧密联系着,本文主要分析了民间动物造型艺术与生产民俗、人生礼仪民俗、信仰民俗和装饰游艺民俗的关系。

    Its existence and development is closely related with rich folk custom activity , this article has mainly analyzed the folk animal plastic arts and the production folk custom , the life etiquette custom , the belief custom and the decoration recreation custom relations .