
  1. 人事行政管理,包括内部调动程序、职和离职等。

    Work on the personnel administration : internal transfer process , recruitment and termination process .

  2. 随着社会实践的不断发展,传统人事行政管理体制下政府权力运作过于集中的弊端日益暴露出来。

    Along with the development of social practice , the traditional system of personnel administration are revealing increasingly the abuse of over-centralized government power .

  3. 其中,人事行政管理是整个政府管理体系的核心,而只有科学、高效、灵活、完善的人事管理才能为公共行政活动提供有力的人才保障。

    Personnel administration is the right core of the whole government management system , and only with the scientific human resource management can the government provide high-qualified human resources for the administration activities .

  4. 人力资源管理的发展使人力资源管理的职能发生了重大变化,突出表现在:正在由传统的人事行政管理职能转变为战略性的人力资源管理职能。

    The development of HRM induces the great change in its function , which is mainly embodied by the transformation from the function of tradition personnel administration to that of strategical human resource management ( SHRM ) .

  5. 其以民为本的行政原则、独具特色的行政组织思想,以及可操作性极强的行政法制、行政领导和人事行政管理方略,定会为当代的行政管理者们提供诸多有益的启示。

    Among his theories are the principles of taking people as the basis the unique ideas on administrative organization as well as the operational strategies on administrative legislation leadership and personnel management which are certainly the instructive inspiration for the administrative personnel in the modern society .

  6. 因此,他在转变政府职能、人事行政、财政管理、法制行政和行政沟通监督等方面进行了大刀阔斧的改革,取得了瞩目的成就。

    Therefore , he made great efforts on transformation of the governmental functions , personnel administration , financial management , administrative legislation and administrative supervision , and finally , he acquired great achievements .

  7. 人事行政是国家行政管理的重要组成部分。

    Personnel administration is one of the important parts of the state administration .

  8. 公务员制度是体现代人事行政规律性的管理体制,是促进现代政府和现代行政体制发展的组织设计,它的完善与创新,关系到政府行政质量与效率的提升。

    Civil servant represents management system of modern personnel administration regularity , which improves organization and designee modern government and administration mechanism . Its perfection and innovation has relation with enhance of governmental administration quality and efficiency .

  9. 政府雇员作为一种新兴的人事管理制度和行政管理体制,是政府管理理念、管理手段、管理制度上的创新,对推动我国政府改革和政府管理创新具有重要的现实意义。

    Being a kind of newly arisen regime of personal management and administration , the government employee system is the innovation on government management notion , executive means and management system , have the realistic significance for the push of government management reforms and government management innovation in our country .