
  • 网络face recognition technology
  1. 基于RFID与人脸识别技术的智能门禁系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Entrance Guard System Based on RFID and Face Recognition

  2. 基于PCA针对表情变化的人脸识别技术研究

    Face Recognition in Facial Images with Expression Change Using PCA

  3. 基于改进的PCA算法和Fisher线性判别的人脸识别技术

    Face Recognition Based on Improved PCA & Fisher LDA

  4. 谷歌(google)内部正就是否要推出人脸识别技术展开辩论,此前该公司的隐私政策受到各方猛烈抨击。

    Google is internally wrestling about whether to launch controversial facial recognition technology after a barrage of criticism over its privacy policies .

  5. 研究了基于Fisher最佳鉴别向量的人脸识别技术。

    The techniques of face recognition base on Fisher linear discriminant are analyzed and studied .

  6. 在将的人脸识别技术引入程序,自动识别图片中的用户后,社交网站Facebook再次陷入隐私之争的风暴中央。

    Facebook is at the centre of another privacy row after bringing in facial recognition technology to automatically identify users in pictures .

  7. 基于虚拟图像生成与融合HMM的单样本人脸识别技术研究

    Research on the Technology of Face Recognition with Single Sample Based on Generated Virtual Image and Fusion HMM

  8. 尽管谷歌和Facebook在人脸识别技术上最近才取得这类进步,但与之类似的电脑系统早就无处不在。

    Though Google and Facebook 's advances in facial recognition are relatively new , computer systems like this can be found all around us today .

  9. 基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的人脸识别技术,结合了嵌入式系统设计思想,具有体积小、成本低、可靠性高等优点。

    The face recognition technology which based on digital signal processor ( DSP ) can have small size , low cost and high reliability by combining with embedded system design concepts .

  10. 比如说,在上海,人脸识别技术就能够让人们仅仅只是站在ATM机前就可以取钱了。

    For example , in Shanghai , facial recognition technology has enabled people to withdraw money from an ATM just by showing up in front of the machines .

  11. 自动人脸识别技术(AFR)是一项极具挑战性的前沿研究课题。

    Automatic Face Recognition ( AFR ) is challenging in image processing and analyzing .

  12. 本文的主要工作内容和创新点如下:1.以IBM规划、网易邮箱以及奥运安防三个实例引出人脸识别技术的重要性,不仅在科学研究上,而且在实际应用中。

    This thesis obtains the following contents and innovations : 1 . The face recognition is not only important to research , but also practical to apply . We expound these by given three examples , such as IBM planning , netease mailbox , and the Olympic security .

  13. 针对人脸识别技术中特征矩阵的高维问题,研究了双向二维PCA与二次二维PCA的特征融合方法,该方法使特征矩阵的维数得到了显著的降低。

    As the problem that features matrix exist high-dimensional in face recognition technology , the feature integrated-method of the PCA was raised to relate the characteristics of a two-way and two-dimensional PCA with two-dimensional PCA , thus this method will significantly reduce the dimension of features matrix .

  14. 五角大楼(Pentagon)测试了一批迷你无人机——它们带来了一种可能性,即未来指挥官可派出一群群的skybot(空中机器人)进入敌人领土,收集情报、阻断雷达、或在人脸识别技术的辅助下完成刺杀任务。

    The Pentagon has tested a swarm of miniature drones - raising the possibility that commanders could in future send clouds of skybots into enemy territory equipped to gather intelligence , block radar or - aided by face recognition technology - carry out assassinations .

  15. 基于层次模型和融合决策的多姿态人脸识别技术

    Multi-pose face recognition based on a hierarchical model and fusion decision

  16. 介绍了人脸识别技术的研究背景和发展现状。

    The latest development of face recognition methods is briefly introduced .

  17. 基于粗糙集属性约减和神经网络集成的人脸识别技术

    Face Recognition Based on Rough Set Reduction and Neural Network Ensemble

  18. 本文主要研究内容如下:1.人脸识别技术与电子商务安全认证的理论分析。

    Face Recognition Technology and Theoretical Analysis of e-commerce security certification .

  19. 基于小波变换与主成分分析的人脸识别技术研究

    Technology Research Based on Wavelet Transformation and PCA for Face Recognition

  20. 单训练样本条件下人脸识别技术研究

    Research on Face Recognition with Single Training Image Per Person

  21. 我们的下一个目标,是展示人脸识别技术。

    Next on our agenda , we want to demonstrate face recognition .

  22. 自动人脸识别技术研究及其在人员身份认证系统中的实现

    Research on Automatic Face Recognition and It 's Implementation in Identity Authentication System

  23. 人脸识别技术,是生物识别技术中一个非常重要的领域。

    Human face recognition is a very important field in biological recognition technology .

  24. 网络时代的人脸识别技术及其在舰船上的应用

    Face Recognition on Internet and Its Application in Warship

  25. 在中国,人脸识别技术已得到广泛应用。

    Facial recognition technology is widely used in China .

  26. 最后,到底什么是人脸识别技术呢?

    In the end , what is face recognition technology of the notary ?

  27. 人脸识别技术主要有三个步骤:人脸检测、特征提取和人脸识别。

    Face recognition has three steps : face detection , feature extraction and recognition .

  28. 人脸识别技术在远程身份验证中的应用

    Application of Face Recognition in Remote Access Control

  29. 人脸识别技术主要包括人脸检测和定位、特征提取以及训练识别。

    Face recognition technique contains face detection 、 characteristic extraction 、 training and recognition .

  30. 脸部特征抽取是人脸识别技术的关键。

    The extraction of facial feature is the key to the human face recognition .