
rén lì tóu zī
  • Human investment;investment in talent
  1. 印度的人力投资与人力资本形成

    Manpower investment and manpower capital formation in India

  2. 通过逐步确立不承担责任就没有权利的原则,强调人力投资,变被动式福利为积极式福利,变传统福利国家为社会投资型国家。

    It advocated transformation from passive welfare regime into active one and from a conventional welfare state into social investment one , by means of establishing gradually the principle of " No responsibilities , no rights " and emphasizing investment in labor resources .

  3. 人力资本投资结构及其对经济增长的影响&基于扩展MRW模型的内生增长理论与实证研究

    Investment Structure in Human Capital and its Effect on Economic Growth Model

  4. 一般而言,以美国经济学家西奥多·W·舒尔茨(TheodoreW.Schultz)于1960年在美国经济学年会上发表的关于人力资本投资的演说作为人力资本理论诞生的标志。

    Generally speaking , the speech on the human capital investment by American economist Theodore W. Schultz at the American Economic Annual Meeting of 1960 is the symbol which was born as the human capital theory .

  5. 经济增长:内生增长理论与中国人力资本投资

    Economic growth : endogenetic growth theory and Chinese manpower capital investment

  6. 人力资本投资收益与风险分析

    The Analysis of Income and Risk from the Human Capital Investment

  7. 第六章是市场缺陷与人力资本投资。

    Chapter Six is the market failure and human capital investment .

  8. 基于实物期权的人力资本投资模型研究

    Study on the human capital investment model based on real options

  9. 因此,农村人力资本投资尤为重要。

    The investment in rural human capital is of particular significance .

  10. 人力资本投资的收益分享问题研究

    A Study on the Gain Sharing of Investment into Human Capital

  11. 加强人力资本投资,培育新型农民

    Strengthening the Human Capital Investment and Cultivating the New Peasants

  12. 人力资本投资、收入差距与养老金制度改革

    Human Capital Investment , Income Gap and Pension Institution Reform

  13. 促进人力资本投资的财政政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policy for Promoting Investment in Human Capital

  14. 人力资源投资是高回报,高风险的投资行为,风险存在于投资过程的始终,并且是复杂多变的,应从源头控制、动态过程控制;

    Human resource investment is a high-return and high-risk investment .

  15. 人力资本投资与积累是西部大开发的关键

    Investment and Accumulation of Manpower Capital , the Bottle-neck of West Development

  16. 教育是人力资本投资的最主要形式。

    Education is the main investment form of manpower capital .

  17. 薪酬已经是企业进行人力资本投资的重要手段之一。

    Compensation is an important means of human capital investment in enterprises .

  18. 欠发达地区经济增长的动力机制:人力资本投资&以甘肃为例

    Human Resources Investment : the Mechanism of Economic Development in Underdeveloped Areas

  19. 大学生人力资本投资风险及其规避

    The Risk of College Students ' Manpower Capital Investment and Its Avoidance

  20. 女大学生人力资本投资分析

    Human Capital Investment of Female University Students : An Analysis

  21. 生育率下降与经济发展内生性要素的形成&兼论中国人力资本投资供给的制度性短缺

    Fertility Decline and the Shaping of the Endogenous Force of Economic Development

  22. 企业报酬机制与人力资本投资

    The Compensation Mechanism of Enterprise and Investment in Human Capital

  23. 人力资本投资对经济增长具有特殊重要作用。

    Human capital investment is the key to the growth of economy .

  24. 人力资本投资对农业经济增长和可持续发展的影响

    Impact of Human Capital Investment on the Sustainable Development of Agricultural Economy

  25. 研究生教育人力资本投资的制度导向

    System Direction for Graduate Education as a Human Resource Investment

  26. 成本收益、风险规避与人力资本投资

    Cost earnings , risk avoidance and human capital investment

  27. 养老金计划、人力资本投资与经济增长的关系研究

    Pension Plan , Human Capital Investment and Economic Growth

  28. 建立健全农村人力资本投资市场。

    Set up investment market of rural labor capital .

  29. 企业的人力资本投资和员工流动

    Human Capital Investment and Employee Mobility in the Firms

  30. 人力资本投资主体多元化问题初探

    Multiplication of Investment Main Body of Human Labour Capital