
  • 网络Venture Capital
  1. 除甄选适宜投资的科技开发项目外,创业资金公司也为获得投资的公司提供管理意

    Besides selecting technological ventures for investment , the venture capital firms provide management advice to the investee companies .

  2. 企业融资与资本成本创业资金从哪里来?

    Building Up Funds and the Cost of Capital Where are the Start - up Venture Capital From ?

  3. 你必须要有充足的创业资金。

    You must have adequate capital to start your business .

  4. 但缺乏创业资金是青年尤其是农村青年创业面临的首要问题。

    However , the primary problem confronting the youths is lacking innovating funds .

  5. 你可以向朋友或家人筹借创业资金。

    You can turn to friends and family for initial money for your business .

  6. 重视创造力的教育系统(当它不教应试课程的时候)。可以获得创业资金。

    An education system that ( when it is not teaching test-taking ) values creativity .

  7. 或者说你需要创业资金,那么能搭上马克.库班简直就是帅呆了。

    Or say you need seed capital ; hooking up with Mark Cuban would be awesome .

  8. 在西方,仅有24%的受访企业家利用家族财富作为创业资金,而寻求朋友或熟人资助的比例尚不足十分之一(9%)。

    While in Western societies , only 24 percent of the entrepreneurs got the funds from their families , 9 percent from acquaintances .

  9. 一旦投入第一笔创业资金之后,就需要雇一个人来经营这家新成立的商店、工厂或别的企业。

    Once the first entrepreneurial investment of capital has been made , someone must be hired to manage the new business , factory or other endeavor .

  10. 他正在探索的一个渠道是商业计划竞赛,这使崭露头角的企业家不仅有机会赢得创业资金,而且还引来公众的注意。

    One avenue he is exploring is business-plan competitions , which give budding entrepreneurs a chance to win not only startup funds , but also publicity .

  11. 你有好的想法,并且对创建自己的小公司有很大的热情,但是,你需要创业资金,也许是贷款。

    You have a good idea and a lot of enthusiasm for a new business but you need money , probably in the form of a business loan .

  12. 不仅有充足的创业资金,你当前工作中存在的人际关系网也全部都是潜在顾客。

    Besides giving you a financial cushion for starting your new business , your current job puts you inside a network that is full of potential clients and / or customers .

  13. 他还将会见从一个世行管理的赠款项目中受益的妇女代表,该项目为妇女提供小额创业资金。

    He 'll also meet women who 've benefited from a Bank managed project to empower women in the western province-by giving grants for the women to set up small scale enterprises .

  14. 认为创业资金不足、人才匾乏、忽视社会资本的培育和分工合作欠缺是光谷建设中存在的主要问题。

    The author considers the problems arising from the construction of COV that are falling short of fund , lacking human resource , ignoring society capital as well as being short of dividing the work and cooperation .

  15. 从熟人(而不是一位职业投资者)那里获得创业资金可以带来巨大的好处。它不仅可以让亲朋好友分享利润,还能为创业者积累起具有战略性意义的信誉度。

    There are massive advantages , like sharing profits with friends and family , as well as the strategic credibility than can be gained from funding from someone you know , rather than from a professional investor .

  16. 然而,作为一位专业投资人,我经常碰到一些陌生人,上述几点他们连一项都没有做到,就来向我申请高达100万美元的创业资金。这种事总是让我惊讶不已。

    Yet , I 'm continually amazed at how often I am approached as a professional investor by strangers asking for a million dollars to fund an idea , without hitting even one of the above points .

  17. 为了筹到第一笔创业资金,他不得不放下知识分子的架子,硬着头皮四处借钱,却一无所获。

    In order to gather the primary capital for his business , he had to forget his identity as a highbrow , and be busy running around for money , but no one would like to lend money to him .

  18. 出身于小商人家庭的李书福,用100元人民币的毕业奖励,购买了一台旧相机和一辆自行车,开始在一些景点给游客拍照,让自己的创业资金在6个月内翻了十倍。

    The son of a small business owner , he used a RMB 100 school graduation present to buy an old camera and a bicycle and started photographing tourists at beauty spots , multiplying his seed capital tenfold in six months .

  19. 绝大多数毕业生的创业资金来自父母和亲戚(本科毕业生中这个比例为80%,高职高专毕业生为82%),而在西方,大多数年轻创业者会从天使投资人以及政府或大学基金等公共渠道获取资金。

    The vast majority of graduates received their funding from their parents and relatives-80 % of four-year graduates and 82 % of vocational-college graduates-while most Western young entrepreneurs are funded by so-called angel investors and public sources , such as government or university-based funds .

  20. 在本文的最后,围绕WTO的有关规则提出了政策建议和风险投资、创业投资资金等政府导向的创新型战略性贸易政策工具。

    In the last , this thesis puts forward the relevant policy suggestions according to WTO rules , and raises up the innovative strategic trade policy tools such as venture investment and venture investment funds guided by the government .

  21. 激活农村的资金要素市场,化解农民创业的资金瓶颈。

    Activate the rural financial factor markets and resolve the farmers ' entrepreneurial capital bottleneck .

  22. 就业给岗位创业助资金我国康复治疗技术岗位需求预测研究

    Helping Women Find Employment and Obtain Funds A manpower need prediction to rehabilitation therapists in China

  23. 女:你之前提到过,你不只是为创业提供资金。

    Woman : You mentioned before that you don 't only provide the money for starting new businesses .

  24. 亚洲商业天使投资网络的创办有助于建立一个良好工作环境,为创新和创业提供资金。

    Asian Business Angel Network was founded to help building up a proper environment for financing innovation and entrepreneurship .

  25. 对产学研萌芽期企业引导资助,创业期资金、政策灌注,成熟期推介宣传。

    Infancy of University-Industry funded enterprises and guide , Start-up funding , policy and reperfusion , to promote propaganda maturity .

  26. 公司负责管理上海市政府6亿创业投资资金、专业从事创业投资。

    Shanghai government company responsible for the management of600 million venture investment funds , to engage in professional venture investment .

  27. 为了尽可能地吸引创业风险资金,要鼓励境内外各种投资主体在紫竹科学园区开展风险投资业务,为不同类型、不同渠道的资金敞开大门。

    In order to attract more risk funds , all kinds of risk investments from home and abroad should be encouraged .

  28. 大学生预测创业启动资金,要积极、慎重、胆大、心细,既要考虑到有利条件,也要预测到不利因素中的退守和防御。创业资金的筹集。

    College students should be active , discreet , courageous and considerate when predicting initial funds , both considering advantageous condition and predicting disadvantageous withdrawal and defense .

  29. 筹集创业启动资金是困扰大学生创业的一大难题,也是当今国家各有关部门积极探讨的焦点问题。

    Raising initial funds is a difficult problem for college students'innovative undertaking , and it is also a hot topic concerned by all related institutions in our country .

  30. 所以我决定创业,资金来源于我在人们农场工作的所得,然后我就是这样开始了,”纳曾加回忆道。

    So I decided to start a business with money I had saved working in people 's farms , and that 's how I started , " recalled Njenga .