
chuānɡ shānɡ xìnɡ kuì yánɡ
  • traumatic ulcer
  1. FGF生物蛋白海绵促进创伤性溃疡修复的作用

    Effect of FGF organism protein sponge on promoting the repair of traumatic ulcer

  2. 目的观察FGF生物蛋白海绵促进创伤性溃疡的修复作用及不良反应。

    Objective To observe the repairing effects and adverse action of FGF ( fibroblast growth factor ) organism protein sponge on traumatic ulcer .

  3. 结果170例中,以压迫性溃疡多见(78例),其次为创伤性溃疡(49例)、放射性溃疡(13例)。

    Results In 170 cases , there were 78 cases of pressure ulcer , 49 cases of traumatic ulcer and 13 cases of radiation ulcer , respectively .

  4. 临床上多指经1个月以上治疗未能愈合、也无愈合倾向的创面。主要包括创伤性溃疡、下肢静脉性溃疡、压迫性溃疡以及糖尿病溃疡等。

    In clinical , it refers to the wounds that has no healing or healing tendency by the treatment more than a month , including traumatic ulcers , lower extremity venous ulcers , pressure ulcers and diabetic ulcers .

  5. 方法采用股前外侧皮瓣游离移植修复头面颈部烧伤及创伤性缺损、慢性溃疡、半面萎缩、肿瘤切除术后洞穿性缺损、增生性瘢痕及挛缩畸形等。

    Methods Fifty-eight free anterolateral thigh flaps were used to repair chronic ulcer , electrical burns , semi facial hypotrophy , full-thickness defect in the cranio-facio-cervical region .