
  • 网络the creative self
  1. 然后在验证了领导成员交换对员工创造力的影响作用的基础上,分别分析创造性自我效能和创造性角色认同对领导成员交换和员工创造力关系的中介作用。

    Then , explore the mediate effects of creative self efficacy and creative role identity on the relationship between LMX and creativity .

  2. 这名祖先持有着创造性自我表达的关键业力,这是可以在前方分享而带给你欢乐或对别人或社区有所贡献的。

    This ancestor holds key karma for creative self expression that could be shared ahead to bring one joy or contribute unto others or a community .

  3. 创造性自我效能在学校环境和科学创造力之间起中介作用。

    Creative self-efficacy is the mediator between school environment and scientific creativity .

  4. 科学和艺术中的创造性自我批评

    Creative self - criticism in science and in art

  5. 科学创造力总分及其各维度在不同创造性自我效能水平上存在显著的差异。

    Scientific creativity score and its dimensions has significant difference in different creative self-efficacy level . 6 .

  6. 如果你的祖先擅长于手工艺或美术,你会突然之间被吸引到相关种类的创造性自我表达之中。

    If one 's ancestry was gifted at crafts or art , one may suddenly find oneself drawn to creative self-expression of related kind .

  7. 学生创造性思维自我培养的引导

    Guidance to the Students ' Self-cultivation of Creative Way of Thinking

  8. 日本的教育制度往往强调考试和机械式学习,而不是创造性和自我表述。

    Japanse education trends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity and self-expressing .

  9. 尼采个人主义的思想渊源是浪漫主义的个性概念,这个概念是关于个人的独特性,创造性,自我实现的概念。

    The source of Nietzsche 's individualism is individuality conception of romanticism . The conception is about individual creation , independency , and self-fulfillment .

  10. 研究表明,专业成长建立在数学文化的基础上,教师在自主性、创造性、自我效能感、专业发展潜能等方面均有更积极的表现。

    It reveals that professional development is based on the mathematics culture . The teacher can get more positive performance in the self-determination , creativity , self-efficiency and the potential ability in professional development .

  11. 他认为,每个人都有一个非常重要的创造性的自我,但个别的心态或自我是一个普遍的精神的一部分,我们通过我们的头脑在这个精神参与。

    He argued that each individual has a very important creative ego , but the individual mind or ego is part of a universal spirit , and we participate in this spirit through our minds .

  12. 可是到人类能够找出能挽救创造性的自我免于老化的更可靠配方前,在未来的几十或者数百年中市场上肯定将会出现许多冒牌货。

    But there 's going to be a lot of snake oil on the market in the decades , if not centuries , before we can come up with any more solid prescriptions to save our highest creative selves from brain rot.

  13. 大学生的创造性处于由自我性向社会性过渡的关键期;

    While the development process of creativity lies in the transition from the self-concerned to the society-concerned .

  14. 而对作家的其他必备的要求有:清晰的表达能力,能够得到好评,有创造性,能够自我激励,有好奇心。

    Other necessary traits are the ability to express ideas clearly in writing , good judgment , creativity , self motivation and curiosity .

  15. 亦即,在其自主性的发展中和与其他文明的互动中,一个有生命力的文明会努力葆守其本原性的历史文化规定性,同时又不断创造性地重构自我。

    In its own growth and interactions with other civilizations , a civilization of great vitality will keep its historical and cultural essence while reconstructing its self .

  16. 硕士研究生创造性动机、创造性自我效能与创造性表现的关系

    The Relationship among Postgraduates ' Creative Motivation , Creative Self-Efficacy and Creative Performances

  17. 揭露了资本主义生产方式的异化必然产生异化的自由,这实质上就是人的异化,它的必然结果是使人丧失了主体性和创造性,失去了自我。

    Exposed the alienation of the capitalist mode of production will certainly have the freedom of alienation , which in essence is the alienation of the people , it is the inevitable result of the loss of one of the main and creativity , loss of self .

  18. 创造性人格由创造性个性倾向、创造性自我意识、创造性心理特征所构成。

    The creative personality is composed of creative individuality , creative self awareness and creative mental features .