
  • 网络venture capital;venture capitalists;Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
  1. 我是去年底开始去上海筹备成立创投公司的。

    I was the end of last year to prepare for the establishment of the Shanghai venture capital companies .

  2. 无独有偶,就在新能创投减持后一天,常铝股份和云海金属也遭到了创投公司的减持。

    Coincidentally , on the new venture will reduce after day , often sea of clouds and aluminum metal shares were the company 's venture capital holdings .

  3. 在董事会中增设一名机器人。正如香港创投公司DeepKnowledgeVentures的做法。

    Add a robot to your board of directors , like Deep Knowledge Ventures , a firm in Hong Kong .

  4. 后果之一是,在吉隆坡上市的棕榈油种植商环球创投公司(feldaglobalventures),在国内就争取到不止一只养老基金作为基石投资者。

    One consequence is that FELDA global ventures , the palm oil plantation listing in Kuala Lumpur , secured domestic pension funds as cornerstone investors .

  5. Aduro公司扩大与强生创投公司和詹森公司在肺癌免疫疗法上的合作,

    Aduro Expands Collaboration with Johnson & Johnson Innovation and Janssen for Lung Cancer Immunotherapies

  6. 文章讨论了新兴公司融资过程所面临的挑战,分析了创投公司所面临的环境。

    This paper first discusses the financing challenge of the start-up companies , then it analyzes the circumstances of venture capitalists .

  7. 并重点分析了创投公司在投资过程中所扮演的三个重要角色:投资过滤、过程监督以及增值服务。

    Finally , It focuses on key roles of venture companies in investment : investment screening , monitoring , and value-added services .

  8. 就在数月之前,在仔细分析了信息技术领域的发展季候之后,他从知名创投公司红点投资跳槽,带着7500万美元回归这个领域,和比尔坎贝尔等高级个人投资者的选择一样。

    But just a few months ago , after mulling the tech scene , he was back with $ 7.5 million from Redpoint Ventures , as well as prominent individual investors such as Bill Campbell .

  9. 目前大部分有关创业投资的研究多针对创业者的道德危险提出解决方式,却忽略了创投公司可能的投机行为。

    A large literature on ex ante moral hazard in income insurance emphasizes that the individual can affect the probability of an income loss by choice of lifestyle and hence , the degree of risk-taking .

  10. 这个练习在工作日晚上、创投公司的办公室举行。每次1.5小时。那些无时不羡慕飞虫飞鸟的囚徒,每日都练习一种神奇的巧技。

    Sessions take place weekday evenings at VC firms ' offices . Each session : 1 ? hours . An entire system of mysterious statics is daily practised by prisoners , men who are forever envious of the flies and birds .

  11. 李开复表示,公司建立的创新工场发展基金会是希望为各项目提供大量资金,使其变得更加成熟和独立。在这个阶段后,其他创投公司将会逐步加入并起到领军作用。

    The venture also established the Innovation Works Development Fund ( IWDF ) to provide larger funding to projects that have grown more mature and independent . After this stage , other venture capitals ( VCs ) will participate in and take the lead , Lee said .

  12. 武汉HG创投投资有限责任公司(以下简称HG创投)作为九十年代末中国风险投资风起云涌时诞生的中国典型中小型创业投资公司,带着自身的特点和局限性走过了它两年多的经营历程。

    As a typical small-medium size venture capital born in the 1990s ' venture investment tide of China , HG Venture Capital is two year old with its own characteristics and weaknesses .

  13. 去年年中,启明创投投资清洁技术公司的比例从不到10%提高至15%。

    Qiming in the middle of last year increased its allocation to clean tech investments to 15 % , from under 10 % .