
  • 网络cPAN
  1. 本文将论述中国在第二轨道外交中的一个特别案例,即东亚思想库网络(NEAT)的组织及其功能。

    The thesis will describe the organization and the function of one particular case of China Track 2 diplomacy , The Network of East Asia Think Tank ( NEAT ) .

  2. 通过在节点以及节点之间增加描述信息,较好地解决了知识库网络结构的自动调整问题。

    The problem is solved , which automatically adjusts network structure of knowledge base by means of adding descriptor in nodes and their relations .

  3. 论述了国家直属储备糖库网络管理系统的设计与实现,远程客户数据的传输和汇总统计方法,企业网站建设和互联模型。

    The article deals with designing developing of MIS for State-run sugar store , the remote data transferring totaling , and also the building of enterprise network station .

  4. 作为第二轨道外交活动平台的东亚思想库网络在东亚一体化的进程中发挥着积极的作用。

    As a platform for track-two diplomacy , The Network of East Asian Think-tanks ( NEAT ) has been playing an important role in the process of East Asian integration .

  5. 国际思想库网络是一种新型的国际合作形态,它糅合了思想库、国际机制、二轨外交和网络等诸多元素。

    The International Networks of Think Tanks ( INTT ), as a new form of international cooperation , are integrated by theoretical elements including think tanks , international regimes , track 2 diplomacy , and networks .

  6. 为分析国际思想库网络的行为与作用,作者建立了一个将政策过程理论和国际机制理论相结合的二轨国际机制模型。

    In order to explain the behaviors and functions of the INTT , the author constructs a model , named the Track 2 international regimes , which combines the theory of international regimes with policy process theory .

  7. 作为第二轨道组织,东亚思想库网络的议事和决策程序在一定程度上反映了共同体建构的东亚模式:互相尊重、舒适程度、协商一致。

    NEAT serves as a Tract Two Process , and its meeting and decision-making procedures have , to some extent , reflected East Asian ways of community building , including an emphasis on respect , comfort level and consensus .

  8. 通过linux系统内核驱动编程,拦截TCP/IP协议栈的数据包,根据操作系统的指纹库和网络伪装的策略改写报头信息,并跟踪会话信息,实现数据透明传输。

    Through Linux system , kernel drive 's programming hold up TCP / IP stack data packet , and rewrite header information according to operating system fingerprint storehouse and network camouflage strategy , and track record information , come true data transparent transmission .

  9. 管理信息库是网络管理系统的重要组成部分。

    Management information base ( MIB ) is an important part of network management system .

  10. 根据到您存储库的网络链接,这将花费很长的时间。

    This can take a very long time , depending upon your network link to your repository .

  11. 具体而言,本研究构建了本地教学资源库和网络教学资源库、专家策略库,优秀教学案例库四个知识库。

    Specifically , a local teaching resource library and online teaching resource library , expert policy database , have been constructed .

  12. 在开发中,习题库的网络通讯设计采用的是服务器/客户机模式和套接字技术。

    When working out this database , server / client model and socket theory based on Java is adopted to achieve online communication .

  13. 开发包括网络自学系统、教师辅导答疑系统、相关教学资源库、网络化模拟考试系统等普通话辅助教学系统,可以让学生自主学习。

    The development of auxiliary teaching system for common spoken Chinese includes Internet teaching-yourself system , teachers guidance on answer-to-question system , bank of .

  14. 从总体上研究了电子政务系统的框架,包括系统的分层体系结构、三网一库的网络平台。

    Researching on the framework of e-government system on the whole , including the hierarchical architecture and " three networks and one database " platform .

  15. 本文详细介绍了数据报文如何从内核态转化为用户态,以及如何应用特定的知识库对网络流量进行识别。

    This paper alos describes how packets turn from kernel mode into user mode , and how to identify the network traffic by specific knowledge library .

  16. 网络管理系统由管理进程、管理代理、管理信息库、网络管理协议等组成。

    The network management system is composed by the management advancement , the management agent , the management database , the network management agreement and so on .

  17. 通过对网络资源特点的分析,提出了基于中南大学重点学科导航库的网络资源元数据标准。

    Through the analysis on the features of the network resources , this paper puts forward the standards for the metadata of network resources based on the navigational bank of major subjects of Zhongnan University .

  18. 香港——沈昌祥曾经主管过中国战略导弹武器库的网络安全,并牵头为海军开展了计算机安全研究。他一直警告说,中国对美国技术的依赖很危险。

    HONG KONG - Shen Changxiang , who once supervised the cybersecurity of China 's strategic missile arsenal and spearheaded computer-security research for the navy , has warned of the perils of his country 's reliance on American technology .

  19. 课外教学体系包含网络教学、专业技能训练、研究创新综合实践,其中网络教学主要有教学网站、网络教学资源库、网络管理平台等三个部分组成。

    Extracurricular teaching system includes a network of teaching , professional skills training , research and innovation integrated practice , where the network is composed of three main teaching part of the teaching sites , online teaching resource library , network management platforms .

  20. 介绍了虚拟仪器流的核心技术,如仪器流载体、网络虚拟仪器库、网络数据库、网络仪器加密技术、网络仪器技术支持、电子商务等。

    The key techniques for virtual instrument stream were introduced , such as instrument stream carrier , networked virtual instrument library , networked database , networked instrument encryption , networked instrument support , and etc. The design , model development , deployment and etc.

  21. 把知识点作为学习对象和网络课程(知识单元)的核心数据,然后分别建立了学习对象库和网络课程库。

    In the above model , the knowledge points are the core meta data in the definition of learning objects and network courses . Furthermore , a learning object base ( LOB ) and a network course base ( CB ) are set up .

  22. 基于资源库的网络教学平台能够为教师实现利用资源备课和设计开发网络课程,为学生提供丰富的学习资源,降低教育成本,提高优质教育资源的利用,提高教学效率,实现远程学习。

    By using the learning platform , teachers can design and build the web courses using the education resource , and provide the plenty resource for students , and enhance the usage of quality resource , reduce the cost of education , improve the teaching efficiency .

  23. 管理信息库是SNMP网络管理的重要组成部分,也是管理的基础。

    Management Information is an important part of the SNMP management frameworks , and also is the base of management .

  24. 使用合适的认证手段,将VSS储存库映射到网络驱动器上。

    Map the VSS repository to a network drive , using proper authentication .

  25. 本文采用浏览器/服务器的结构体系,以套接字、JSP、VRML等为技术支撑,提出了CATIA软件环境下的ASPCAD体系结构,并针对模具标准件库开发出网络化应用系统原型。

    In this dissertation , ASP_CAD system structure and prototype were developed in browser / server mode under CATIA based on SOCKET , JSP , VRML and so on .

  26. 基于校园网成绩管理系统的应用设计,提出了ASP应用中的几种高级编程技术:数据库技术,ACtiveX技术,以及利用应用程序对象库技术实现网络打印,并给出了程序设计实例。

    Based on ASP , this paper introduces several advanced programming technologies , such as database technology , active X and web printing via objects for application program . In addition , we give out instances on online campus .

  27. 基于简单网络管理协议的IP网被动流量测量法,按一定范围和频率通过Get,SetorTrap操作读取被管对象MIB库以获取网络流量信息。

    For passive measurement method for IP network traffic based on Simple Network Management Protocol ( SNMP ), according to definite range and frequency , the MIB of managed object is accessed through Get , Set or Trap operations to obtain traffic information of the IP network .

  28. 专家系统规则库&神经网络变换算法

    Translation Algorithms from Expert System 's Rule Base to Neural Network

  29. C++动态连接库与拨号网络

    C + + Dynamic link library ( DLL ) and dialing network

  30. 一种基于规则库的贝叶斯网络开发器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Rule - Based Bayesian Network Developer