
  • 网络kurdish region;Kurdish autonomous region;the autonomous Kurdish region
  1. 法新社报导说,居尔还将另外会晤库尔德自治区政府领导人巴尔扎尼,讨论如何实施这一新的协定。

    The French Press Agency reported that Gul would also be meeting , separately , with the head of the Kurdish regional government , Nechirvan Barzani to discuss how the new accord would be implemented .

  2. 另一个石油工业领域的发展是,伊拉克石油部长沙赫利斯塔尼表示,尽管巴格达当局同伊拉克北部库尔德自治区最近在谈判拖延了很久的联邦石油法,但是库尔德地区同外国公司之间签署的合同仍然无效。

    In another industry development , Iraq Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani said contracts between the autonomous Northern Iraqi Kurds and foreign companies remain invalid , despite recent talks between the two sides to discuss the country 's long-delayed federal oil law .