
  1. 但是当无人机工作在地形较复杂区域时需要进行多方位监视,同时一般民用无人机的GPS定位系统和导航系统都有较大的误差,其精度难以满足日益发展的测绘遥感等行业的需求。

    When the UAV works at the complex terrain zone , it requires multi-dimensional monitoring . And the general civil GPS has large errors in positioning system and navigation system . Its accuracy is difficult to meet the requirements of the developing industries , such as mapping remote sensing .

  2. 已经涌现为新兴民用无人机市场领军者之一的中国DJI公司从硅谷风险投资商阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)筹集到7500万美元。

    DJI , the Chinese company that has emerged as one of the leaders in the burgeoning civilian market for drones , has raised $ 75 million from Accel Partners , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm .

  3. 非军事用途的民用无人机往往依赖于阳光给自己充电。

    Non-military flying drones for civilian use often rely on sunlight to recharge their batteries .

  4. 随着无人机的功能从拍摄照片、视频甚至扩展到可以快递,民用无人机越来越受到欢迎。

    Civil drones are gaining popularity with expanded use from photo and video shooting to delivery .

  5. 目前,民用无人机所引发的主要担忧是隐私问题。

    At the moment , the chief concern about the domestic use of drones is privacy .

  6. 随着投资者和科技爱好者对无人机兴趣的不断增强,民用无人机迅速崛起。

    Chinese drone manufacturers are reaching for the sky on growing interest among investors and tech-savvy consumers .

  7. 然而,随着民用无人机市场的不断发展,相关政策与法规并未跟上脚步。

    But as developments in the market continue to accelerate , regulations have failed to keep up .

  8. 按照无人机的用途可以把无人机分为民用无人机和军用无人机。

    In accordance with the use of drones , itcan be classified into civilian drones and military drones .

  9. 工业和信息化部日前发布了关于促进和规范民用无人机发展的指导意见,将对无人机产业产生深远影响。

    The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released a guidance of promoting and normalizing commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ' development , which will have profound impact on the UAV industry .

  10. 近些年来,民用无人机制造在中国迅速发展,已经广泛应用于个人消费、植物保护、测绘和能源资源等领域。

    In recent years , commercial UAV manufacturing has developed rapidly in China , and has been used widely in areas such as personal consumption , plant protection , mapping and energy resources .

  11. 民用无人机是中国为数不多的能够引领世界发展的高科技产品之一,也是“中国制造”的新名片。

    Commercial use of UAVs is one of China 's few high-tech products that can lead the world 's development , and has been a new business card of " Made in China . "

  12. 它还可能给民用无人机、无人驾驶汽车以及其他许多领域带来重要的创新:中国政府向生物技术领域投入了巨量资源,包括新的基因编辑技术。

    It is likely to contribute important innovations in consumer drones and driverless cars and in many other fields : The Chinese government is pouring immense resources into biotechnology , including new gene editing techniques .

  13. 根据意见提出的发展目标,到2020年,民用无人机产业产值预计将达600亿元,年均增速40%以上。

    According to development goals projected by the guidance , the production value of commercial UAV industry is expected to reach 60 billion yuan with an annual growth rate of more than 40 % by 2020 .

  14. 无人机在军民两用领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,进行民用无人机飞行控制器设计及检测与控制技术研究,具有理论意义、工程意义和经济意义。

    UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ) plays a more and more important role in national defense and civil life . So making researches on the UAV flight controller design and the measurement and control techniques of UAV is of theory , engineering and economical value .

  15. 针对某型民用摄像无人机的高度测量问题,提出了利用GPS校准、带温度补偿的气压高度测量方法。

    The method to measure the barometric height for UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ) is proposed , in which the barometric height is calibrated by GPS ( Global Position System ) height and is compensated by atmosphere temperature .

  16. 大疆的产品占据全球民用小型无人机约70%的市场份额。

    DJI said it supplies 70 percent of the world 's civilian drone market .