
mín zú ɡuān
  • Ethnicism;national viewpoint
  1. 民族观及民族思想是对民族和民族问题的基本认识,我国历代都有不同的民族观和民族思想。

    The ethnic thought is basic understanding about ethnic groups and relation .

  2. 中国古代民族观研究的回顾与思考

    The Retrospection and Reflection on the Concept of Nations in Ancient China

  3. 社会主义核心价值体系中的民族观研究

    The Research of National Concept of Socialist Core Value System

  4. 探索大学生马克思主义民族观教育的多种渠道。

    Explore a variety of channels of Marxist nationality view of education .

  5. 第一部分主要分析了斯大林民族观形成的社会条件和思想来源。

    Part One mainly analyzes the social conditions and origin of opinion .

  6. 国际新闻报道的国家民族观

    View of Nation on the International News Coverage

  7. 试论具有中国特色的马克思主义民族观

    On Marxist Nationality Outlook With Chinese Characteristics

  8. 浅论儒家民族观与祖国统一

    A few remarks concerning the Confucian view on ethnic groups and the reunification of the motherland

  9. 略论司马迁的民族观

    Sima Qian 's National Conception

  10. 只有对这些问题进行分析,才能对其进行有效的教育和引导,推进大学生民族观教育的实效性。

    An analysis of these problems can help universities conduct effective education of national view for students .

  11. 坚持马克思主义民族观,把坚持马克思主义民族理论和发展马克思主义民族理论结合起来。

    Stick to Marxist viewpoints and combine the persistence of Marxist national theory with the development of it .

  12. 试论和谐民族观

    By Harmonious National View

  13. 李大钊的民族观是他在努力践行马克思列宁主义民族理论过程中逐渐形成的。

    Li Da-zhao 's nationalist view is developed in the course of his practice of Marxist-Leninist nationalist theory .

  14. 其中,宋代可谓儒家民族观发展进程中一个具有里程碑意义的时代。

    Among them , Song Dynasty can be termed as milestone in the advancing of national viewpoint of Confucianism .

  15. 在《论衡》中包含着作者王充丰富的史学思想,民族观就是其中一个重要的方面。

    The book contains the author 's rich historical ideas , in which national outlook is the important aspect .

  16. 其次是应该加强宣传和教育引导,树立正确的国家观、平等的民族观;

    Secondly , strengthening propaganda and the educational guide and erecting the national view and the equal ethnic view ;

  17. 加强大学生马克思主义民族观教育,既是时代的需要,也是现实的需求。

    To enhance students'education of Marxist ethnic attitute is both the needs of the time and the realistic demand .

  18. 而他们从民族观上抽象出的基本方法,在接受历史的经验之后,更应得到珍视。

    They abstract from the national outlook on the basic method , in an historical experience , should be valued .

  19. 按照民族观、宗教观、公德心、自身心理素质等四个方面分别进行梳理。

    In accordance with the national outlook , religion , civic-minded , self-psychological qualities and four , respectively , to sort out .

  20. 20世纪初民族观的历史演进&兼论历史文化认同在中国近代的发展

    Formation of the Chinese Nation Concept at the Beginning of 20th Century : & Also on the developmet of history-culture identity in modern China

  21. 马克思主义民族观中国化与新中国国家构建形式选择

    The Relationship between the Nationalism of Marxism in Development of the Communist Party of China and the Choice of the Configurations of the State

  22. 马克思主义民族观包括民族的基本概念和民族问题及其实质,解决民族问题的基本理论等两个方面的内容。

    Marxist nationality outlook includes the basic conception of nationality , the essence of nationalities and the basic theory of the solution of nationalities .

  23. 在国际传媒市场新闻霸权依然存在的今天,坚持正确的国家民族观显得尤为重要。

    In our time , when superpower in international news media still exists , it is of vital importance to sustain the right nationality .

  24. 在中国历史上,华夷之辨不仅仅是一种民族观,而且也是一种边疆观。

    In Chinese history ," the difference between China and minority nationality " is not only a national conception , but also a frontier conception .

  25. 民族观是人们对民族和民族问题的总的认识和根本看法,是世界观在民族问题上反映。

    As the fundamental outlook of the nationality and ethnic issues , people 's national view is the reflection of their world view on ethnic issues .

  26. 由此形成的一系列理论成果和实践经验,就是中国化马克思主义民族观的集中体现。

    These a series of theoretic achievements and practical experiences formed in it are the concentrative embody of the Marxian national concept that turned into China .

  27. 历史观是祖国观、民族观的基础,祖国观、民族观是历史观的直接表现。

    The outlook on history is the basis of the outlooks on motherland and nationality , and the latter two are the direct expression of the former one .

  28. 本文以马克思主义民族观为指导以实地调查资料为基础,综合运用民族学、政治学、管理学和社会学等多学科理论,以民族学田野调查、比较研究和历史文献研究为主要研究方法。

    Combining multi-discipline theories like ethnology , politics , management and sociology , the thesis takes ethnological field investigation , comparison and history literature research as its methodology .

  29. 这种以对立、统一为鲜明特征的民族观,既是历史发展的结果,更是他对历史发展的贡献。

    Such nationality view with the vivid characteristics of " contradiction " and " unity " is not only the result of history development but also his contribution to history development .

  30. 斯大林民族观是斯大林在吸收、借鉴马克思主义民族理论的基础上,结合苏维埃社会主义建设的具体实践形成的一系列关于民族和民族问题的观点和理论主张。

    Based on the Marx ' national theory , Stalin integrated the practice of the Soviet socialist construction and created a series of theory and opinion on nationality and national issues .