
  • 网络art experience;aesthetic experience
  1. 这个工作以艺术体验为中心,展示了参与者们自己的存在和造成的影响和个人行为的尺度。

    This work places the participants'own presence and the consequences and dimensions of personal actions at the center of the aesthetic experience .

  2. 宗白华作为是二十世纪中国美学史上的杰出美学家,以艺术体验为美学研究的挈入点,独特地走出了散步美学的道路。

    Zong Bai-hua , the prominent aesthetician in the history of Chinese aesthetics in 20th century has made many original achievements by study of art experience .

  3. 有时你能在有些精品酒店里得到有趣的艺术体验,如在北京三里屯地区的对面屋子酒店里(OppositeHouseHotel)。

    Some boutique hotels provide interesting art experiences , like the Opposite House Hotel in the Sanlitun area of Beijing .

  4. 近几年,Widget以轻量级的视角来提供更优雅的艺术体验,更具有人性化和艺术魅力。

    Becoming more humane and artistic charm , Widget can provide more elegant artistic experience in lightweight perspective .

  5. 浅谈旅游者在旅行中的艺术体验基于循环经济的农家乐旅游思考

    The Rural Tourism of Farmhouse Enjoyment From View of Circular Economy Theory

  6. 而风险为我带来了最棒的艺术体验。

    And the risk led to one of my greatest artistic personal experiences .

  7. 他结合艺术体验来分析美的基本性质,以凸现出中国生命美学的价值意蕴。

    He studied aesthetical essence in the life according to analysing art and practicing aesthetics .

  8. 而王安忆创作之前的艺术体验,尤其是她的童年体验、孤独体验对王安忆的日常生活意识的形成有重大作用。

    It is of great importance for us to understand Keats himself and his poetry writing from his lonely experience .

  9. 本次展览名为《开包》,展出了黎明先生高水平的、独具个人特色的油画作品,相信将带给您一次奇妙的艺术体验。

    The exhibition , named Unveil , shows the fine works of Lee and is sure to empower you with a unique experience .

  10. 东坡易学关于神的论述,对理解和解释苏轼的美学观念与艺术体验有着重要意义。

    Dong-po 's account concerning the ' spirit'is of great significance for us to understand and interpret his aesthetic concept and experience on art .

  11. 越来越多的音乐使人们获得了更为丰富的艺术体验,但同时也给音乐库的管理和检索带来了很大的困难,因此有必要研究新的智能化的音乐管理和检索方法。

    These tremendous musics give people more wonderful art experiences , but bring up great difficulties in management and retrieval of the music database at the same time .

  12. 以作家身份参与文艺批评,强调生活体验和艺术体验是巴人文艺批评的突出特点;

    At that time , social life and literary context were the starting point of Ba Rena literary criticism , while realistic aesthetic principles were theoretically the starting point of his criticism .

  13. 去欧洲旅行若是仅仅只打算去看看风景对于我来说简直是浪费,那里有如此之多的文化差异等着去探寻,也有数不清的艺术体验吸引着我们。

    The idea of going to Europe just for scenery is my idea of a misspent journey when there are so many different cultures to explore and historical and artistic experiences to absorb .

  14. 本文在探讨曹禺创作心理时,引入艺术体验这一文艺心理学核心概念,作家在创作之前的心灵体验与感受是破译作家创作心理宝库的密码。

    The article draw into the artistic experience which is the core conception of literature and art psychology , before a writer creating , his spiritual experience and feeling are secret codes translating writers ' creation 's psychology treasury .

  15. 以他丰富的知识和生活阅历及艺术体验挖掘出时代审美的精髓,教导学生如何认识美,表现美,树立正确的审美观。

    With his rich knowledge and life experiences , together with his artistic experience , he probes into the aesthetic spirit of different times to help the students know how to recognize beauty , express beauty and build up the proper sense of aesthetics .

  16. 艺术的体验与古典美学的终结

    The Experience of Art and the End of Classical Aesthetics

  17. 海德格尔认为,艺术成为体验的对象,是现代的一个根本性标志。

    Heidegger thinks that it is an essential mark of modern time that artwork becomes an object of experience .

  18. 钱锺书作为中国现当代一名极富才情的文学家,长期的创作实践让其有着丰富深厚的艺术审美体验。

    Qian Zhongshu was a talented writer in modem times in China . Because of his long-term literary creative practice , he had abundant aesthetic experience .

  19. 审美道德意识生成在创作中具有特殊性,不是从外面强加给作者的,而应是创作者内在的生命自由意识向艺术的体验性生成。

    The generation of the writer 's aesthetic sense and moral awareness , with its particularity , should be a process from his inner free consciousness to his artistic experience .

  20. 体验式教师教育模式包括四个要素:教育观念的体验,教育思维方式的体验,教育教学的方法、技术和艺术的体验,教师的教育风格类型的体验。

    In the mode there are four important factors : the experience of educational concepts , experience of educational way of thinking , experience of teaching methods , techniques and arts , and experience of educational style .

  21. 别一种真实&艺术的生存体验

    Another Truthfulness : The Survival Experience of Art

  22. 论篮球艺术魅力及体验

    On Art , Charm and Experience of Basketball

  23. 艺术只有以体验自然为起点,才会有更加绵长的生命力。

    Only by experiencing nature as the starting point can art have longer vitality .

  24. 由于自然是在不断的变化之中,在诗集的腐蚀部分中,诗人试图从永恒不变的艺术世界来体验自我。

    Since the nature is always in change , the poet attempts to experience self in the eternal art world which Graham discussed in the part " Erosion " .

  25. 在这里最重要的就是要使人的生命在艺术与审美体验中不断超升,只有这样,才能使有限的个体摆脱现实的束缚,进达人生的自由之境。

    The most important point is the continuous exaltation that people experience in the aesthetic appreciation process so as to shackle off the reality and to reach the free realm of life .

  26. 剖析叶圣陶自身审美素养和对诗词艺术的独特体验,以及叶圣陶长期从事语文教育的工作需要和朋友圈子对其形成诗化风格的影响。

    The analysis his own aesthetic quality and unique experience in poetry , art , and his long been engaged in language education needs and circle of friends formed the poetic style .

  27. 视觉体验是交互艺术的基本体验方式,也是决定用户是否继续进行其他交互体验的关键环节,丰富的视觉交互是交互直接操作成功的关键。

    Visual experience is the interactive art basic mode of experience , but also determines whether the user to continue other interactive experience of the key link , rich visual interactive key to successful direct manipulation .

  28. 论艺术中的高峰体验

    On the " Summit Experience " in the Art

  29. 《岁月·1978》是带有装置艺术色彩的情景体验式展览剧。

    " Ages · 1978 " is an experimental exhibition drama designed with the installation art .

  30. 中国古典感物美学是研究文学艺术创造和审美体验的发生之学。

    Chinese classical Ganwu aesthetics is a kind of theory that studies happening of literature , art and aesthetic experience .