
  • 网络art market
  1. 在过去的两年间,艺术品市场遭受了严重的打击。

    The art market has suffered some severe knocks during the past two years .

  2. 詹姆斯•拉利,拉梅什•J•拉利公司在涉足艺术品市场时不应该将投资做为首要动机。

    JAMES LALLY , LAMES J. LALLY & CO. No one should ever enter the art market with an investment motive as their primary motivation .

  3. 《艺术品市场报告》(artmarketreport)的数据显示,去年,以拍卖会上成交价最高的100位艺术家的所得衡量,艺术品市场的名义价值超过了1990年创下的前一高位。

    Last year , the art market - as measured by proceeds for the top 100 artists sold at auction - in nominal terms surpassed the previous high set in 1990 , according to data from art market report .

  4. 根据欧洲艺术基金会(EuropeanFineArtFoundation)的一份报告,中国和英国并列2014年全球第二大艺术品市场,各占22%的销售份额。

    According to a report by the European Fine Art Foundation , China was the world 's joint second largest art market in 2014 with a 22 per cent share of sales , alongside the UK .

  5. 目前约有6个供应商提供艺术品市场指数,如毕加索(Picasso)指数或大师级作品(OldMasters)指数,追踪艺术家及艺术流派多年来的行情表现。

    There are now about half a dozen players offering art market indices that track the performance of artists and genres of art over time , such as a Picasso index , or an Old Masters index .

  6. 一年一度的伦敦Frieze艺术博览会在刚刚过去的周末举行,对艺术品市场来说这是一个怪异的时刻。

    The annual London Frieze Art Fair kicked off this week at an odd time for the art market .

  7. 法国艺术品市场信息集团artprice昨日公布的《艺术品市场趋势》(artmarkettrends)报告显示,对当代中国艺术品兴趣的骤增,帮助中国首次取代了法国在艺术品销售市场名列第三的传统地位。

    An explosion of interest in Contemporary Chinese art has helped China unseat France from its traditional number three spot for the first time , according to art market trends report , published yesterday by the French-based art market information group Artprice .

  8. 经销商朱利安阿格纽(julianagnew)相信艺术品市场越发变得明察秋毫:“中等价位作品的市场行情惨淡,除非作品的价位订得非常合理。”

    Dealer Julian Agnew believes the market is becoming even more discerning : " the middle market is tough unless things are very competitively priced . "

  9. 从事艺术品市场数据分析的美丽资产咨询公司(BeautifulAssetAdvisors)也认为,在上述两场拍卖中售出的具有以往买价数据的艺术品年均复合回报率略高于6%(平均持有时间达14年)。

    Art market tracker Beautiful Asset Advisors also reckons that sold lots in the two auctions for which there were prior purchase price data generated an average compound annual return of just over 6 per cent ( with an average 14-year holding period ) .

  10. 大都会亚洲艺术部主任何慕文(MaxwellK.Hearn)表示,王己千的大部分重要收藏都是他一早购入的,当时中国艺术品市场尚未成形。

    Maxwell K. Hearn , chairman of the Met 's Asian art department , said Mr. Wang acquired much of his important collection early on , when the market for Chinese art didn 't exist .

  11. outsetcontemporaryartfund创始人坎迪德格特勒(candidagertler)表示,对于进入艺术品市场感兴趣的个人选择了“一个很好的时机,因为你想提问的人有更多时间与你探讨”。

    Individuals interested in getting into the art market have chosen " a very good time because anybody who you will ask for information has more time to talk to you " , says Candida Gertler , founder of the outset Contemporary Art Fund .

  12. 随着当代艺术品市场的蓬勃发展,这种状况发生了转变,而巴塞尔艺术展的母公司MCH瑞士展览(巴塞尔)有限公司2011年收购了香港国际艺术展,更是加速了这一转变。

    That changed as the market for contemporary art began to flourish , a shift accelerated by the purchase in 2011 of ART HK by MCH Swiss Exhibition ( Basel ) Ltd. , Art Basel 's parent company .

  13. 苏富比拍卖行首席执行官比尔•鲁普雷希特(BillRuprecht)表示:人们认为此次热潮不同于上次热潮的原因是,在上世纪80年代,艺术品市场受到日本房地产财富的推动。

    Bill Ruprecht , chief executive of Sotheby 's , the auction house , says : The reason people say this is different from the last boom is that in the 1980s , the market was driven by Japanese real-estate wealth .

  14. 艺术品市场热潮延续近现代书画大放异彩

    Arts Market Continues to Boom Contemporary Calligraphy and Paintings Sell well

  15. 第四章是中国油画艺术品市场营销对策。

    Chapter IV discuss marketing strategy of Chinese painting art .

  16. 中国艺术品市场一直是以西方作品为主流。

    The Chinese art market has always been predominantly Western .

  17. 艺术品市场中的海外军团(美国篇续)

    Overseas Corps in Art Market ( American Chapter Continued )

  18. 总的说来,艺术品市场的性质正在变化。

    Overall , the nature of the market is changing .

  19. 艺术品市场是文化产业中的重要组成部分。

    The art market is an important part of the culture industry .

  20. 大宗商品市场和艺术品市场之间建立了看似不可能的联系。

    The commodities market and the art market have grown unlikely links .

  21. 许多备受尊敬的交易商和收藏家认为,艺术品市场已经见顶。

    Many respected dealers and collectors believe the market has reached its peak .

  22. 然而,艺术品市场依然相当阴暗。

    However the art market is still pretty murky .

  23. 高端艺术品市场近来也已经膨胀。

    The high end of the art market has been on fire lately .

  24. 依法规范艺术品市场

    Promoting the Normalization of Artwork market by law

  25. 对冲基金经理(尤其在美国)也是艺术品市场的大买家。

    Hedge fund managers , particularly in the US , are also big buyers .

  26. 但这一迹象表明,当代意大利艺术品市场正在红火发展。

    But it is a sign that the contemporary Italian art market is booming .

  27. 这也令艺术品市场暴露于中国经济“硬着陆”的风险。

    This leaves the art market open to a Chinese " hard landing " .

  28. 随着艺术品市场的完善,丝网版画也将从中得到长足的发展。

    With the development of art market , silkscreen printing will improve continuously and significantly .

  29. 随着在线拍卖和私人销售的强劲增长,艺术品市场正在日渐繁荣。

    The art market was booming , with strong growth in online auctions and private sales .

  30. 然而当代艺术品市场的较低端仍然死气沉沉得多。

    Nevertheless , the lower end of the contemporary art market has remained much more sedate .