
  1. 本论文主要描述高职艺术设计专业工学结合管理系统的需求分析、设计理念、模块的详细实现以及关键技术的概述。

    This paper mainly describes the requirement , design , module and key technology of the system .

  2. 浅谈专业群背景下的教学改革&艺术设计人才工学结合培养模式的设想与探索

    On teaching reform in the context of curricular group & Combination of practice and learning model for the art designing majors

  3. 环境艺术设计专业工学结合人才培养模式探索&以南宁职业技术学院为例

    Research on Work-study Combination Talents Cultivation Mode for Environment Arts Design Program & A Case Study of Nanning College for Vocational Technology