
  • 网络art film;art cinema;artistic film;art movie
  1. 艺术电影如何寻找市场空间?

    How the art film to find market ?

  2. 商业电影一般是与艺术电影相对立而言的一种以商业利益为目的的电影。

    Commercial films are generally opposed to art film is a kind of film with commercial interests .

  3. 艺术电影中也没有哪部影片能像近年来的《黑天鹅》(BlackSwan)和《林肯》(Lincoln)一样取得突破。

    No arty drama was poised to match the kind of breakout status reached in recent years by " Black Swan " or " Lincoln . "

  4. 今年1月,艺术电影制片人小塞缪尔·戈尔德温(SamuelGoldwynJr.)去世后,这个家族的继承者们决定卖掉家族的艺术收藏品(和好莱坞山的宅邸)。

    The Goldwyn heirs decided to sell the family 's art collection ( and Hollywood Hills mansion ) after Samuel Goldwyn Jr. , an art film producer , died in January .

  5. 这一事件反映出了当今中国艺术电影的残酷现实。

    The incident reflects the harsh reality for Chinese art-house films .

  6. 韩国电影美学的嬗变&从文学电影到艺术电影

    Evolving Aesthetics in Korean Cinema : From Literary to Art Films

  7. 小型艺术电影不是我们的追求。

    We don 't want a very small art movie .

  8. 中国艺术电影的市场与营销策略研究

    A Research on China 's Domestic Art Films Market and Marketing Strategies

  9. 那你认为是否有商业电影和艺术电影之分?

    Do you think there is a difference between art and commercial cinema ?

  10. 他们对艺术电影市场变得谨慎多。

    They are much more cautious when it comes to the arthouse market .

  11. 我比较喜欢看那种小成本的艺术电影

    I prefer lower-budget , arty films myself

  12. 接下来在家卫一系列艺术电影中饰演各类“好人”角色。

    Wai then cast him in a number of good-guy roles in his artsy films .

  13. 她涉足电影界始于与英格兰艺术电影导演德里克·贾曼的长期合作。

    Her foray into film began with a long collaboration with English art house director Derek Jarman .

  14. 他表示这部新片是一个艺术电影向商业电影转型的失败案例。

    He said the new film turned out to be an unsuccessful transition from art film to commercial .

  15. 伊朗和中国电影制片商在周一就共同拍摄功夫艺术电影达成了协议

    Chinese and Iranian film makers reached an agreement Monday to co-produce a martial arts ( Kung Fu ) film .

  16. 艺术电影和社会题材统治了2006年的学院奖(奥斯卡)提名,其中的领头影片便是牛仔片《断背山》。

    Art house movies with serious social themes dominated the2006 Academy Awards nominations , led by the cowboy drama Brokeback Mountain .

  17. 《天下无贼》与《盲井》解析&兼谈商业电影与艺术电影的审美认知

    An Analysis of A World without Thieves and The Blind Well & Concurrently on the Aesthetic Cognition of Commercial and Artistic Films

  18. 数据还显示,艺术电影的受众有70%来自北京和上海。

    The survey has also found that around 70 percent of the audience base for art-house films come from Beijing and Shanghai .

  19. 在这个项目中,我要强调的特殊性当代韩国电影的重点放在商业驱动电影和艺术电影。

    In this project , I underscore the specificities of contemporary Korean cinema by focusing on both commercially driven films and art cinema .

  20. 李捷说这说明在推广艺术电影到中国其他地区方面仍然还有很多工作要做。

    Li Jie says this shows there is still a lot of work left to get the art-house film concept to the rest of China .

  21. 她正在北京参加第八届北京国际电影节艺术电影推广论坛。

    She 's currently in Beijing for an art-house film promotion forum , which has been held as part of the 8th Beijing International Film Festival .

  22. 中国国产商业电影发展到今天,其区别于艺术电影和弘扬意识形态的主旋律电影的主体性特征已经确立。

    At present , Chinese commercial movies , along with its development , have set up its subjectivity which is different from artistic movies and ideological movies .

  23. 位于北京的国家电影档案馆负责领导整个联盟,它在全国31个主要城市选取了100个电影院放映艺术电影。

    The Beijing-based China Film Archive is leading the alliance , which has chosen 100 cinemas in 31 major cities across the country to screen art-house films .

  24. 在保持原有的实验性外,作品的形式向更传统的艺术电影回归,并呈现出某种精英主义倾向;

    While preserving the experimental nature of his works , the form of these pieces is returning to traditional art films and displays a tendency towards elitism .

  25. 回答问题前,我想问一下美国的观众,你们觉得是否有商业或者艺术电影之分?

    I want to ask a question to American audience , that in the us , whether there is such a straight difference between commercial and art films ?

  26. 以现代主义的反情节、反故事、反因果性为主要特征的艺术电影并没有取得大众的普遍认同,而且正在世界范围内急剧萎缩。

    The so-called artistic movie characterized by anti-plot , anti-story , and anti-cause-and-effect property with the flavor of modernism has failed to win a universal recognition from the public .

  27. 张曼玉不费吹灰之力地游走于商业片和艺术电影。她的炫目光彩让亚洲和欧洲的观众着迷,而构成她光彩的体态和优雅,又让人回想起旧时的电影明星。

    Moving effortlessly between commercial and art-house , Cheung has dazzled Asian and European audiences with a poise and elegance reminiscent of a movie star from a bygone age .

  28. 王小帅的朋友兼《日照重庆》制片人韩小汐认为王小帅在艺术电影上花费了太多时间。

    Han Xiaoxi , a friend of Wang , and also one of the producers of Chongqing Blues , thought that Wang has spent too much time making art films .

  29. 韩国电影在20世纪末开始呈现出繁盛局面,无论在艺术电影还是在商业电影方面都取得了令世界瞩目的成绩。

    Korea movie has been reached its prosperous status at the end of the 20th century . It procures compelling achievement not only on art movie but also on commercial movie .

  30. 英格玛·伯格曼(1918&)是瑞典的一位导演,他的艺术电影在世界电影中独树一帜,成为电影史上难以逾越的高峰。

    Ingmar Bergman ( 1918 - ) is a Swedish director ; his art film is unique in the film of world , which becomes insurmountable summit in the history of film .