
  • 网络Jindal
金达莱 [jīn dá lái]
  • [azalea] 〈方〉∶杜鹃花,俗名映山红

  1. 两家印度大型煤炭集团金达莱(jindal)和印度煤炭(coalindia)均拥有在太特的特许开采权。

    Two large Indian coal groups Jindal and Coal India both have concessions in Tete .

  2. 另外两只吸引指数基金新需求的股票巴西的OGX和印度的金达莱钢和能源(JindalSteelPower)在9月4日的升幅没有那么大,而且自那以来的累计升幅只有百度的一半。

    The two other stocks attracting new demand from tracker funds , Brazil 's OGX and India 's Jindal Steel Power , jumped less on 4 September , and have since risen half as much .