
yì shù ài hào zhě
  • dilettante
  1. 业余艺术爱好者——是轮流引诱文学与艺术的不专一者。

    Dilettante : a philanderer who seduces the several arts and letters each in turn for another .

  2. 作为一个业余艺术爱好者我过于严肃认真了,而为一个专业人员我又太业余了。

    I 'm too serious to be a dilettante and too much a dabbler to be a professional .

  3. 从周二开始,佳士得拍卖行将开始拍卖安思远(RobertHatfieldEllsworth)的藏品,为期五天,其后还将举办一周的在线销售,中国的经销商、收藏家和艺术爱好者们趋之若鹜。

    Chinese dealers , collectors and art lovers have been out in force at Christie 's , which is auctioning the art collection of Robert Hatfield Ellsworth in five days of sales that begin on Tuesday , with a week of online sales to follow .

  4. 对艺术爱好者来说,没有比这更大的诱惑了。

    There is no greater allure for any art-lover than that .

  5. 艺术爱好者们从巴塞尔艺术博览会浩浩荡荡地来到了卡塞尔。

    The art crowd arrived in Kassel coming from the Basel Artfair .

  6. 艺术爱好者爱好艺术者;行家。

    A lover of the fine arts ; a connoisseur .

  7. 请记住你的身份首先是商人,其次才是艺术爱好者。

    Please remember your identity is first businessmen and secondly on art lovers .

  8. 你应该在别的狂热的艺术爱好者抢到手之前把它买下。

    You should buy it before another frenetic art lover snatcher it up .

  9. 每逢节假日这里就是艺术爱好者的乐园。

    During holidays and festivals , it becomes a paradise for art lovers .

  10. 英国的艺术爱好者为苏格兰艺术家戴维·马奇的新作发狂。

    Art lovers in England are going bananas over David Mach 's latest sculpture .

  11. 如果你是个狂热的艺术爱好者,维也纳就是那个最适合去的地方。

    If you are an ardent art lover , Vienna is the place for you .

  12. 一群艺术爱好者将火炭工厂大厦变身成为画廊及艺术工作室。

    Artists and art lovers set up the gallery and workshops in the industrial buildings .

  13. 这里是艺术爱好者的乐园。

    This is playground for amateur artisrs .

  14. 第三大类是艺术爱好者。

    The third group is the enthusiasts .

  15. 多萝西亚?兰格、安妮?莱博维茨和辛迪?雪曼都是艺术爱好者中间家喻户晓的名字。

    Dorothea Lange , Annie Leibovitz , and Cindy Sherman are household names to the art-friendly .

  16. 你是艺术爱好者吗?

    Are you an art aficionado ?

  17. 那位艺术爱好者懂得欣赏真正的古董。

    The patron appreciates genuine antiques .

  18. 许多艺术爱好者宁愿参观这个小艺术馆而不参观纽约其他的艺术馆。

    Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York .

  19. 艺术爱好者可尽情徜徉在中世纪时期的大量艺术瑰宝中。

    Art lovers can fully engage themselves in the numerous treasures dating back to the medieval period .

  20. 阿震:不,我是个艺术爱好者。我比较会联想到贝里尼跟波底迦里!

    No , I 'm an art lover , so I think more of Bellini and Botticelli !

  21. 艺术爱好者们肯定会钟情不远处的国立肖像馆和国立美国艺术博物馆。

    Art lovers should also appreciate the nearby National Portrait Gallery and National Museum of American Art .

  22. 它允许那些专业或者业馀艺术爱好者创建和编辑以及管理图示。

    It allows professional and amateur alike to create and edit icon images and manage icon files and libraries .

  23. 她也是单亲职业妇女、护士、音乐会主办人和艺术爱好者。

    She 's been a working single mother , a nurse , a concert event organizer and an art lover .

  24. 当地人和这些艺术爱好者,已经结成了某种抗衡前进在圣马克广场上的人潮的联盟。

    The locals and the art enthusiasts have developed a sort of alliance against the crowds who march on St. Mark 's.

  25. 中国从事写实油画创作的艺术家众多,拥有广泛的艺术爱好者和收藏群。

    Engaged in the oil painting artists in China is multitudinous , has a wide range of art lovers and group .

  26. 《蒙娜丽莎》堪称传世名作,而五个世纪以来,画中蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑则让众多艺术爱好者们迷惑不解。

    Possibly the most famous portrait of all time , Mona Lisa 's cryptic expression has intrigued art lovers for five centuries .

  27. (作者是本地商人及艺术爱好者)本片奉献给所有的武术爱好者,也适合非武术爱好者。

    ( The writer is a local businessman and an arts enthusiast ) This video is dedicated to martial artists and non-martial artist alike .

  28. 有个问题在世世代代的艺术爱好者脑海中萦绕不去:蒙娜丽莎神秘莫测的微笑背后究竟隐藏着什么秘密?

    One question has intrigued art lovers around the world for generations : what is the secret behind the Mona Lisa 's enigmatic smile ?

  29. 一个惊人的人一块,这将使波美拉尼亚波姆艺术爱好者在你的生活美好的,独特的礼物。

    A stunning piece in person , this Pom art would make a wonderful , unique gift for the Pomeranian lover in your life .

  30. 海拉·戈也兹自从1959年多塞特角的爱斯基摩人开始创作版画以来,他们的作品一直为全世界的艺术爱好者所喜闻乐见。

    Since the Eskimos of Cape Dorset began making prints in 1959 , their graphics have continued to delight art lovers around the world .