
diàn zǐ qínɡ bào
  • electronic intelligence
  1. 在1979年,PLA海军需求一艘监视船以便在近海水域监视外国船只和收集电子情报。

    In1979 , the PLA Navy demanded a surveillance ship that can monitor foreign ships and collect electronic intelligence in offshore waters .

  2. 这名官员是英国电子情报机构政府通讯总部(GovernmentCommunicationsHeadquarters,简称GCHQ)的新任总监罗伯特·汉尼根(RobertHannigan)。

    The statements were made by Robert Hannigan , the newly appointed director of GCHQ , Britain 's electronic intelligence agency .

  3. 基于面向对象Petri网的电子情报处理系统建模

    Modelling of Electric Information Disposal System Based on Object-oriented Petri Net

  4. 未来的战场,实际就是电子情报侦察的较量,因此,开展对JTIDS的分析和研究很有必要。

    In the future , the battle is actually bout of elint and reconnaissance .

  5. 无源探测和定位系统属于电子情报侦察/电子支援系统,是电子战(EW)系统的一个重要组成部分。

    Passive detector and location system belongs to the electronic detector / aiding system , which is an important part of Electronic War ( EW ) System .

  6. 中国政府言辞激烈地否认自己应该为黑客袭击负责,同时指出,爱德华·斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)透露的细节表明,美国大量搜集有关中国的电子情报。

    The Chinese government has vehemently denied that it is responsible for hacking attacks , while pointing to detailed disclosures by Edward Snowden of how the United States engages in extensive electronic intelligence gathering on China .

  7. 安装电子情报(ELINT),舰艏安装声纳,光学和声音监视系统,该船被设计在近海水域收集外国船只情报。

    Equipped with electronic intelligence ( ELINT ), bow-mounted sonar , optical and acoustical surveillance systems , the ship was designed to collect foreign ship intelligence in offshore waters .

  8. 电子情报侦察系统(ELINT)的接收机接收到的雷达辐射源信号是时间、空间相对位置、多种复杂调制和传播途径上大气传播效应影响的函数。

    The emitter radar signal received by electronic intelligence system ( ELINT ) receivers is the function of time , relative space position , various complex modulation and the atmospheric propagation effect , etc.

  9. 浅谈德尔菲法在电子情报研究中的运用

    The Application of Delphi to the Study of Electronic Intelligence

  10. 从电信侦察或电子情报或遥感勘测情报中搜集的情报。

    Intelligence information gathered from communications intelligence or electronics intelligence or telemetry intelligence .

  11. 雷达辐射源信号检测是现代电子情报侦察系统中的关键技术。

    Radar emitter signal detection is a key technology in modern electronic intelligence systems .

  12. 太平洋电子情报中心

    Pacific Electronic Information Center

  13. 在电子情报侦察和对抗领域,对复杂信号的脉内调制特征进行分析显得越来越重要。

    In the electronic reconnaissance and countermeasure field , it is more and more important to analyze the in-pulse character of complicated signals .

  14. 在精心编制的军事行动中,无人驾驶的飞机是用于对叙利亚防御系统的侦察、扰乱叙利亚的雷达以及收集能摧毁他们所需的电子情报。

    In carefully choreographed moves , drones were used to spy on the Syrian defences , fool their radars and gather the electronic intelligence needed to destroy them .

  15. 雷达辐射源信号识别是整个雷达对抗信号处理中的关键性过程,是现代电子情报侦察系统和电子支援系统的重要组成部分。

    Recognition of the radar emitter signal is the key of signal processing in radar countermeasure and an importance part of electronic intelligence system and electronic support system .

  16. 雷达辐射源信号检测和参数估计是电子情报侦察系统中的关键信号处理过程,也是电子对抗信号处理研究中的热点和难点。

    Radar emitter signal detection and parameter estimation is a key process of signal processing in electronic intelligence systems and also a focus and difficulty in the signal processing of electronic countermeasure .

  17. 电子情报侦察系统和电子支援系统要适应现在和未来电子战信号环境,必须具备快速分析、实时或准实时处理各种雷达信号的能力。

    In order to fit for the Electronic Warfare environment of today and future , Electronic Support Measure and Electronic Intelligence systems must have the ability to analyze rapidly and dispose all kinds of radar signals in real time or near real time .

  18. 主要模块设计中介绍了图像采集卡CA6300的开发和透明菜单的设计、彩色图像JPEG压缩算法以及电子地图和情报采集数据库。

    In the design of main modules , we discuss the development of image-grabbing card ( CA6300 ), the design of the transparent menu , the JPEG compressing algorithm of color image , the electronic map and the information reception database .

  19. 谈电子图书馆的情报用户教育

    Electronic library and information user education

  20. 该报告由工信部电子科学技术情报研究所发布,逾25.4万人参与调查。

    The report was released by the Electronic Technology Information Research Institute , a subsidiary of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China . More than 254,000 people participated in the survey .

  21. deepweb数据集成至今仍然是一个研究热点,deepweb数据集成可以对Web数据进行有效整合,为电子商务、市场情报分析、舆情分析等应用提供支持。

    Until now , Deep Web data integration is still a hot research topic . Deep Web data integration can effectively integrate data of the Web , and it can support for e-commerce , market intelligence analysis and public opinion analysis .

  22. 通过电子媒介的现代情报的传递,对农业界的所有部门越来越重要。

    Up-to-date information delivery through the electronic media is becoming important to all segments of the agricultural community .

  23. 信息网络技术也令电子图书馆、图书情报系统及其它商业服务领域的网站极容易创立成功。

    The technologies of information network have also made the network station easy to success in the field of electronic library . book information system and other commercial service .

  24. 再次,对高校、电子商务网站和情报研究所的个性化信息服务的应用现状进行了对比研究和具体实现。

    The third , carried out a comparative study and concrete realization on application status of personalized information services , including colleges and universities , e-commerce website and information institute .

  25. 电子战接收机是电子情报侦察体系中的重要组成部分。

    EW ( Electronic Warfare ) receiver is a greatly important part of the electronic intelligence reconnaissance systems .

  26. 在现代电子战中,接收机作为电子情报保障体系中的重要组成部分,其主要功能是接收复杂信号环境中的非合作信号,其性能的优劣直接影响着所获取电子情报的质量。

    In the modern electronic warfare , receiver is an important part of the electronic information guarantee system , whose main function is to receive the signal in the complex signal environment of non-cooperation , and its performance directly affects the quality of the obtained electronic information .

  27. 在电子战中,电子侦察接收机是电子侦察系统和电子情报保障体系中的重要组成部分,主要用于接收雷达信号和通信信号。

    In electronic warfare , electronic reconnaissance receiver is an important part of the electronic reconnaissance system and electronic intelligence security system and mainly used to receive radar signals and communication signals .