
  • 网络eSP;Electronic Stability Program;Electronic Stability Programme;ESP ESP
  1. Matlab辅助汽车电子稳定程序研究与开发

    Matlab Aided Research and Development of Vehicle Electronic Stability Program

  2. 汽车电子稳定程序(ESP)是一种先进的汽车控制系统,控制算法是ESP的核心。

    The electronic stability program ( ESP ) is a new chassis control system for vehicle motion .

  3. 然后阐述Matlab在汽车电子稳定程序开发流程V模式的各个阶段提供的解决方案。

    And then analyzing the solution provided by Matlab for each phase of V diagram of the vehicle electronic stability development process .

  4. 汽车电子稳定程序ESP能够有效降低车辆在不同工况下的事故发生率提高汽车的主动安全性能。

    Electronic stability program can effectively reduce vehicle accident rate and improve the performance of the automotive active safety .

  5. 电子稳定程序(ElectronicstabilityProgram)是行驶车辆的一种主动安全系统,它综合了制动防抱死系统,驱动力控制系统和横摆力矩控制系统,使行驶车辆的安全性得到很大的提高。

    This paper is mainly about Electronic Stability Program ( ESP ), an active safety system which consists of anti-braking system , traction control system and yaw moment control , can improve the safety of the vehicle greatly .

  6. 通过分析汽车电子稳定程序在研究与开发过程中的挑战及困难,提出利用Matlab辅助汽车电子稳定程序设计;

    Follow the analyses of the challenges and difficulties in the research and development of vehicle electronic stability program , bring forward using Matlab aids the design of vehicle electronic stability program ;

  7. 汽车电子稳定程序(ESP)是近年来汽车主动安全领域研究的重点。

    Electronic Stability Program ( ESP ) has become the focus of the study in the field of automotive active safety in recent years .

  8. 电子稳定程序(ESP)是改善汽车行驶性能的一种控制系统,可大大降低交通事故并提高道路安全。

    Electronic Stability Program ( ESP ) is a control system to improve the performance of a vehicle . It reduces traffic accidents and improves driving safety greatly .

  9. 电子稳定程序(ESP)控制系统是一种在各种行驶条件下能提高车辆行驶稳定性的主动安全体系。

    The control system of the electronic stability program ( ESP ) is an active safety system which can improve the vehicle 's driving stability under various driving conditions .

  10. 汽车电子稳定程序的控制算法

    Control algorithm for electronic stability program of vehicle motion

  11. 深刻地揭示了汽车电子稳定程序控制系统对汽车操纵稳定性的影响。

    Profound revelation how the automobile Electronic Stability Program control system affects the manipulation stability .

  12. 最后对移线运动、紧急转向、制动转向、驱动转向4个典型的工况进行仿真,从而验证了电子稳定程序控制逻辑的正确性。

    Finally we simulate ESP controller in four typical conditions of lane change , J-turn , steering under braking and steering to validate the efficiency .

  13. 传感器在电子稳定程序和汽车制动系统可能会不准确的读数,从电力中断产生异常反应可能从这些系统。

    Sensors in the Electronic Stability Program and Auto Braking System might get inaccurate readings from electrical interruptions which might cause abnormal reactions from these systems .

  14. 本文首先建立用于电子稳定程序的汽车模型,包括车身模型、悬架模型、转向模型、轮胎模型、制动系统模型、发动机模型和传动系模型。

    In this paper we firstly build a vehicle dynamic model , including vehicle body , suspension system , steering system , tire model , braking system , engine model and transmission model .