
  • 网络tv entertainment
  1. 从《天天向上》看电视娱乐节目的创新

    From " Every day up " to see TV entertainment programs Innovate

  2. 各类型的电视娱乐节目的嘉宾风格不同。

    Various types of TV entertainment show guest style different .

  3. 电视娱乐节目:痛并快乐着

    The Amusement Program of TV : TONG RING KUAI LE ZHE

  4. 从松弛走向迷醉&试析技术演进中的电视娱乐节目游戏本性

    The Game Nature of Entertaining TV in the Development of Technology

  5. 电视娱乐节目的发展方向是文化性与娱乐性统一。

    Development of television entertainment and entertainment is a cultural unity .

  6. 当前我国电视娱乐节目品牌经营的策略研究

    The Brand Management Tactics Research of Current Television Entertainment in China

  7. 大众文化语境下的中国电视娱乐节目

    Chinese Television Entertaining Programs in the Context of Mass Culture

  8. 中国电视娱乐节目分众化传播策略研究

    Research on mass-decentralization dissemination strategy of Chinese television entertainment program

  9. 电视娱乐节目低俗化成因与博弈效应

    The Cause of TV Entertainment Vulgarization and Its Game Effect

  10. 东北地区电视娱乐节目本土化的文本分析

    The Text Analysis of Northeast TV Entertainment 's Localization

  11. 论电视娱乐节目的现状与走向

    On the actuality and trend of television entertainment programs

  12. 你看过什么电视娱乐节目?

    Which TV game shows have you seen ?

  13. 分析了电视娱乐节目与电视媒介技术形态构建的相互关系。

    And it analyses the relationship between entertainment program and TV media technology pattern construction .

  14. 电视娱乐节目的文化思考

    A Cultural Analysis on TV Entertainment Show

  15. 狂欢化理论与电视娱乐节目经营策略

    Carnival Theory and TV Entertainment Business Strategy

  16. 国外较多为对电视娱乐节目的种概念大众文化的批判。

    More for the foreign species on the concept of TV entertainment critique of mass culture .

  17. 这些理论大多将电视娱乐节目划分成几个类型加以阐述。

    Most of these theories to television entertainment program is divided into several categories to articulate .

  18. 电视娱乐节目审视

    Television Investigation on TV Entertaining Programs

  19. 我国的电视娱乐节目在人们日益增长的娱乐需求的推动下有了快速的发展,但同时也突显出忽视社会影响、文化品位偏低、节目样式雷同等缺陷。

    With people 's increasing demands for entertainment , Chinese TV entertainment programs have been undergoing great progress .

  20. 各类电视娱乐节目的娱乐元素及娱乐手段随着电视娱乐节目的发展产生。

    Various types of entertainment elements of television entertainment and entertainment means with the development of television entertainment .

  21. 据时报介绍,现在健康倡导者们正在策划如何通过电视娱乐节目来宣传健康知识。

    Now " health advocates are figuring out how to work with entertainment television ," according to the Times .

  22. 电视娱乐节目主持人的外形包装要注重色彩的搭配及配饰的运用。

    The shape of TV entertainment show host should pay attention to color with the packaging and the use of accessories .

  23. 体育电视娱乐节目既能满足社会文化的需求,也能推动全民健身的开展。

    Sports TV entertainment programs can meet the demand of social culture , also can promote the development of national fitness .

  24. 奖品刺激是较早出现的电视娱乐节目的娱乐手段,增强节目的可看性、刺激性。

    Prize is to stimulate the earlier onset of entertainment television entertainment programs means programs can enhance the look of , irritating .

  25. 我国电视娱乐节目的理论研究随着1997年《快乐大本营》的出现及热播而兴起。

    Our theoretical study television entertainment programs with the 1997 " Happy Camp " and the emergence and rise of the hit .

  26. 作为一种电视娱乐节目,喜剧小品是中国当代喜剧艺术中非常重要的形式之一。

    As a kind of TV entertaining program , comic sketch is one of the major forms in the modern Chinese comic art .

  27. 在过去10年间,音乐选秀节目已成为最为家喻户晓的电视娱乐节目之一。

    In the last 10 years , music talent shows have become one of the most celebrated forms of TV entertainment in China .

  28. 中国电视娱乐节目的出现与发展,是社会转型期精神需求与价值重建过程的必然结果,经历了快乐-真情-游戏三种模式,呈现出大众性、平民化与商业化的发展趋势;

    Emergence and evolution of TV entertainment programs in China is an inevitable result of spiritual demand and value re-construction in the transition period .

  29. 在这个过程中,技术作为一个内在动力,不断推动着电视娱乐节目形态的变革,从而促进了电视娱乐节目游戏性的显现。

    During this progress , technology drives the development of entertaining TV as an impeller , and facilitates the presence of its game nature .

  30. 电视娱乐节目中的情感交流为受众的心灵提供栖息场所,使受众得到压力释放后的快乐。

    TV entertainment for the audience in the hearts of emotional communication to provide habitat , so that the audience be happy after pressure release .