
  • 网络TV Music;music television
  1. 笔者通过对MTV的本质特征的分析,提出有独创性MTV是一种的新型的电视音乐作品。

    Based on the analysis of the essential characteristics of the MTV , puts forward some original MTV is a kind of new TV music works .

  2. 你知道吗,是他们发明了电视音乐录影带。

    Did you know that they invented the television music video ?

  3. 电视音乐片的美学特征

    The Aesthetic Features of the Video Film Music

  4. 电视音乐选秀节目探析

    On the TV Election Show of Music

  5. 在1981年电视音乐第一次抨击电视,但是播送电视音乐这个想法和电视它自己一样老。

    MTV first hit the airwaves in1981 , but the idea of televised music is as old as television itself .

  6. 近日,中国知名流行歌手萨顶顶在电视音乐晚会上因拿倒麦克风而无意中暴露了自己假唱这一尴尬的事实。

    A well-known Chinese pop star accidentally revealed she was lip-synching instead of singing during a televised concert by brandishing her microphone the wrong way around .

  7. 在国外的一些电视音乐选秀节目上可以找到它们的影子,如《流行偶像》、《美国偶像》等。

    It is possible to find their shadow from " TV Election Show of Music " programs overseas , such as " Popular Idol ", " American Idol " and so on .

  8. 年他们在欧洲电视音乐大奖赛中获得观众选择奖。在马德里的一次歌友见面会因引起街道大乱而被迫取消。

    They also got the viewers'choice award at the MTV Europe Awards in1997 , and caused a panic in the streets of Madrid during a meet-and-greet affair that eventually had to be canceled .

  9. 通过对流行音乐节目超级女声颠覆意义的分析,本文揭示了当代文化中一个鲜明的现象:即电视音乐节目中存在着越来越重视身体的趋向。

    Based on an analysis of the subversion tendency of pop musical program " Female Audiophile ", the paper reveals a distinctive phenomenon of contemporary culture that " body " is attached more and more importance in MTV program .

  10. KindleFire的应用程序毫不逊色,而且还拥有亚马逊的电影、电视、音乐和超级会员服务等资源。

    The Fire has access to the same apps but also plugs into Amazon 's film , TV and music offerings as well as its Prime membership service .

  11. 另外,电视剧音乐演唱者的MichaelGiacchino为这个游戏原创了音乐。

    In addition , Michael Giacchino , who creates the drama 's haunting score , composed original music for the game .

  12. 试论电视剧音乐的艺术构思和创作

    On the Artistic Conception and Creation of TV Play Music

  13. 他把电脑、电视、音乐做得和人的生活密不可分。

    Sumner Redstone combines film , TV , music Tightly with his personal life .

  14. 这部电视剧中音乐声压过了,演员的说话声。

    In this TV play , the music drowned out the actors ' words .

  15. 这意味著要关闭所有的电视,音乐和电脑游戏或将声音调到听不到。

    That means the TV , music and computer games should be off or out of view and earshot .

  16. 播客与电视和音乐不同,它能给听众留下深刻印象。

    Unlike television and music , the audio format has the potential to create a deep impression on readers .

  17. 这家公司的客户涵盖电影、电视、音乐、戏剧以及文学界。

    The firm is involved with clients in film , television , music , theatre and the literary world .

  18. 我喜爱收集古董,烹调,看电视,音乐,唱歌,游泳和最爰吃东西。

    I love to collect old valuable things , cooking , movies , music , swimming and mostly are enjoying delicious food .

  19. 电影音乐配乐、电视剧音乐配乐、片头音乐、广告音乐、节目配乐。

    Background music for motion pictures , TV series , and other programs , theme songs for TV shows , and commercial jingles .

  20. 然而,电视和音乐中充斥着污秽与世俗,在这种节目的怂恿下,孩子们会脱口而出那些挑衅、粗俗的语言。

    Yet , encouraged by the pervasive profanity on television and in music , kids don 't think twice about aggressive and vulgar language .

  21. 电视剧音乐具有其独特的艺术创作规律,只有经过精心的构思和创作才能体现出电视剧音乐的艺术内涵。

    TV play music has special regular of art creation , only elaborate conception and creation can the art of TV play music be presented .

  22. 多年以来,好莱坞商会划定了电影、电视、音乐、广播和戏剧5个范畴来表彰演艺者们。

    Over the years , the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has created five categories including movies , television , music , radio , and theater .

  23. 如今,你的手机同时还是你的相机、游戏机、电视、音乐播放器、电子阅读器、闹钟、健身日志和记事本。

    Today your phone is your camera , game console , TV , music player , e-book reader , alarm clock , fitness log and notepad .

  24. 组织者声称,西蒙克威尔,这位打造了未知元素和美国偶像的知名制作人重塑了21世纪全球的电视与音乐。

    The impresario , best known for The X Factor and American Idol , has " reshaped 21st century television and music around the world ," organisers said .

  25. 然后你就可以在这台设备上享受流媒体电影、电视、音乐商店、应用程序以及电子书等各种功能了。

    You then have streaming movies , TV , a music store , Apps , eBooks and just about anything else that can be delivered to a tablet .

  26. 所谓植入式广告就是有目的、有计划的将品牌或服务等隐蔽性的融入到电影、电视、音乐视频、网络游戏等多种媒介当中,达到宣传品牌或服务的目的。

    The product placement is the purpose of which planned into television , music videos , online games and other media , to promote a brand or service purposes .

  27. 除了音响设计,及音乐录音工作,也曾参与歌剧,音乐剧,舞蹈,电视主题音乐及广告的音乐创作。

    Besides sound design , and music recording , has also been involved in music compositions for musical theatre , music drama , stage dance , television theme , and commercial advertising .

  28. 电影、电视、音乐、艺术世界、博物馆、时尚、网络内容(不管质量如何),都是由作家、音乐家、艺术家和设计师创作的。

    Movies , television , music , the art world , museums , fashion , Internet content ( whatever its measure of quality ), are produced by writers , musicians , artists , and designers .

  29. 该学院是澳大利亚领先的视觉和表演艺术教育机构,开设的课程或培训的内容主要有六大领域:美术、舞蹈、戏剧、电影电视、音乐及制作。

    It is a leading Australian visual and performing arts training institution , offers courses and training in six academic disciplines : fine art , dance , drama , film and television , music and production .

  30. 让一个被宠坏的中产阶层的孩子坐在十分舒适的座位上,可以随便选电视和音乐频道,还有许多漂亮女人来回服侍他,这是否有益呢?

    Will putting a spoilt middle-class teenager in a very comfortable seat with unlimited access to TV and music channels , and then sending a stream of attractive women to wait on him , do much to improve matters ?