
  • 网络electric bus;E-BUS
  1. 销售电动巴士汽车和轿车的比亚迪,在2016年上半年,其新能源汽车销售增长了130%,在插电式混合动力汽车领域,比亚迪的市场份额持续达到了65%。

    BYD , which sells electric buses as well as cars , saw a 130 % increase in new energy vehicle sales in the first half of 2016 , allowing the company to strengthen its hold on the Chinese plug-in vehicle market with a 65 % share .

  2. 周三,中国汽车和电池制造商比亚迪(BYD)将展示全球第一款电动双层巴士。此前,该公司与苏格兰制造商亚历山大·丹尼斯有限公司(ADL)签署了一份为期十年的合资协议,为英国打造零排放的公交车队。

    Chinese car and battery maker BYD will show off the world 's first electric double-decker bus on Wednesday after signing a 10-year joint venture with Scottish manufacturer Alexander Dennis ( ADL ) to produce a zero-emissions fleet for the UK .

  3. 这家电动汽车制造商周四宣布,公司计划在明年年底前,为加州的公共项目提供全电动的巴士,足见它非常严肃地看待在加州的经营。

    The battery-turned-electric car company is so serious about doing business in California that it announced on Thursday that it plans to supply the State of California with all-electric buses for public projects by the end of next year .