
  • 网络Dynaudio;Daimler;Tannat
  1. Art-Deco风格的经典建筑语言&巴马丹拿国际公司访谈

    Classical Architectural Words with Art-Deco Style An Interview For P T Group

  2. 不过我们的主人公丹拿对这一切倒也并不在乎。

    But our hero was Tanner did all this do not care .

  3. 本片主人公丹拿是一个颇不得志的演员。

    The film hero is a rather Tanner blossom actor .

  4. 我首先点开了“丹拿”,这是一种菲律宾的吸血鬼,很多年以前是负责在岛上种植芋头的。

    The first I clicked on , the Danag , was a Filipino vampire supposedly responsible for planting taro on the islands long ago .

  5. 此时的丹拿已经告别了演艺圈,为了维持生计,他找到了一份在高中教戏剧的教师的工作。

    At this time Tanner has said goodbye to the entertainment industry , to make a living , he found a teaching drama in high school teachers .

  6. 无路可走的丹拿也就只有听取了这个建议,开始着手他的原创以期能够在最后时刻挽救他的戏剧课。

    Tanner is in no way only heard this suggestion , he started with a view to the original at the last minute to save his drama class .