
dān qīnɡ
  • history;red and green colours—painting;annals
  • painting
丹青 [dān qīng]
  • [painting] 丹和青是我国古代绘画,常用的两种颜色,借指绘画

  • 竹帛所载,丹青所画。--《汉书.苏武传》

  • 尤善丹青。--《晋书.顾恺之传》

丹青[dān qīng]
  1. 我擅长水墨丹青。

    I 'm skilful in ink and wash .

  2. 少陵翰墨无形画,韩干丹青不语诗。(苏轼《韩干马》)

    Shaoling 's writings are pictures without forms ; han gan 's paintings are unspoken poems .

  3. 他称得上是一个“不爱江山爱丹青”的皇帝。

    He was not a good politician but a fine artist .

  4. 动物丹青书,蛇,兔子,体育书,篮球

    Animal picture book , snake , rabbit , sports book , basketball

  5. 宫殿、寺庙等的丹青;

    The painting in the palaces and temples ;

  6. 有巧夺天工的天然水墨丹青大峡谷。

    There is natural water black painting Grand Canyon of wonderful workmanship excelling nature .

  7. 比来报纸上对这样丹青的讨论有很多。

    There has been a heated discussion about this picture in the news paper recently .

  8. 丹青公司愿做您油画事业的助手和基石。

    Danqing company would like to be our assistant and cornerstone for your oil painting cause .

  9. 唐韵盛景曲水丹青:长安芙蓉园规划设计

    Flourishing landscape of the style of Tang Dynasty : planning design of the lotus garden , Changan

  10. 乔得龙:以丹青记忆北京

    Memory of Beijing in drawings

  11. 在古代,中国画以丹青命名,便足以看出色彩对于中国画的重要性。

    In ancient times , Chinese paintings with " DanQing " named , and enough to show that color for the importance of Chinese painting .

  12. 这首歌名为《丹青千里》,由台湾词曲作家方文山作词,居于北京的音乐制作人张亚东作曲。

    The lyrics of the song , Magnificent Landscape in Painting , are written by Taiwan songwriter Vincent Fang and the music is composed by Beijing-based songwriter Zhang Yadong .

  13. 许多学者认为,丹青题咏、诗画合璧是中国艺术史上独特的文化现象,在西方似乎没有。

    It is generally acknowledged by scholars that poems on paintings and the combination of poems and paintings are unique in Chinese art while they are absent in the West .

  14. 他在继承传统的基础之上,创造性地最后完成了不施丹青也光彩照人的纸本白描,是我国传统绘画的线条发展成为能够独立的一种表现方法。

    He inherited the traditional foundation , creatively finally completed the " Shi Dan also shine " and " the paper outlines ", is a traditional Chinese painting lines become able to separate an expressive method .

  15. 我国古时候,绘画被称为丹青,丹青的意思是当时主要流行的颜色,其中有五种颜色代表,有蓝色,黄色,红色,白色和黑色。

    In ancient times in China , painting is known as Dan , " Dan - " means that the color was mainly popular , including representatives of five colors , blue , yellow , red , white and black .

  16. 相比前期空白页的历史到丹青出粉黛的相对空前发展,这种转变既是艺术自身内驱动力的推动,同时也是整个社会历史发展的必然结果。

    Compared to the early " blank page ", the unprecedented development of the " Dan Qing Chu Fen Dai ", is a driving force within the art of self-promotion , but also an inevitable result of social and historical development .

  17. 所得出的结论是:中国古典绘画发展到唐宋时期,以色彩为主的丹青绘画在走向高峰期的同时,又因水墨画的不断兴盛而逐步丧失其在中国绘画中的主流地位。

    The conclusion was when Chinese classical painting developed toward Tang and Song Dynasty , color that relied mainly on color approached the peak , meanwhile , it lost its major status gradually as the " ink and wash drawing " was booming .