
jìn jīnɡ ɡǎn kǎo
  • go to the capital to sit an examination
  1. 传说古时候有个名叫朱耀宗的书生,进京赶考高中状元。

    In ancient times there was a scholar called Zhu Yaozong who came first in the highest imperial examination .

  2. 有位秀才第三次进京赶考,住在一个经常住的店里。

    Have place Xiucai third time to go to the capital rushing firmly having a test in , within a store who often lives .

  3. 我是一位落魄的书生,带着穷酸与才华战战兢兢的进京赶考,一如大都赶考的一样,失意而归。

    I am a lackluster scholar , with scrubby and talent to Beijing fears that exam , as most of the same exam , go home frustrated .

  4. 穷苦书生朱孝廉(邓超饰)和他的书童进京赶考,不料迷路,并与山贼孟龙潭发生争执。

    A poor intellectual Zhu Xiaolian ( Deng Chao ) and his servant visit the capital to take an examination , but they stray and fall into a fight with a bandit , Meng Longtan .