
  • 网络Import charge;Import fees
  1. 同样,退税方案可允许对生产出口产品过程中消耗的投入物(扣除正常损耗)征收的进口费用进行减免或退税。

    Similarly , drawback schemes can allow for the remission or drawback of import charges levied on inputs that are consumed in the production of the exported product ( making normal allowance for waste ) .

  2. 所有货物的出口费用,税收及关税须全部由卖方承担,同样,所有货物的进口费用,税收及关税须全部由买方承担。

    All export charges , levies and duties on cargo shall be for the seller 's account in full , similarly all import charges , levies and duties on cargo shall be for the buyer 's account in full .

  3. 当地货币贬值时,进口费用就会上升。

    When local currencies are devalued the cost of imports rises .

  4. 这使中国的进口费用在一个较低值。

    This has kept the prices of Chinese imports low .

  5. 信用证会增加我们的进口费用。

    A letter of credit would add to the cost of my imports .

  6. 2007-08年粮食危机前的十年中,全球粮食进口费用平均低于每年5000亿美元。

    In the 10 years before the 2007-08 food crisis , the global bill for food imports averaged less than $ 500bn a year .

  7. 该组织说,全球食品进口费用今年可能上升11%,对许多粮食短缺的发展中经济体而言,费用可能会提高20%。

    The agency said food import bills will likely rise 11 percent globally this year and 20 percent for many developing economies with food deficits .

  8. 史贝里克称,为此,阿里巴巴将很快在美国推出运输中心,为那些希望进入中国市场的美国零售商提供商品包装、缴税及缴纳其他进口费用的操作服务。

    To that end , Alibaba will soon introduce shipping centers in the U.S. to handle proper packaging , levies and other import fees for U.S. retailers hoping to deliver to China , said Spelich .

  9. 进口运费用保险费帐户

    Import freight and insurance account

  10. 浅部真菌病应用国产与进口特比萘芬的费用效果分析

    Cost effectiveness analysis of treating superficial mycosis with imported and domestic terbinafine

  11. 但是在美国,同样也提高了进口产品的费用。

    But in the United States it can raise the cost of imports .

  12. 磨削加工上海石化进口原油加工费用的实例分析橄榄球的加工

    An economic analysis of processing cost of imported crude oil processed in Shanghai Petrochemical co. , ltd

  13. 为了要坦白地告诉你,信用的一封信会增加我的进口货的费用。

    To tell you frankly , a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import .

  14. 目前我国所需的优质高钛铁都是从国外进口,成本费用极高,严重制约了我国高新技术的发展。

    In current all high-quality high titanium ferroalloy needed in our country is dependent on importing from outside , and the cost is very expensive .

  15. 根据新华社的报道,中国每年进口芯片的费用高达200亿美元,是全球半导体市场中最大的贸易逆差。

    China imports around $ 200 billion of chips a year , which is the biggest trade deficit in the global semiconductor market , according to state-run Xinhua news agency .

  16. 我将提供投资总额49%的资金,其中包括全部进口设备的费用以及来自国内公司的工程师、技术人员和管理人员的费用。

    My contribute is49 % of the total investment , including the cost of all the imported equipment , and the engineers , technological and management staff from my home company .

  17. 若当事方希望买方承担进口的风险和费用,则应使用DDU术语。

    If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of the import , the DDU term should be used .

  18. 他指出,中国的关税是对进口货物征收的费用。

    He noted that the Customs Tariff of China was a charge imposed on imported goods .

  19. 电火花震源是海洋工程地震勘探作业中一种较好的震源,但“十五”之前我国的电火花震源主要依靠进口,仪器维护费用高、周期长。

    In the tenth five-year period , the marine sparker source , PSS500J , was developed by the First Institute of Oceanography of State Oceanic Administration .

  20. 退税计划允许对出口产品生产所消耗的进口征收的进口费用进行减征或退税。

    Drawback schemes can allow for the remission or ~ , of import charges levied on imports that are consumed in the production of the exported product .

  21. 现在市面上已经有超过十种可切削氧化锆陶瓷商品,但绝大数为进口产品,不仅费用高,而且需购置配套的CAD/CAM系统来加工,因此不利于在我国临床上推广普及。

    Now there are more than ten kinds of machinable zirconia ceramic products in the market , but most of them are imported products . Because of high costs and the need of suitable CAD / CAM systems , it has some limitations to clinical use .

  22. 以印度为例,印度关税法规使进口计算机组件的成本远远低于进口计算机整机的费用,这迫使制造商不得不在印度国内进行生产。

    Take India , which has tariff laws that make it much easier to import computer components than finished computers , which pressures manufacturers to produce in their country .

  23. 原油进口公司对于如何合理安排运输线路来降低进口运输费用的问题非常关注。

    To reduce its transport cost , crude oil importers are urgent to find out an economic transport network .

  24. 第五部分将武钢进口铁矿石物流优化作为案例分析,提出了用优化模型和管理决策优化来减少进口矿物流费用的可行方法。

    Part five import Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant iron ore logistics optimizes as case analysis , put forward with optimize model and administrative decision optimize , import mineral shed feasible method of expense .

  25. 同样地,如果进口部件成本和前几代的领先型号相似,这就意味着为每个手机支付大约200美元的进口费用(这部分要从GDP中扣除)。

    Likewise , if the imported cost component is similar to previous leading generation phones it would imply around a $ 200 per phone addition to imports ( which is a subtraction from GDP ) .