
  • 网络International logistics companies;PLCN
  1. 但是这个标价并没有吓退任栋(音译)。现年42岁的任栋在中信国际物流公司(CITICInternationalLogistics)担任经理。

    But the sticker price didn 't dissuade Dong Ren , 42 , a manager at CITIC International Logistics .

  2. 分析青岛市A国际物流公司的福利体系状况,人力资源状况,研究同行业的福利状况和国外的福利制度,对福利满意度进行调查,总结现有福利体系中存在的问题。

    The welfare system and the status of human resources are analyzed . The same industry welfare and welfare system are studied .

  3. G国际物流有限公司在华业务发展战略探讨

    The Research on the Development Strategy of G International Logistics Co. , Ltd. in China

  4. 虽然此公司2013年才成立,在他们与国际空间物流公司AstroboticTechnology达成秘密协议后,今年八月推出此项服务。

    Although the company was founded in 2013 , the service only offered in August of this year , after Elysium managed to seal a deal with space logistics company Astrobotic Technology .

  5. 现任职于某国际领先物流公司,亚太区供应链顾问团总监。

    Dr Fu is the Director of Supply Chain Consultancy at a world-leading logistics company .

  6. 本文基于大连邮政国际物流有限公司物流信息化工程项目,论述了系统分析与设计实现的全过程。

    This paper base on Dalian China Post International Logistics Company 's Informatization project , describe its system analysis and system design .

  7. 与此同时,随着国际顶尖物流公司的进入,国内大量尚处于发展时期的第三方物流企业面临了前所未有的巨大压力。

    At the same time , with the top logistics enterprises ' advent , the domestic TPL which still in the development period are facing unprecedented pressure .

  8. 近年来,经过优化重组,青岛中孚国际物流有限公司在服务范围、业务网络和操作质量与模式上均有了长足的改进。

    In recent years , it has made a significant improvement in service scope , business network and the quality and mode of operation through its optimized restructuring .

  9. 第三章景和国际物流集团公司应收账款管理对策研究。进行应收账款投资分析,确定适当的信用政策;

    Chapter 3 , the study on the measures of accounts receivable management . investment analysis to A Tyre & Rubber Company 's accounts receivable management , and determine proper credit policies ;

  10. 擎天国际展览物流有限公司是一家专业运输展览品的物流企业。

    Giant Expo Logistics is a specialist in shipping exhibition goods to and from trade shows and industrial expositions around the world .

  11. 青岛国际航空物流中心有限公司发展战略研究

    The Research on Developmental Strategy of Qingdao International Aviation Logistics Center

  12. 交易商们表示,上海及其他中国港口的设施是按照国际标准管理和运营的,运营方通常是国际物流公司。

    Traders say that facilities at Shanghai and at other Chinese ports are organised and operated to global ­ standards , often by intern ­ ational logistics companies .