
  • 网络cas;court of arbitration for sports
  1. 现在,他说,我们绝对、绝对不会接受任何的和解,如果大会不采取行动,他承诺会将此案提交到国际体育仲裁法庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)寻求解决。

    Now , he said , we will never , never accept any compromise , promising to pursue the case at the Court of Arbitration for Sport if the congress did not act .

  2. 现在,他说,“我们绝对、绝对不会接受任何的和解,”如果大会不采取行动,他承诺会将此案提交到国际体育仲裁法庭(CourtofArbitrationforSport)寻求解决。

    Now , he said , " we will never , never accept any compromise , " promising to pursue the case at the Court of Arbitration for Sport if the congress did not act .

  3. 考虑到国际体育仲裁法庭(theCourtofArbitrationforSport)最近以服用违禁药物为由,决定取消2010年环法自行车赛冠军得主阿尔伯托•康塔多(AlbertoContador)的冠军称号,他也可以位列其中。

    And given the recent decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport to strip 2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador of his title for alleged drug use , he could be included too .

  4. 国际体育仲裁法庭称,这笔钱款是“没有合同基础的不正当礼金”。

    The CAS described the payment as " an undue gift with no contractual basis . "

  5. 孙杨要求在国际体育仲裁法庭举行公开听证会,以就他涉嫌违反反兴奋剂规则的行为进行辩护。

    Sun requested a public hearing at the CAS to defend his innocence against alleged anti-doping rule violations .

  6. 上个月,世界反兴奋剂机构和俄罗斯反兴奋剂机构联合举行仲裁听证会,随后国际体育仲裁法庭做出了最终决定。

    The final decision from CAS resulted from an arbitration hearing between WADA and the Russian Anti-Doping Agency last month .

  7. 周四,国际体育仲裁法庭因兴奋剂丑闻对俄罗斯实施为期两年的禁赛,这将使俄罗斯错过东京奥运会和北京冬奥会。

    Russia will miss the Tokyo Olympics and Beijing Winter Games as the Court of Arbitration for Sport imposed a two-year ban on the country on Thursday a doping scandal .

  8. 国际体育仲裁法庭上周一对外宣称,国际足联前主席塞普·布拉特关于其被禁止在6年内参加任何与足球相关活动的上诉被驳回。

    Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter has lost his appeal against a six-year ban from all football-related activity , the Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) said last Monday .

  9. 国际体育仲裁法庭裁定,2011年布拉特授权向时任欧足联主席米歇尔·普拉蒂尼支付了200万美元,这违反了国际足联的道德准则。

    The CAS ruled that in 2011 Blatter authorized a payment of $ 2 million to Michel Platini , then the European football boss , and therefore violated FIFA 's code of ethics .

  10. 声明还说:“霍顿抗议的事情目前正在国际体育仲裁法庭的审理过程之中,因此国际泳联不对该事进行进一步评论,以防听证会受到影响。”

    The statement added : " The matter over which Mack Horton was allegedly protesting is currently under review by Court of Arbitration for Sport ( CAS ) and therefore it is not appropriate for FINA to prejudice this hearing by commenting further . "

  11. 国际足联建议有关特维兹的争议一事应该去国际体育仲裁法庭解决。

    Fifa has recommended that the Carlos Tevez dispute should go to the Court of Arbitration for Sport .