
  1. 由东部时区机场出发,美国国内机票减价减100。

    For departure from east standard time zone , US domestic air fare reduction is100 .

  2. ARC2012年的一项报告发现最便宜的国内机票是于飞机出发前的六周售出的。

    An ARC study conducted in 2012 found that the least expensive domestic tickets were purchased six weeks prior to departure .

  3. 日航每年会向持有该公司1000股股票的股东提供一张半价国内机票;持股量越大,得到的半价机票就越多。

    JAL offers a half-price domestic flight a year to owners of 1,000 shares , and more flights to larger investors .

  4. 付还,退还中国航空运输协会目前已停止发放纸质机票,并发出通知要求国内机票代理商发售电子机票。

    As the China Air Transport Association ( CATA ) has stopped providing paper tickets and instructed sellers to issue e-tickets .

  5. 印度政府还宣布将现金奖金为他在国际及国内机票火车票和特别折扣。

    The Indian government will also announce a cash bounty for him and special discounts on international air tickets and domestic train tickets .

  6. 中国航空运输协会目前已停止发放纸质机票,并发出通知要求国内机票代理商发售电子机票。看来用不了多久,纸质机票就将彻底消失。

    The days of multi-layer air tickets appear numbered , as the China Air Transport Association ( CATA ) has stopped providing paper tickets and instructed sellers to issue e-tickets .

  7. 提供机票(国际机票、国内机票、特价机票),火车票预订,住宿酒店预订等服务。当时我接受了。但是我请求若有更便宜的房间,请贵酒店预订员为我重新安排。

    Offer airplane ticket ( including domestic and international ticket , and bargain price ticket ) and train ticket reservation , and hotel accommodation reservation . I accepted but asked to make rearrangement for me if there was any cheaper room .

  8. 吐哈石油国际旅行还拥有民航售票中心,可销售国际、国内民航机票。

    With ticket office of CAAC ( General Administration of Civil Aviation of China ), international and domestic flight tickets can be obtained in Tuha Petroleum International Travel Agency .

  9. 在整整19个月的时间里,就有超过600万的美国国内航班的机票在星期日售出,一张往返机票的平均价格只有267英镑(432美金)。

    With over six million US domestic flights purchased on Sundays during that 19-month period , the average price for a round-trip ticket amounted to 267 ( $ 432 ) .

  10. 像Bestfares.com网站首席执行长汤姆·帕森斯这样的乘客表示,国内航班头等舱机票价格在2000美元至3000美元之间的航空公司可以承受得起改善食物的费用。

    Traveler like Tom Parsons of Bestfares.com says with domestic first-class air fare , sometimes running $ 2000 to $ 3000 , airline can afford to improve the food .

  11. 印度尼西亚交通部8号表示,印尼严厉打击国内航班销售廉价机票,确保航空公司不会在安全问题上偷工减料。

    Indonesia has cracked down on the sale of cheap tickets for domestic flights to ensure that airlines do not cut corners on safety , the transport ministry said on Thursday .