
tè jià pǐn
  • Special Offer;on-sale products;discount merchandise
  1. 核心业务几乎就是招徕顾客的特价品。

    The core activity is almost a loss-leader to attract customers .

  2. 今天饺子馆里有三种特价品。

    There are three specials at the House of Dumplings today .

  3. 当一些物品廉价出售时,它就是特价品。

    When something is for sale very cheap it is a special .

  4. 上述优惠不适用于特价品或折实价货品。

    This offer is not applicable to special and net priced items .

  5. 今天我们餐馆有四种特价品。

    We have four specials in our restaurant today .

  6. 我们所有的特价品都仅卖1块钱。

    We sell all the specials for only1RMB .

  7. 特价品是不能退现金的。

    There are no refunds on sale items .

  8. 我知道我会在这次拍卖中找到一件挺不错的特价品。

    I just know I 'm gonna find a terrific bargain at this sale .

  9. 今天的特价品是蔬菜色拉。

    We have garden salad on special today .

  10. 这是今天的特价品吗?

    Is this the special deals today ?

  11. 他们今天有什麽特价品。

    B.What do they have special today ?

  12. 请知我们贵方是否有意为我方定期发运特价品。

    Please let us know if you are interested in shipping us your special offer regularly .

  13. 特价品销售政策损失

    Loss leader selling policy

  14. 一件东西没有按原价购买的经历前不要买它的特价品。

    Don 't buy anything at a bargain store that you haven 't bought before at full price .

  15. 这世上困难的工作之一,是说服女人相信:尽管是特价品也得花钱。

    One of the difficult tasks in this world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money .

  16. 阿丽:很抱歉,但这是特价品,我只能给您本店的折价券。

    Ali : I 'm sorry , but this was on sale , so I can only give you store credit .

  17. 就像运动员会回忆自己过去的成就一样,运动型消费者也会回味买到特价品时的兴奋感,有时还能记起购买日期、折扣价和原价。

    Similar to an athlete reminiscing on their past achievements , a sport shopper can remember details of the bargain items in their closets , sometimes including the date of purchase and the sale and original price .

  18. 所有的特价销售品都卖完了。

    All the sale items are gone .