
tè shǐ
  • special envoy;ambassador;emissary;embassador;czar;Ambassador Extraordinary
特使 [tè shǐ]
  • (1) [special envoy]∶国家特意派出负有特别使命的外交代表

  • (2) [ambassador;Ambassador Extraordinary]∶为了某一特殊的通常是临时的外交使命而任命的部长级最高级官员

特使[tè shǐ]
  1. 总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。

    The President sent a special envoy to the peace talks .

  2. 世界银行气候变化问题特使AndrewSteer提醒博览会与会人士,气候变化与发展之间有着密切联系。

    Andrew Steer , World Bank Special Envoy for Climate Change , reminded Expo participants of the close link between climate change and development .

  3. 科隆博是教皇保罗的特使吗?是他在委员会内部设下的卧底吗?

    Was Colombo the emissary of Pope Paul , his Trojan horse within the Commission ?

  4. 他派埃文斯以私人特使的身份前往商讨修复两国关系的途径。

    He sent Evans as his personal envoy to discuss ways to mend relations between the two countries

  5. 在卸任国际奥委会主席后,他还担任了联合国青年、难民和体育问题特使。

    After his IOC presidency for Youth , Refugees and Sport to the United Nations .

  6. testthewaters试探最好是先派遣特使去试探comeupwith提出,想出如果仔细考虑一下,我们一定会想出一些合适的东西。

    If we all put on our thinking caps , we are bound to come up with something suitable .

  7. 联合国中东问题特使罗伯特·H·塞里(RobertH.Serry)也对袭击事件表示了谴责。

    The United Nations special envoy for the Middle East , Robert H. Serry , also condemned the attacks .

  8. 他指出,美国驻中东特使GeorgeMitchell本周将回国。

    And he noted that George Mitchell , his special diplomat for the Middle East , is going back next week .

  9. 协议正等着人们签署,美国气候变化特使托德斯特恩(ToddStern)表示。

    There is a deal there to be done , says Todd Stern , US special envoy for climate change .

  10. 美国气候变化特使托德斯特恩(toddstern)已经表示,只有在协议有望达成的情况下,奥巴马总统才会出席。

    Todd Stern , the US climate envoy , has suggested President Obama will go only if a deal seems close .

  11. 巴尼百货的创意特使西蒙杜南(simondoonan)认为,米德尔顿可能将成为下一个米歇尔奥巴马。

    Simon doonan , creative ambassador-at-large for Barneys , thinks Middleton could be the next Michelle Obama .

  12. 作家朱莉布吉尔(julieburchill)称他俩是“异性恋的啦啦队长和特使”。

    The writer , Julie burchill , called them " cheerleaders and ambassadors of heterosexuality " .

  13. 联合国高级人道主义特使JohnHolmes说,他未能与斯里兰卡政府达成允许协议,以允许接近身陷猛虎组织与政府军战斗的平民。

    The United Nations top humanitarian envoy John Holmes says he has failed to secure an agreement from the Sri Lankan government on access to civilians trapped in fighting with Tamil Tiger rebels .

  14. 当时,秘书长和他的特使RayChambers先生要求国际社会执行一个到2010年底降低疟疾死亡率的宏伟计划。

    On that occasion , the Secretary-General and his Special Envoy , Mr Ray Chambers , challenged the international community to embark on an ambitious plan to reduce malaria deaths by the end of2010 .

  15. 在上周抵达哥本哈根时,美国气候变化特使托德斯特恩(toddstern)带着一个目标:对中国采取更强硬力场。

    Todd Stern , the US special envoy for climate change , had one aim on arrival in Copenhagen last week : to get tough on China .

  16. 恰如其分的是,希拉里演讲是为了纪念已故的阿富汗和巴基斯坦事务特使理查德霍尔布鲁克(richardholbrooke)。

    Appropriately enough , her speech was delivered in honour of the late Richard Holbrooke , the former Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan .

  17. 警方已经调查这起丑闻很长时间,目前已有4人被逮捕。其中包括布莱尔的募捐者及中东特使LordLevy,布莱尔的高级助理RuthTurner。

    Blair 's fund-raiser and Middle East envoy , Lord Levy , and senior aide Ruth Turner are among four people who have been arrested and questioned in the long-running probe .

  18. 韩国报纸称,周二,平壤邀请美国驻韩国特使StephenBosworth和美国六方会谈主要代表SungKim下月访问朝鲜。

    South Korean newspapers said Tuesday Pyongyang has invited U.S. North Korea envoy Stephen Bosworth and U.S. six-party talks chief delegate Sung Kim to visit next month .

  19. 他派去的特使、国务卿科德尔赫尔(CordellHull)在会上近乎一言不发,他还拒绝在货币稳定问题上进行协作。

    He sent Cordell Hull , his secretary of state , as an almost silent emissary and declined to co-operate in currency stabilisation .

  20. 美国特使乔治·米切尔(GeorgeMitchell)敦促巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯从与以色列进行间接对话转变为进行面对面的直接谈判。

    US Envoy Pushes Palestinians to Enter Direct Talks With Israel U.S. envoy George Mitchell urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to move from indirect peace talks with Israel to face-to-face negotiations .

  21. 我下星期将率同斯特恩(ToddStern)特使前往亚洲,开始进行我们希望将为展开合作创造机会的讨论。

    And I will be taking Special Envoy Todd Stern with me to Asia next week to begin the discussions that we hope will create the opportunities for cooperation .

  22. 正是在这种混乱的局势下,美国朝鲜问题特使斯蒂芬博斯沃思(StephenBosworth)展开了对平壤的首次正式访问,昨日会见了朝鲜领导人。

    The disruption comes as Stephen Bosworth , the US special envoy to Pyongyang , met North Korean leaders yesterday on his first official visit .

  23. 与此相关的是,克林顿宣布任命喜剧演员和电视节目主持人艾伦·德杰尼勒斯(EllenDeGeneres)担任提高全球对艾滋病认识的特使。

    In a related matter , Clinton announced the appointment of comedian and television host Ellen DeGeneres as a special envoy for global AIDS awareness .

  24. 下面请听一下SusanYackee对华盛顿近东政策研究所中东问题分析家DavidPollack的采访,他将讲述美国试图解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的努力:美国中东特使米切尔已经与以色列官员举行会晤,为以色列和巴勒斯坦的间接对话做准备。

    Israel , Palestinians Look for Confidence-Building in Indirect Negotiations Listen to Susan Yackee 's interview with Middle East analyst David Pollack , with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy ,

  25. 联合国驻刚果民主共和国特使AlanDoss表示,新增维和部队必须足够强硬,起到应有作用。

    The U.N. 's special envoy for the DRC , Alan Doss , said the additional peacekeepers must be of sufficient strength to be effective .

  26. 美国的阿富汗和巴基斯坦问题特使理查德霍尔布鲁克(RichardHolbrooke)今年4月曾访问北京举行商谈,此后双方进行了一系列接触。

    Richard Holbrooke , the US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan , visited Beijing in April for talks and there have been a string of contacts since then .

  27. 美国的朝鲜问题特使格林戴维斯(glyndavies)敦促平壤政权不要将威胁付诸行动。

    Glyn Davies , US Special Representative for North Korea , urged the regime in Pyongyang not to carry out its threat .

  28. 科菲·安南(KofiAnnan,联合国前秘书长)周四宣布,他将在月底辞去联合国及阿拉伯国家联盟叙利亚特使一职。

    On Thursday , Kofi Annan announced he will leave at the end of the month as the United Nations and Arab League negotiator for Syria .

  29. 巴基斯坦外交部长于周二会见了美国特使格罗斯曼(MarcGrossman)以及阿富汗外交部长。

    Pakistan 's Foreign Minister Salman Bashir met Tuesday with the U.S. special envoy to the region , Marc Grossman , and Afghanistan 's foreign minister .

  30. 两位明星坠入了爱河。作家朱莉•布吉尔(JulieBurchill)称他俩是异性恋的啦啦队长和特使。

    The two stars fell in love . The writer , Julie Burchill , called them " cheerleaders and ambassadors of heterosexuality " .