
  • 网络Kang Sok-ju
  1. 朝鲜外交部副部长姜锡柱等人告诉他们的中国游客,他们希望与华盛顿第一次对话。

    North Korea 's vice-foreign minister , Kang Sok-ju , and others told their Chinese visitor they wanted dialogue with Washington first .

  2. 我们知道他昨天会见了朝鲜第一副外相姜锡柱,他是否还将会见更高级别的朝方领导人?

    We are aware that he met with DPRK First Vice Foreign Minsiter Kang Sok Chu yesterday , will he meet more DPRK leaders of higher ranks ?

  3. 但他会见了北韩第一副外相姜锡柱;姜锡柱被视为是北韩核外交的主要人物。

    Instead , he met with North Korea 's First Vice Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju , the man regarded as the mastermind of the North 's nuclear diplomacy .