
jiānɡ piàn
  • ginger slices
  1. 布氏姜片吸虫(Fasciolopsisbuski)线粒体DNA的限制性内切酶分析及物理图谱构建

    Restriction enzyme analyzing and mapping of Fasciolopsis buski mtDNA

  2. 布氏姜片虫的生态及其防治策略的探讨

    Studies on ecology of Fasciolopsis buski and control strategy of Fasciolopsiasis

  3. 即食风味洋姜片的生产工艺与质量控制

    Production and quality control of instant flavouring piece of jerusalem artichoke

  4. 姜片虫虫体抗原氨基酸的测定

    Determination of amino acids in adult worm antigens of Fasciolopsis buski

  5. 马克:呃,是的,如果这些姜片足够的话。

    Mark : Uh , yeah , if these slices are enough .

  6. 我加了些洋葱和小姜片到汤里。

    I added a chopped onion and little ginger to the soup .

  7. 磷酸盐对糖姜片的护色作用研究

    The Color Keeping Effect of Phosphate on Ginger Candy

  8. 吡喹酮对体外培养的姜片虫的作用

    The in vitro action of pyquiton on Fasciolopsis buski

  9. 蒜头、大葱、姜片下油镬走油,或略为爆香亦可。

    Deep fry garlic , welsh onion and ginger or stir fry until aromatic .

  10. 艾灸加鲜姜片治疗化疗性静脉炎的疗效观察

    Observation of Effects of Moxa Cone Isolated by Fresh Ginger Slice for Chemotherapeutic Phlebitis

  11. 陕西省姜片吸虫病疫源地媒介动物的究研(Ⅱ)扁卷螺的生态

    Studies on the animal vectors of the Shansi Fasciolopsiasis nidus (ⅱ) the bionomics of the planorbids

  12. 用少许油爆香姜片,下鱼煎至两面金黄色待用,弃去姜片。

    Heating oil , saut ? ginger and fish until fragrant and golden brown , discard ginger .

  13. 吃时可随个人喜爱加入少许姜片、炒芝麻及葱花。

    Optional : add a little shredded ginger , stir-fried sesame seeds and diced spring onion on top .

  14. 如果有姜片被卡住,关闭榨汁机,把被卡住的成分取出来,继续榨汁。

    If any pieces get stuck , turn the machine off , release the pieces , then continue juicing .

  15. 此法与内脏和什曼病、血吸虫病、肺吸虫病和姜片虫病等均无交义反应,表明此法对疟疾有较高的特异性。

    No cross reaction was observed with sera from cases of schistosomiasis , visceral leishmaniasis , paragonimiasis and fasciolopsiasis buski .

  16. 除已经展示的样品外,我公司可以根据客户需要加工各种颜色、口味和包装的姜片。

    Our company can produce all kinds of color , taste and packing pickled ginger according to the showing samples .

  17. 目的研究南水北调后微山湖生态环境改变对姜片虫病流行的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of ecological environment changes on fasciolopsiasis epidemic in Weishan lake area after the South-to-North water diversion .

  18. 在上飞机或上车前,在孩子的肚脐上夹一块姜片,来防止晕车。

    Before getting on board a plane or car , put a slice of ginger on your child 's bellybutton , to counter carsickness .

  19. 烧热2汤匙油,爆香姜片,加入鲜冬菇、露笋及甘笋,炒香1分钟。

    Heat 2 tbsp oil . Saute ginger until fragrant . Add black mushrooms , baby corn , carrot and stir-fry for 1 minute .

  20. 然后对疫源地范围内姜片吸虫病流行过程的特点进行了分析,追索到生物生长区的自然条件和社会条件上去。

    The peculiarities of the course of infection were then analyzed with a discussion on both the natural and the social conditions of the biotope .

  21. 方法调查湖区微山县的自然环境、水面积变化并对动植物感染姜片虫情况进行流行病学调查。

    Methods Epidemiological survey was performed on the natural environment , the changes of water area and the infection of fasciolopsis buski in aquatic in Weishan country .

  22. 结论微山湖区生态环境的改变,居民不良卫生习惯可能导致姜片虫病流行和扩散。

    Conclusion Changes of the ecological environment in Weishan lake area and the unhealthy life style of the presidents may lead to the epiemic and spreading of fasciolopsiasis .

  23. 新工艺能提高姜制品的质量,不带入有毒物质,并能与姜块、姜片的烘干工艺衔接。

    This new process can increase qualities of produces of ginger , no agree with poisonous matters , and join up with drying process of cakes and pieces of ginger .

  24. 总共调查102个疫区有代表性的种植水生植物的池塘,检查各种水生植物对姜片虫囊蚴的感染率,其中水浮莲的检出率为23.5%,平均每个水浮莲携带有5.09个囊蚴。

    A survey of the water plants carrying metacercariae of Fasciolopsis buski at 102 ponds shows that on average , each plant of the Pistia stratiotes carries 5.09 metacercariae , and every 500 gins .

  25. 蛔虫感染率10~14岁年龄组最高,姜片虫感染率30~39岁年龄组最高,钩虫感染率30~59岁年龄组最高。

    The age group with the highest infection rate of ascaris was from 10-14 years of age , fasciolopsis , 30-39 years , and hookworm , between the age of 30 and 59 years .