
  • 网络Jiang Taigong Fishing
  1. 由于他们的核心理念是利用从企业之处收取高昂的许可费法律,很多NPEs被嘲笑为“姜太公钓鱼”。某些专利甚至还有问题。

    But some NPEs are derided as " trolls " because their sole purpose seems to be to exploit the legal system by demanding licensing fees from companies , sometimes for questionable patents .

  2. 大家再往那水流中间的钟乳石看,是不是很像姜太公钓鱼?

    Everyone look into the middle of Stalactites , isn 't it much like Kiang Taigong fishing ?

  3. 成语“姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩”比喻心甘情愿地上别人的圈套或是做事不计后果。

    Today , people use this old idiom to describe someone who willingly falls in a trap or does something regardless of the result .