
  • 网络Pool table;Billiard table
  1. 这台球桌不错

    This is a nice pool table .

  2. 这间屋子里不仅有台球桌、弹珠台和自动点唱机,它的墙上还挂满了镶着金框的老式画像,画的是Mojang最初的20来位员工,每个人都装扮成不同的身份。

    In open-necked shirt with sleeves rolled up , he is sitting in a leather chair in a room that not only has a pool table , pinball table and jukebox but a wall covered in gilt-framed , old-fashioned portraits of the first 20 or so Mojang employees in different guises .

  3. 还是找张台球桌吧。

    If you ask for something , ask for a pool table .

  4. 你指和台球桌那儿的那些女孩吗

    You mean those girls over by the pool table ?

  5. 好,大四的时候……在台球桌上。

    OK , senior year of college ... on a pool table .

  6. 我想在那里面放个台球桌。

    I wanted a pool table back there .

  7. 我们搬到大点的地方时就买台球桌。

    We 're gonna get a pool table when we get a bigger place .

  8. 如果你愿意买个台球桌的话,地方也够大了。

    The place is plenty big now , if you wanted a pool table because .

  9. 台球桌必须是水平的。

    A billiard table must be level .

  10. 谷歌公司十分宠爱员工,工作中为他们提供按摩椅和台球桌。

    Google pampers its employees by offering them massage armchairs and billiard tables at work .

  11. 台球桌必须十分平。

    A billiard-table must be perfectly even .

  12. 想告诉我你为什么会对台球桌感兴趣吗?

    You want to tell me why you 're so interested in the pool table ?

  13. 派往日本的台球桌安装工人以精湛的技术为客户服务。

    The billiards table fitters dispatched to Japan serve for the customers with their excellent skill .

  14. 你可以通过球的滚动发现台球桌并非水平。

    You could tell that the pool table wasn 't level by the way the balls rolled .

  15. 本实用新型涉及一种运动游戏用的台球桌。

    The utility model relates to a billiard table with a level-adjusting device for sport and game .

  16. 台球桌上的一条线,开球时主球放在这条线的后面。

    Line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a game .

  17. 经过多年精心修剪,才能让草坪长得像台球桌一样平整。

    It can take years of careful cutting and rolling to get a lawn as smooth as a billiard-table .

  18. 我公司自创建十多年以来,已发展成为一家具有相当规模的台球桌专业生产厂。

    Our company has developed into a large professional billiards table manufacturer since its foundation for over ten years .

  19. 如果一个家庭是幸福的,再怎么拥挤都会觉得很合适&让梳妆台倒下变成台球桌;

    If a home is happy it cannot fit too close & let the dresser collapse and become a billiard table ;

  20. 许多酒吧里还设有台球桌、桌式足球和镖靶。

    Most bars will also have pool tables , foosball ( table soccer ) tables and / or a dart board .

  21. 我们有兴趣进口台球桌,但在最后决定之前需要进一步了解有关价格的详细情况。

    We are interested in importing snooker tables but we need to have further details of the costs before making final decision .

  22. 生产的“澳圣帝”牌台球桌深得用户赞誉和职业选手的好评。

    Give birth to " AODISHENG " Deep the consumer of tablet billiard ball desk speakd good of and profession athlete the high opinion .

  23. 该酒店餐厅提供多种选择的早餐,晚餐以及友善的服务和一个大阳台。餐厅还设有酒吧,电视休息室和台球桌。

    Every morning , fuel yourself with a delicious breakfast served in the hotel and later dine at the large dining room that offers a pleasing buffet .

  24. 趁着等主任前来汇合之际,我在台球桌上找回了一点自信,把大侠红秘大朋轮番收拾了一顿。

    Taking advantage of such Director to join at the snooker table , I find a little self-confidence , the art of peer-Peru took turns to clean up a large meal .

  25. 现有台球桌由于本身不带有调平装置,致使桌板常常是在轻度倾斜的状态下工作,而影响击球的准确性。

    Because the existing billiard table does not have a level-adjusting device , the table plate is usually used under the state of slight inclination , thereby , influencing the shooting accuracy .

  26. (台球)球桌,弹子台台球慢慢地滚过台面。

    The billiard ball travelled gently across the table .

  27. (台球)球桌,弹子台槌球游戏中击球的棒子。

    A billiard table a mallet used to strike the ball in croquet .

  28. (台球)球桌,弹子台天津测震台网子台地脉动分析与应用

    A billiard table The Analysis and Application of Earth Pulsation at the Stations of Tianjin Seismic Network

  29. 台子筑好后,几个小人搬来梯子,他们沿梯爬到台子上。(台球)球桌,弹子台

    After the platform was built , several men fetched ladders and climbed up the ladders onto the platform . a billiard table

  30. 就像是台球在,台球桌上发生弹性碰撞。

    It is like an elastic collision between billiard balls .