
cānɡ yinɡ pāi
  • flyswatter
  1. 如果奥格威还活着,我猜他会拿苍蝇拍到雅典去打这些人的屁股。

    If Ogilvy is alive , then I guess him will go there and smash these people arses with a flyswatter .

  2. 妻子来到厨房,看到丈夫拿着苍蝇拍四处走动,你在干什么?她问道。

    A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a flyswatter . " What are you doing ?" She asked .

  3. 他用扇子把苍蝇拍走。

    He flapped the flies away with a fan .

  4. 纽约州埃尔马(Elma)的美国制造(MadeinAmericaStore)卖场里,摆放着塑料苍蝇拍、马桶刷,以及用塑料和纸板做成的牛仔帽。

    The Made in America Store here displays plastic fly swatters , toilet brushes and cowboy hats made of vinyl and cardboard .

  5. 比如,有些动物把它们的尾巴当苍蝇拍。

    For instance , some animals use their tails as flyswatters .

  6. 对,这个长得像大苍蝇拍的东西,八成就是他们的通信塔了

    Yeah , this big flyswatter-looking thing is probably their communications antenna .

  7. 他把苍蝇拍走。

    He flapped the flies away .

  8. 政府那苍蝇拍一样的大手

    where the fly-swatting hand of government

  9. 独特的数字是由聚氯乙烯成型和许多附件,包括一桨球,苍蝇拍和可拆卸的春天来降低躯干。

    The exclusive figure is molded from PVC and comes with a number of accessories , including a paddle ball , flyswatter and detachable spring lower torso .

  10. 如果你在秋天来临,我会半带微笑半带轻藐将夏日拂扫而过,象主妇把一只苍蝇拍掉。

    If you were coming in the fall , I 'd brush the summer by with half a smile and half a spurn , as housewives do a fly .

  11. 太阳持续地晒着,再加上蚊子和黑苍蝇不时让他拍来拍去,他已经分不清哪个更让人难受了。

    He didn 't know which he found more uncomfortable - the sun 's insisting heat , or constantly having to slap away mosquitoes and black flies .

  12. 本实用新型公开了一种捕捉或杀灭害虫的工具,涉及利用电击击毙蚊子、苍蝇的电蚊拍。

    The utility model discloses a tool for catching or killing pests , in particular to an electric mosquito swatter which utilizes electric shock to kill mosquitoes and flies .

  13. 游戏介绍:家里的苍蝇实在太多太讨厌了,主人回家会不高兴的,快点拿苍蝇拍消灭它们。

    The game is introduced : there are really too many and too disagreeable flies in the family , will be unhappy that the host goes home , take the fly swatter and eliminate them as soon as possible .