  • dark green;blue;grey;ashy
  • the blue sky;the sky above
  • 深青色,深绿色:~翠。~松。~天。~穹(苍天)。~龙。

  • 灰白色:~白。~~(a.灰白;b.苍茫)。~老。~劲(苍老挺拔,多指树木形态或书画笔力)。

  • 姓。


(深绿色) dark green:

  • 苍松

    green pines


(蓝色) blue:

  • 苍天

    the blue sky


(灰白色) grey; ashy:

  • 苍髯

    a grey beard


(指天空) the blue sky; the sky above:

  • 上苍

    Heaven; God


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 苍英

    Cang Ying

  1. 选择原则为:分枝多、苍绿、异质性和多样性高、结构复杂的林分,对竹林有极大的偏好;

    The rules were that : forest had many divarication , dark green , high diversity and complex structures ; and bamboo were the best choice ;

  2. 山水画风格苍润秀雅的明四大家最优秀的弓箭手将获得一只金箭。

    Four Great Masters of Ming Dynasty Who Stylized as Dark Green Embellishment and Elegance in Landscape Painting ; The best archer would be awarded a golden arrow .

  3. 他的画笔墨苍润。

    His painting features vigour and fluency .

  4. TawnyaMcLavey说,在HotChick-a-Latte,那招待都身穿苍白色的衣服。

    Tawnya McLavey says inside Hot Chick-a-Latte was a pasty-clad barista serving coffee .

  5. 缺血性脑血管病苍白球铁沉积的危险因素MR诊断价值

    The risk factors for globus pallidus iron deposition in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease

  6. 探讨一氧化碳中毒苍白球MRI改变

    Study of MRI signal change of globus pallidus in carbon monoxide poisoning

  7. 目的探讨CO中毒后苍白球的MRI表现。

    Objective To study MRI Signal Change of globus pallidus in CO poisoning .

  8. 结论苍白球MRI信号改变对判断CO中毒的预后有参考价值。

    Conclusion MRI signal change of globus pallidus in CO Poisoning is very value in evaluating prognosis .

  9. 苍白球注射5-HT对氟哌啶醇所致大鼠僵直症状影响

    Effects of 5-HT on globus pallidus of rats with haloperidol-induced catalepsy

  10. GABA是苍白球主要的神经递质。

    GABA is the major neurotransmitter involved in the globus pallidus .

  11. 苍白球局部场振荡电位活动性与肌张力障碍患者非随意肌EMG的关系

    Oscillatory pallidal local field potential activity correlates with involuntary EMG in dystonia

  12. 结论:红核、黑质、苍白球、壳核R值可半定量反应相应部位脑组织内非色素性铁含量。

    Conclusion : The ratios of red nucleus , substantia nigra , globus pallidus , putamen can reflect local nonheme iron content semi - quantitatively .

  13. 结果CT诊断苍白球变性坏死9例,脑白质脱髓鞘3例,脑萎缩3例。CT的阳性检出为15例,阳性率28.8%。

    Results Necroses and degenerations of globus pallidus in 9 cases , cerebral white matter demyelination in 3 cases and brain atrophy in 3 cases were showed by CT .

  14. 本文报告了我院采用CT与立体定向相结合,在CT图像上直接进行丘脑腹外侧核(VL)和苍白球(Pa)定位,治疗帕金森氏病、扭转痉挛、舞蹈病的初步结果。

    CT guided localization for VL and Pa in treatment of Parkson 's disease , torsion-spasm and chorea by stereotactic neurosurgery has been reported .

  15. 方法分析了15例CO中毒患者出现双侧苍白球T1WI、T2WI的信号改变。

    Methods MRI signal change of T1WI and T2WI of15 patients with CO poisoning were analysed .

  16. 同时在苍白球的内侧缘和尾壳核的近尾侧的背外侧亦有少量的SP阳性纤维呈背腹方向分布。

    There was a little amount of SP fiber in the inner part of globus pallidus and outer dorsal part of caudate-putamen .

  17. 苍白球主要接受从纹状体以及苍白球神经元自身侧支发出的Y-氨基丁酸(GABA)能纤维支配。

    The globus pallidus mainly receives gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) ergic inputs from the striatum and local axon collaterals .

  18. 神经铁蛋白病:FTL错义突变导致双侧苍白球早期受累

    Neuroferritinopathy : Missense mutation in FTL causing early-onset bilateral pallidal involvement

  19. 采用微量注射器向苍白球注射VII型胶原酶建立大鼠脑出血模型。

    The rat intracerebral hemorrhage model was established by injecting collagenase VII with microinjector into the globus pallidus of brain .

  20. Sachs病的婴儿会出现扩大的苍白色神经元,这在欧洲犹太后裔最常见。

    These enlarged , pale neurons are in a baby with Tay-Sachs disease , which is seen mostly in persons of European Jewish heritage .

  21. 测量T1WI信号强度可以准确地反映苍白球信号的变化。

    The measurement of the signal intensity of T1WI can manifest the changes in both globus-pallidus .

  22. Gpi毁损范围靠近苍白球外侧。

    The range of globus pallidus internus ( Gpi ) is near the lateral globus pallidus .

  23. 目的:观察苍脂颗粒(CZ)对功能性消化不良的治疗效果并进行药效学研究。

    Objective : To investigate the therapeutical effects of Cangzhi granule ( CZ ) on patients with functional dyspepsia and its pharmacodynamics .

  24. 给丘脑VL核注射HRP后,同侧的苍白球内侧部,可发现标记神经元,证明苍白球&丘脑通路存在。

    In the medial part of the ipsilateral pallidus , labeled neurons could be found after the injection of HRP into VL .

  25. 苍白球T1WI对称性信号增高是新生儿急性胆红素脑病的重要特征。

    It is the important characteristic of bilirubin encephalopathy in neonates of T1WI high signal intensity in both globus-pallidus .

  26. 目的探讨苍白球黑质红核色素变性(HSD)的发病经过、临床特征及预后。

    Objective To explore the pathogenic course , clinical features and prognosis on hallervorden spatz disease ( HSD ) .

  27. Nissl染色结果显示人脑纹状体壳核内侧缘靠近苍白球外节边缘,可见有一条明显的梭形细胞带。

    In the Nissl stained section , there is a distinct fusiform cell zone between the putamen and globus pallidus of the human striatum .

  28. 目的:观察腹侧苍白球(VP)损毁后帕金森病(PD)大鼠纹状体内谷氨酸(Glu)含量的变化。

    AIM : To observe the content changes of glutamic acid ( Glu ) in the striatum after lesion of ventral pallidum ( VP ) in Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) rats .

  29. 目的探讨帕金森病患者丘脑腹外侧核(VL)、内侧苍白球(GPi)和丘脑底核(STN)神经元电活动特点与帕金森症状的关系。

    Objective To investigate the neuronal activities in the ventrolateral thalamus ( VL ), internal globus pallidus ( GPi ), and subthalamic nucleus ( STN ) in relation to parkinsonian symptoms .

  30. 方法对22例肝硬化患者和18例健康成人志愿者行MRI扫描,并对苍白球、壳核、尾状核头、丘脑和大脑三角区白质5个部位行磁化转移率的测量和计算。

    Methods Twenty two patients with liver cirrhosis and 18 healthy adult volunteers were examined by MRI and the magnetization transfer ratios were measured and calculated in five different regions including globus pallidus , putamen , head of caudate nucleus , thalamus and white matter of trigone of cerebrum .