
cāng jìn
  • old and strong;vigorous
苍劲 [cāng jìng]
  • [old and strong;vigorous] 老练刚劲

  • 笔力苍劲

苍劲[cāng jìn]
  1. 他的书法苍劲有力。

    His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful .

  2. 这位书法家的字苍劲有力,入木三分。

    This calligrapher writes a forceful hand , with bold and vigorous strokes .

  3. 古松苍劲挺拔。

    The sturdy old pines stand tall and straight .

  4. 那是用苍劲的斜体字写在蓝纸上的。

    It was written on blue paper in impressive Italic script .

  5. 笔法过于苍劲用力,不是吗?

    His brushstrokes are really intense , aren 't they ?

  6. 桥面两边的栏板望柱,雕有各种精美图案,刀法苍劲,造型生动。

    On the parapet of the bridge , there are various delicate and vivid pictures and designs .

  7. 并逐渐舍弃她的柔细清丽,转向苍劲朴茂的现实主义写作风格。

    Finally , Bingxin had gradually bettered her writing style from being soft to simple and convincing .

  8. 像祖先尖利的啸叫声那样凄厉、苍劲的天风。突然掠过高空,使整个山峰摇晃起来

    The howling wind , like the yelling of his ancestors , sweeps over the sky shaking the entire mountain peak

  9. 它们枝繁叶茂,虽然纤细,却不失苍劲之气,翠绿的色泽娇嫩、细腻、丰润;

    They have a lovely pallid hue , a verdure delicate and marshy , slender but vigorous , with many branchings ;

  10. 他的笔法苍劲有力,揭示了他艺术创作的另一个层面,以及对中国艺术家极为重要的想象力。

    His forceful brush strokes reveal another aspect of the artistic creativity and vision that has always been important to the Chinese artist .

  11. 那或行云流水、或苍劲有力的文字,让我似乎读懂了历史的沧桑。

    The flowing , or character or strong text , so I seem to have gotten to the bottom of the vicissitudes of history .

  12. 遥望教学楼后的四棵老银杏,黄叶缤纷一地的灿烂,傲然的是桀骜苍劲的枝干。

    Looking to the teaching building of the four old ginkgo , a land of colorful bright yellow leaves , proudly the Jieao vigorous branches .

  13. 大小两对石狮把守大门两侧,周围古老苍劲的大树直插云天。

    Size of the two pairs of stone lions guarding the door on both sides , surrounded by ancient trees vigorous straight into the sky .

  14. 桥山顶上的黄帝陵,掩映在柏林之中。6万余株古柏棵棵苍劲挺拔。

    The tomb of the Yellow Emperor located at the top of bridge hill is surrounded by cypress woods with more than sixty thousand stately and sturdy trees .

  15. 这种风格的形成,是多难的时代、困苦潦倒的阅历、忧愤抑郁的思想性格以及崇尚壮美和苍劲凝练的审美情趣等因素在杜诗中的统一。

    This style is attributed to the hard time Du Fu was in , his drifting experiences , his melancholy personality and his worship of the grandeur and the grim .

  16. 28是贝多芬最钟爱的一首乐曲,他第一次在各乐章中采用了统一的主题素材,凭借近乎完美的音乐技巧,确立了自己的中期风格,表现出苍劲有力的世界。

    It is the first time that Beethoven has used the unified subject source material in various music movements and established his own intermediate stage attitude , and also has displayed the mature and powerful world .

  17. 在艺术创作上,鲁迅诗歌与魏晋南北朝诗歌都有着沉郁、苍劲的特点,抒发了对现实社会的愤懑,也都充满了真挚的情感,呈现出率真自然的风格。

    From the artistic creation , Lu Xun 's poems and those of the Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasties are characterized by the depression and discontent , a natural style full of sincere emotion .

  18. 我们费了半天的时间才爬到顶上,因为山坡非常陡,树林又特别密。桥山顶上的黄帝陵,掩映在柏林之中。6万余株古柏棵棵苍劲挺拔。

    We had a rough time getting to the top , the sides was so steep and bushes so thick . The Tomb of the Yellow Emperor located at the top of Bridge Hill is surrounded by cypress woods with more than sixty thousand stately and sturdy trees .