
  • 网络spindles;Fulcrum;Pivot;SHAFT
  1. 音臂的最佳支轴位置

    Optimum Pivot Position on a Tone Arm

  2. 利用该方法和数学模型可确定中心支轴式喷灌机的最佳喷头配置方案,同时得出与该方案相匹配的机组入机流量和入机压力。

    The optimal sprinkler configuration of center - pivot irrigation system can be obtained with the model , at the same time , the demand flow and head pressure were given .

  3. 中心支轴式喷灌机喷头配置方法及其数学模型

    Sprinkler configuration method and mathematical model of center-pivot irrigation system

  4. 颈横动脉颈浅皮支轴型筋膜皮瓣临床应用

    Clinical appilication of axial fascial flap with superficial branches of transverse cervical artery

  5. 中心支轴式喷灌机关键灌水组件开发及试验研究

    Development of Center Pivot Irrigation System Sprinkler Package and Experimental Study on Low Pressure Spray-head

  6. 但是该方法目前只能解决几类特定截面形式的构件计算,边界条件也有所限制,只针对两端简支轴压柱和两端简支纯弯梁的计算。

    But this method can only solve the problems of some certain section shape members within the limited boundary conditions such as the pin-ended columns and simply supported beams .

  7. 1997的资料显示,在目前美国的灌溉面积中,喷灌是以中心支轴式系统为主,微灌以地表滴灌为主,而地面灌中则有3种类型的系统使用的较多。

    The analysis on 1997 annual irrigation survey points out that center pivot is the main system in sprinkler irrigation , surface drip / trickle is the main system in low flow irrigation , and three kinds of main system in surface irrigation are applied nearly equally .

  8. 分枝穗(branchedspike)通过主穗轴节上形成支穗轴着生更多小穗,从而增加了小穗的数目和穗粒数。

    Branches spike through ears branched formed on the main spike node quarter main spikelet bears the team more spikelet , thus increasing the number and spikelet number of grains per ear .

  9. 直升机桨毂支臂轴颈的断裂问题

    The Fracture of Journal in the Hub-Arms of Helicopter

  10. 在计算节点强度的塑性铰线模型的基础上,建立了不等宽T型方管节点在支杆轴压荷载作用下的刚度模型,推出了刚度简化计算公式。

    From a yield line model used for calculating RHS-joint strength , a stiffness model is developed for a stepped T-type RHS joint , and a stiffness formulas is established .

  11. 变速箱内各种齿轮、花键轴、传支半轴、各种小轴、各种拨叉等高频淬火的处理;

    Axis of all sorts of gear inside gear-box , spline , send all sorts of an axle shaft , small axles , all sorts of dialing fork high frequency quenched processing ;

  12. 本文讨论含力矩式多于三个的空间力系平衡方程组的独立性。文中推导出这种方程组的独立性判别矩阵,它由建立方程的6支力矩轴和投影轴的基本参数组成。

    Discusses the independence of equilibrium equations of space force system containing more than three moment equations , and derives a " Discriminant Matrix of Independence " consisting of basic parameters of six moment and projection axes , on which the simultaneous equations are established .

  13. 两端简支圆柱体的轴对称振动

    Axisymmetric Free Vibration of a Simple Supported Circular Cylinder

  14. 简支半球壳的轴对称弯曲

    Axisymmetric bending of a semispherical shell with simple support

  15. 左束支阻滞合并电轴左偏临床意义的探讨

    Clinical importance of complete left bundle branch block with left QRS axis deviation

  16. 发作时,心电图呈右束支阻滞伴电轴左偏或右偏。

    The ECG showed right branch block with axis leaning left or right during episode .

  17. 利用支板火箭与轴对称圆形燃烧室相结合能在较短燃烧室内实现高效燃烧,为将来开展大尺寸超燃冲压发动机燃烧技术研究奠定基础。

    The results show that the strut-rocket scramjet can provide robust ignition and combustion efficiency and wide operability for ambient liquid hydrocarbon fuel in large scale combustor .

  18. 此外,该后处理程序还可以绘制框支梁柱的轴力图、剪力图、弯矩图。

    In addition , the post-processing program can also plot the normal force diagram , the shearing force diagram and the bending moment diagram of the frame beam and column .

  19. 基于现场实验结果,分析了挤扩支盘桩桩身轴力、桩侧摩阻力、桩端阻力、支盘阻力的传递规律。

    Based on the scene experiment result , it is analyzed that the load transfer law with squeezed branch pile about axial force , skin friction , end bearing force and resistance of disk .

  20. 开孔固支和固定铰支轴对称球扁壳在双剪应力屈服准则下的极限荷载

    Limited Loads of the Fixed and Hinged Shallow Axisymmetric Spherical Shell by Twin Shear Stress Yield Criterion

  21. 为准确反馈卷取机助卷辊支臂角位移,支臂与轴必须牢固联接。

    The wrapper arm with the fulcrum shaft in coilers must be fitted firmly to feedback precisely the angle movement of the wrapper arm .

  22. 选取了一个带竖杆Warren桁架左边第一个下弦KT型节点,按照桁架中节点各支杆内力比例对所研究节点的支杆施加轴力。

    The loading proportion of the branchs is got from the first KT-type joint in the lower chord of a Warren truss from the left side .