
  • 网络BEAM;Support beam;Carriage;strut beam
  1. 分析下出料门支撑梁的变形和强度对设备安全性能影响时,用有限元方法(ANSYS软件)和工程力学(材料力学)的方法分别进行计算、分析、比较。

    In analyzing the deformation and the strength of support beam of lower discharge gate , finite element method ( by using ANSYS ) and engineering mechanics method ( strength of material ) were used respectively . The results of two methods were , then , analyzed and compared .

  2. 异形发动机支撑梁切断模设计

    Design of Cutting Die of Support Beam of Shaped Engine

  3. 建筑工人在软石上挖了洞以支撑梁端。

    The builders had cut holes into the soft stone to support the ends of the beams .

  4. 多侧向支撑梁的完全支撑刚度的FEM分析

    Research of Multiple-Lateral-Braces-Beam 's Complete Brace 's Stiffness Based on FEM

  5. 复杂支撑梁水眼减震降噪微差控制爆破

    Water-hole Shockproof Noise-reduction Millisecond Controlled Blasting of a Complicated Support Beam

  6. 钢筋混凝土内支撑梁液压劈裂破除施工技术研究

    The Research of Technology of Reinforced Concrete-supporting Beam by Hydraulic Splitter

  7. 下出料门支撑梁设计方法的比较

    Comparison of Design Methods for Support Beam of Lower Discharge Gate

  8. 影响蒙皮支撑梁静力性能的若干因素

    Several factors affecting the static behavior of diaphragm braced beams

  9. 临海深基坑支撑梁爆破拆除

    Blasting Demolition of Reinforced Concrete Brace in Deep Fundamental Pit Near Sea

  10. 基坑混凝土支撑梁拆除采用控制爆破的应用

    Application of controlled blasting in the demolition of foundation pit concrete strut beam

  11. 压缩薄膜效应随混凝土强度和支撑梁刚度增大而提高;

    The CMA increases with the increase of concrete strength and rigidity of supporting beams .

  12. 预埋小孔径药孔爆破拆除深基坑钢筋砼支撑梁

    Explosive Demolition of Reinforced Concrete Support Beam in Deep Foundation Pit by Pre-imbedded Slim-hole Charging

  13. 混凝土支撑梁的无损检测与补强

    Nondestructive testing and strengthening of concrete girder

  14. 侧向支撑梁的屈曲

    Buckling of Laterally and Torsionally Braced Beams

  15. 定位钢筋的顶部应该与支撑梁的顶部齐平。

    Tops of spacer bars shall be flush with the tops of the bearing bars .

  16. 减压塔三线集油箱支撑梁局部产生腐蚀原因

    Analysis of Corrosion on Local Position of Supporting Beam of Accumulator Tank in Decompression Tower

  17. 建筑基坑内支撑梁爆破拆除安全性评估

    The Safety Appraisal and Scheme Selection of Blasting Demolition of the Strutting Beam in Foundation Pit

  18. 反应釜支撑梁的温度应力分析

    Thermal Stress Analysis of Boiler-Supporting Beam

  19. 为了得到较高的灵敏度,需要制造大质量块和低刚度的支撑梁。

    In order to obtain high sensitivity , large proof mass and flexible suspension beam are needed .

  20. 分析表明,当开关的上电极为多支撑梁结构时,需要对传统的开关等效电路加以改进。

    Analysis shows that the traditional RLC series circuit model is incomplete when capacitive switch has multiple support beams .

  21. 表面处理形式、状态;支撑梁的截面尺寸和位置,槽钢的开口方向。

    The size and position of the cross section of support beam , the opening direction of beam channel .

  22. 深基坑钢筋混凝土排桩+内支撑梁支护结构设计缺陷分析及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures on Design Defects for Structure of Reinforced Concrete Row Piles of Deep Foundation Excavation and Internal Bracing Beam

  23. 开关闭合和截止所需的激励加速度门限值受永磁铁磁力和支撑梁刚度参数的控制。

    The acceleration threshold of the switch is controlled by such parameters as magnetic force and stiffness of the micro cantilever .

  24. 在此基础上给出了对局部劣化复杂支撑梁的物性参数和边界条件进行耦合识别的算法。

    On the base of it , an iterate process of couple identification of crack parameters and boundary conditions has formed .

  25. 应用拉曼光谱测试方法对微加速度计悬臂梁和微谐振器支撑梁进行了应力测试。

    By using this method , the measurement of stress distribution in the cantilever of micro - acceleration and micro - resonator is realized .

  26. 同样,后者的谐振频率会随支撑梁厚度的变化而单调改变,这也是前者所没有的现象。

    Similarly , the resonant frequency also can be changed with the variation of beam thickness in later , but there is no this phenomenon in the former .

  27. 支撑梁提供了强大的扭转刚性,使得穿着者的前掌后跟作为一个整体来运动,并且稳定了后跟。

    The shank provides tons of torsional rigidity , which keeps the forefoot and heel of the wearer 's foot working together as one unit , and also stabilizes the heel .

  28. 采取更新喷嘴、更换填料、改变填料支撑梁的结构、加装挡水闸门和导水板等措施对冷却塔进行了改造。

    Reformation was made for cooling tower by using measures of renewing sprayers ( nozzles ), replacing packing , changing structure of packing support beams , adding-installing water retaining gate and drain plate etc.

  29. 本文对正常使用状态下,框架结构中承受均布荷载的,周边为弹性支撑梁的钢筋混凝土双向薄板进行了非线性有限元分析。

    This paper carried out nonlinear finite element analysis of Reinforced concrete two-way thin-slab of frame construction , which received uniformly distributed load and four sides supported with spring beam in the normal stage .

  30. 介绍临近海港的厦门建行大厦深基坑钢筋混凝土支撑梁的微差挤压爆破拆除方法,并提出柔性防护新措施。

    This paper describes the demolition method with a millisecond delay buffer blasting to reinforced concrete brace in the deep fundamental pit of Xiamen Construction Bank Building near the seaport and proposes the new method of safeguard with soft material .