
  • 网络radiation spectrum
  1. 煤油-氧火焰中铁的辐射光谱实验研究

    Measurement and analysis for spectrum of iron in kerosene-oxygen flame

  2. 紫外辐射光谱测量方法研究

    Study on ultraviolet spectrum measurement method

  3. 激波管中H2&O2爆轰产物辐射光谱的实验研究

    The experimental studies of emissive spectra to h_2-o_2 detonation in shock tube

  4. 用CCD分析光源的辐射光谱

    The analysis of radiospectrum of light source by CCD

  5. 人体体表穴位点红外辐射光谱特征及其与ATP能量代谢的关系

    Infrared Radicalization Spectrum of Human Surface and The Relationship with ATP Energy Metabolize

  6. 机载FTIR地球大气红外背景辐射光谱特征研究

    The Study of Infrared Background Radiation of Earth and Atmosphere by Airborne FTIR Spectrometer

  7. 最后介绍了FTIR辐射光谱在玻璃和熔体结构研究中的应用。

    Lastly the application of FT IR radiation spectrum on the structure study of glass and its melt is presented .

  8. KF中FB(Na~+)的吸收和辐射光谱及其热转换机理

    A Study of the Absorption and Emission Spectra and the Thermal Conversion Mechanism of F B ( Na + ) Defect in KF

  9. 结果表明,辐射光谱在Hawking温度下是一个完美的黑体辐射谱。

    It is shown that the radiation spectrum is consistent with a perfect blackbody spectrum in the Hawking temperature .

  10. 着重讨论了光热辐射光谱(PTR)技术的探测灵敏度问题,用该方法测量了Cu2O和GaAs两种材料的吸收边。

    The detective sensitivity of the photothermal radiometry ( PTR ) spectrum technique is discussed and the absorption edges of Cu_2O and GaAs are measured .

  11. 利用MATLAB高级计算机语言,拟合了大气层外的太阳辐射光谱,给出了氧化铟锡薄膜隔热效果的计算公式与结果。

    Using advanced computer language MATLAB , sun radialization spectrum besides aerosphere has been imitated . Calculating formulas of heat-insulating effect on indium tin oxide film have been derived , and calculating results have been given .

  12. 利用OMA光学多道分析仪测量了激光与薄膜靶相互作用中产生的辐射光谱,在靶后观察到红移的二次谐波发射。

    The red_shifted second harmonic emission of the laser light is observed in the laser propagation direction on the rear side of a foil target irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses .

  13. 研究了以脉冲YAG倍频激光泵浦Rh6G染料,产生分布反馈激光振荡的辐射光谱、转换效率、时间过程以及可调谐特性;

    The radiation spectrum , temporary dynamic process and wavelength tunable characteristics of the distributed feedback laser pumped by a Q-switched and frequency doubled Nd : YAG laser have been studied .

  14. 传统艾条薰灸与人体穴位红外辐射光谱也有很大差异.通过测量SDO的自发辐射光谱得到的SDO产率的最大值为10.6±2.2%。

    And there was also a big difference between the infrared radiation spectrums of the moxa stick smoking and acupoints . In such cases , the SDO yield up to 10.6 ± 2.2 % was achieved .

  15. 研究了Mn-Fe-co-Cu陶瓷基半无机高聚物介质膜的红外辐射光谱特性。

    IR emission spectra of half-inorganic polymer film , on Mn-Fe-Co-Cu ceramic substrate are studied .

  16. 激光诱导击穿光谱(Laser-InducedBreakdownSpectroscopy,简称为LIBS)是采用聚焦的高能量脉冲激光入射到样品的表面产生等离子体,通过分析该等离子体的辐射光谱,从而推导出样品的元素组成成分及含量。

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy ( LIBS ), which uses focusing a powerful pulsed laser beam onto a sample to create a plasma , by spectrally analyzing the optical emission from the plasma , the element composition and content of the sample could be deduced .

  17. 目的:比较正常人及冠心病患者两侧劳宫穴(PC8)微弱红外辐射光谱的差异性。

    Objective : To study the difference of infrared radiation spectrum between bilateral Laogong ( PC8 ) .

  18. 通过测量350MW电站锅炉的煤粉火焰从533nm至1050nm波段的辐射光谱,发现煤粉火焰的辐射非常接近灰体辐射。

    Experiments carried out in a 350 MW utility boiler with this set-up show that the radiation of pulverized coal flame from 533 urn to 1050 nm in wavelength is very closed to the radiation of gray body .

  19. 气体分子和铝箔表面分子的红外辐射光谱测量

    Infrared emission measurement about molecular of gas and AI foil surface

  20. 不同种类燃料火焰的辐射光谱测量

    The measurement of radiation spectrum of flame of different fuel

  21. 无云地球大气背景辐射光谱亮度的计算模型

    Computation model of spectral radiation luminance of clear atmosphere background

  22. 二维随机激光器的辐射光谱依赖于外部形态,不同形态、相同随机构形的随机介质功率谱不同。

    Emission spectra are dependent on morphology factor in two-dimensional random laser .

  23. 艾灸的热辐射光谱特性研究

    A Research on Heat Radiation Spectrum Characteristics of Moxibustion Therapy

  24. 冠心病患者神门穴红外辐射光谱检测

    Infrared Radiation Spectrum from Point Shenmen in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

  25. 基于蒙特卡洛方法的辐射光谱的计算

    The determination of radiation spectrum based on Monte Carlo method

  26. 硅酸盐玻璃及其熔体结构的红外辐射光谱研究

    Study of IR radiation spectrum of the silicate glass and its melt structure

  27. 金属卤化物灯的钨辐射光谱分析

    Analyses of Tungsten Radiation Spectra in Metal Halide Lamp

  28. 红外诱饵剂辐射光谱性能测试的一种新方法

    A new method of testing for the radiation spectrum performance of infrared bait medicaments

  29. 红外辐射光谱在针灸研究中的应用

    Application of Infrared Radiation Spectrum to Acu-moxibustion Research

  30. 趺阳脉冲阳穴红外辐射光谱病理信息探测

    Detection on pathological information from infrared radiation spectrums of Chongyang points on Fuyang pulse