
  • 网络Radiative Transfer
  1. 尘埃辐射转移模型

    Review on dusty radiative transfer models

  2. 双光子湮灭造成的γ射线吸收是γ射线天文学辐射转移理论的一个重要内容。

    The two-photon annihilation ( annihilation ) is an important absorption mechanism in the theory of radiative transfer of 7-ray astronomy .

  3. 本文根据偏振辐射转移方程组就形成于有磁场的恒星大气中的Stokes轮廓的一些特征量与磁场强度大小的关系从理论上进行了探讨。

    The relation between some of the characteristic quantities of the Stokes profiles of the stellar atmosphere with the magnetic field and the magnetic field strength is theoretically explored .

  4. 结果表明,BSA是具有较强的内源荧光,这7种农药对其荧光以都是静态猝灭为主。同时也伴随了能量的非辐射转移;猝灭过程中,其结合位点均为1。

    The results showed that BSA had strong intrinsic fluorescence , which could be quenched by seven pesticides in a static process mainly , but also accompanied by non-radiative transfer of energy .

  5. 发展非球对称系统中的辐射转移模拟,包括旋转对称和任意结构系统;

    On the other hand , non-spherical systems are also being developed including axisymmetric systems .

  6. 对恒星力学平衡方程及辐射转移方程的一点修正

    Corrections to the mechanical equilibrium equation for a star and to the transfer equation of stellar radiation

  7. 辐射转移模型与其它相关天体物理模型的结合应用,如与流体动力学模型、尘埃形成模型、中心星结构和演化模型等相结合,将更加合理地解释天体形成和演化过程。

    Combination of the radiative transter models with other relevant models , such as the hydrodynamics , dust formation and stellar structure and evolution models , will lead to the better understanding of the observations .

  8. 本文首先介绍了等离子体关于波的衰变和合成过程中,高频电磁波的湍动辐射转移方程,然后通过谱线的非湍动辐射转移理论。

    In this paper one of the very important nonlinear process in plasma & the decay and synthesis of the waves and the turbulent radiation displacement equation of the high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the process is introduced at first .

  9. 结果确定了静态猝灭和非辐射能量转移是士的宁导致BSA荧光猝灭的主要原因;

    Results The static quenching and the non-radiation energy transfer are the two main reasons to leading the fluorescence quenching of BSA .

  10. 另外,我们也用非辐射能量转移(NRET)的方法研究了PyPS和NaPS混合溶液的聚集。

    Nonradiative energy transfer ( NRET ) was also exploited for a mixture of Py-PS and Na-PS in THF .

  11. 此外,烷基多苷与BSA之间的非辐射能量转移也是导致烷基多苷对BSA内源荧光猝灭的原因之一。

    Besides , Non-radiation energy transfer between alkyl poly-glycosides and BSA also plays a role in leading into fluorescence quenching endogenous of alkyl polyglycosides with BSA .

  12. 实验结果表明,茶碱与BSA形成基态复合物导致BSA内源荧光猝灭,猝灭机理主要为静态猝灭和非辐射能量转移。

    The experimental results show that the fluorescence quenching of BSA by theophylline is due to the formation of theophylline-BSA complex through both static quenching and nonradiative energy transfer .

  13. 研究中发现PM-19对血清蛋白的内源荧光具有强烈的猝灭作用,静态猝灭和非辐射能量转移是导致血清蛋白的内源荧光猝灭的主要原因。

    It was proved that the fluorescence quenching of SA by PM-19 is mainly a result of static quenching and non-radiation energy transfer .

  14. 以改进的荧光非辐射能量转移法研究高分子共混物

    A Study on Polymer Blends via Modified Nonradiative Energy Transfer Fluorescence

  15. 微波辐射相转移催化丙二酸二乙酯丁基化反应研究

    Butylation of Diethyl Malonate Catalyzed by Phase-transfer Catalyst and Microwave Irradiation

  16. 微波辐射相转移催化制备高取代N-烷基化壳聚糖

    Preparation of N-Alkyl Chitosan via Phase Transfer Catalysis under Microwave Irradiation

  17. 红外涂层的辐射热转移和选择性辐射

    Radiative Heat Transfer and Selective Emission in Infrared Coatings

  18. 利用荧光非辐射能量转移观察磺酸基聚电解质分子链形态

    Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Chains with Sulfonate Groups Observed with Fluorescent Nonradiative Energy Transfer

  19. 水溶性高分子聚集行为荧光非辐射能量转移研究进展

    Development of Fluorescence Nonradiative Energy Transfer in the Research for Aggregation of Water-Soluble Polymers

  20. 常压下合成对硝基苯甲醚微波辐射相转移催化合成对硝基苯甲醚

    Synthesis of P-nitroanisole under Microwave Radiation and PTC

  21. 我们可以把方块的辐射线转移到那个箱子

    We 're able to take the Cube radiation and funnel it into that box .

  22. 有关体系的无辐射能量转移和偶极弛豫机制将进一步探讨。

    The mechanisms for non-radiative energy transfer and the dipolar relaxation will be further studied in detail .

  23. 猝灭机理为静态猝灭,同时伴随有非辐射能量转移的发生。

    In the mechanism discuss , it was proved that static quenching occurs together with non-radiation energy transfer .

  24. 根据局域场增强理论和无辐射能量转移理论模型对所观测到的荧光增强和猝灭现象进行了分析讨论。

    Discussed and analysed the fluorescence enhancement and quenching phenomena with local field enhancement theory and energy transfer theory .

  25. 本文从辐射热转移和质量转移的基本原理出发,分析了远红外加热的机理。

    This article analyzed the mechanism of far infrared industrial heating from the basic principle of radiation heat transfer and mass transfer .

  26. 根据非辐射能量转移理论,胃蛋白酶与巴氯芬之间发生了能量转移,从而使胃蛋白酶发生了荧光猝灭。

    Meanwhile , according to the non-radiation energy transfer theory , there is a energy transferring between pepsin and baclofen , so the fluorescence intensity of pepsin was quenched .

  27. 结果表明这两个荧光峰的增强或淬灭主要取决于局域电磁场增强和分子到金属表面无辐射能量转移衰减过程的竞争效应。

    Theoretical calculation showed that both quenching and enhancement depend on the competition between the local field enhancement and the non radiative energy transfer from the dye molecule to the metal surface .

  28. 血影膜与荧光探针ANS间存在非辐射共振能量转移。

    The non-radiative resonance energy transfer between the Ghost membrane and ANS was observed .

  29. 研究结果表明,纳米银对表面吸附FL的荧光作用与FL分子附近局域电磁场增强和分子到金属表面无辐射跃迁能量转移过程决定并与纳米银的浓度、尺寸及电解质等密切相关。

    The results suggest that the effect of metal-enhanced fluorescence is strongly affected by the local field enhancement , the size and concentration of silver nanoparticles and electrolyte .

  30. 超声波辐射及相转移催化合成大茴香腈

    Synthesis of Anisonitrile by Ultrasonic Wave Irradiation and Phase Transfer Catalysis