
  • 网络spin state
  1. 论文的研究工作主要基于两方面的基础:一是载流子跳跃迁移过程的双格点模型,是从自旋电子哈密顿量出发,用薛定谔方程求解电子自旋状态的变化。

    Our analysis is mainly based on two aspects : the carriers ' migration is a hopping process from one molecular site to another , i.e. the two-site model , and the changing spin state of electrons is obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation under action of spin Hamiltonian .

  2. 当Fe3+处于四配位状态时,Fe3+的3d电子处于弱场高自旋状态,对磁化率的贡献就较大;

    While Fe 3 + is in 4 fold coordination state in the glass structure , 3d electrons of Fe 3 + are in the state of weak electron field and high rotation , the contribute of Fe 3 + to magnetic susceptibility in the system is larger .

  3. 我们采用了完全活性空间自洽场方法(CASSCF)对这些双自由基体系进行了计算以确定其自旋状态。

    The complete active space self-consistent field ( CASSCF ) calculations have been preformed to these systems to clarify the spin states of them .

  4. 本文利用光伏检测磁共振(PDMR)方法初步研究了p~+in~+a-Si:H太阳电池中与自旋状态有关的复合机制。

    An investigation of spin dependent recombination processes in p + in + a-Si : H solar cell by photovoltaic detection of magnetic resonance ( PDMR ) is reported .

  5. 该模型综合地考虑了相对论效应和电子的自旋状态,把处于自旋混合态的电子并入已有的自旋极化模型中。

    It can merge the electrons in spin mixed state into spin polarized model .

  6. 本文从密度算符的一般性质出发进而引出电子极化的密度算符,即讨论描写粒子自旋状态的极化密度算符的表示矩阵。

    This article begins with the normal quality and discusses the density operator of electron polarization .

  7. 另一些自旋-味道状态,夸克交换效应有助于把两个重子融合到一起,从而形成双重子态。

    But for some other spin-flavor states , the quark exchange effect is favorable for mixing the two baryon clusters together to form dibaryon .

  8. 通过控制颗粒边界、或者控制锰基钙钛矿与异质结构界面的自旋无序区的状态,在外加磁场作用下,自旋无序散射效应被削弱,从而得到低场下的磁电阻效应。

    By controlling the state of spins disordering near the grain boundaries or the heterostructure interface between manganites and other materials , the spin-dependent scattering process would be weakened under a lower applied field and thus the low field magnetoresistance ( LFMR ) achieved .

  9. 提出一种时间量子控制方案,通过控制所加外部控制场的作用时间能有效地控制电子自旋到达给定的目标量子态,同时发现电子自旋状态能随控制场作用时间呈周期性变化。

    A time quantum control scheme is proposed , in which the electron spin can effectively be controlled to given objective quantum state through controlling acting time of external control field . The states of electron spin periodically vary with the acting time of control field .

  10. 结果表明,由于超晶格的结构特性及层内、界面问相互作用强弱的不同,导致自旋的重新取向,出现了不同于大块完整晶格的新的自旋取向状态。

    The results show that the nonhomogeneous characteristic of the superlattice structures results in the reorientations of the spins , and the new spin orientation states are found in such system .