
  • 网络expansion pressure;swelling pressure;inflationary pressure
  1. 测试结果表明在60min内颗粒状静态破碎剂的膨胀压力可达到80~120MPa。

    It is shown that the expansion pressure of the granulated static demolition agent can reach 80-120 MPa in 60 minutes .

  2. 颗粒状静态破碎剂的膨胀压力测试

    Expansion Pressure Test of Granulated Static Demolition Agent

  3. 与含水量ω、干密度γd及饱和度sr的关系,以及强度与膨胀压力p之间的关系,结果表明:c,tan?

    And dry density γ d , degree of saturation sr , water content ω, strength and swelling pressure p of expansive soil are researched . The results show that the relationship between c , tan ?

  4. 用超临界CO2法制备了药物α细辛醚和布洛芬的微细颗粒,考察了膨胀压力、膨胀前温度、沉析室温度、喷嘴直径等因素对颗粒平均直径的影响。

    Formation of fine α - asarone and ibuprofen particle by rapid expansion of supercritical solution , effects of technique condition such as expansion pressure , preexpansion temperature , precipitation temperature , nozzle diameter to fine and uniform particles were investigated , respectively .

  5. 本文研究了一种缓慢递增的膨胀压力(由SCA-2型膨胀剂水化产生的)在不同脆性固体介质(包括混凝土材料)钻孔中产生的劈裂强度、膨胀力的模拟实验。

    In this paper simulating tests of splitting strength and expansive pressure resulted by a slowly increasing expansive pressure ( caused by the hydration of SCA-2 expansive agent ) in drilling holes of different solid mediums are described .

  6. 静态破裂剂膨胀压力测试方法的研究

    Study on Method of Static Cracking Agent Pressure Measurement

  7. 膨胀压力作用下岩石和混凝土的劈裂机理

    Splitting Mechanism of Rock and Concrete Under Expansive Pressure

  8. 有了足够的膨胀压力,客户将驱逐出缓存页并开始交换。

    With enough balloon pressure , guests will evict cached pages and start swapping .

  9. 挡墙后裂土膨胀压力分布与设计计算方法

    Ribution of lateral swelling pressure and the method of deign and computation of retaining wall in expansive soil area

  10. 瓦斯的渗透力取决于瓦斯压力梯度,而瓦斯膨胀压力取决于瓦斯绝对压力。

    The gas permeation power would be dependent on the gas pressure gradient and the gas expansion pressure would be dependent on the gas absolute pressure .

  11. 试验研究及检测结果表明,所开发的静态破碎剂反应速度快,膨胀压力大,耐侯性好。

    The experimental and testing results show that the developed SCA has a fast reaction velocity , a big expansive pressure strength and good weather resistance .

  12. 本章从激光光压、膨胀压力、电致伸缩压力和散射力四个方面入手,论述了激光针灸的压力作用。

    From the angle of pressure of laser light , expansion pressure , pressure of electrostriction and pressure of scatter , pressure of laser is studied .

  13. 对一个含高膨胀压力的膨胀土层的场地计算了地面上抬变形,以说明膨胀层位置及厚度对地面上抬变形的影响。

    A site including expansive soil layer with high swelling pressure is chosen to illustrate the influence of thickness and position of expansive soil layer on upheaval deformations .

  14. 在爆生气体作用下,爆破近区的裂纹在气体驱动压力下扩展,而爆破中区的裂纹扩展是在气体膨胀压力场和原岩应力共同作用下发生的。

    Under the detonation gas loading , the cracks near the hole extend under the gas-driven and the father cracks grow under the gas pressure and the in site stress .

  15. 通过该方程来调整软模的尺寸、膨胀压力和膨胀量,从而达到控制推力筒内腔尺寸精度的目的。

    The inner dimension of the thrust cylinder can be determined by adjusting the thermal expansion mould size , the expansion pressure and the expansion volume according to the derived governing equation .

  16. 基于裂隙充填物膨胀压力与蚀变岩体力学参数测试分析成果,针对膨胀性充填物对裂隙岩体渗流影响极少开展的问题,探讨了充填物的力学响应对裂隙渗流的影响。

    Based on the testing results for the mechanical parameters of altered rock mass and on the comparison of the expansion stress of fracture fillings , the mechanical effects of the fillings on fracture seepage are discussed .

  17. 利用液体传递压力各向同性的特点,应用自行设计的固体材料膨胀压力液压测试装置对所研制的颗粒状静态破碎剂的膨胀压力进行了测试。

    A new type of the hydraulic device which is used to measure the expansion pressure of solid materials has been designed , and the expansion pressure of the granulated static demolition agent is tested with the device .

  18. 结果表明,5%~10%的注入浆液的体积可以对周围土体产生1.8~3.0倍不排水抗剪强度的膨胀压力,成桩直径比搅拌叶片的名义直径大5%~10%。

    The result indicates that 5 % - 10 % injected slurry volume can induce expanding pressure of 1.8 to 3 times the undrained shear strengths , and the diameter of column expands 5 % to 10 % .

  19. 黏土这些特性与标准已被国际社会广泛接受,但进一步的研究主要涉及到泥岩的矿物纯度、持水特性、可塑性、低渗透性、较高的膨胀压力和热导性。

    The characterization of the clays and the criteria followed for their further selection were those already accepted by the international community : mineralogical purity , retention properties , plasticity , low permeability , high swelling pressure and thermal conductivity .

  20. 研究表明,无论充填物产生的膨胀压力对裂隙来说是剪应力还是拉应力,都将导致其渗透性显著增加。并且,充填物的塑化、液化效应也对裂隙渗流产生重要影响。

    The study shows that the permeability of the fillings will greatly increase whether the expansion stress from the fillings is shear stress or tensional stress , and the effects of the plasticization and liquefaction of the fillings will influence the fracture seepage .

  21. 说明了膨胀室压力上升的机理。

    The theory of the expansion volume pressure rise is predicted .

  22. 当膨胀节压力较高、直径较大时,推荐采用方形万向环。

    In the instance of high press and large diameter expansion joint , square gimbal ring is recommended .

  23. 从理论上建立了气动发动机理想的工作过程,从可用能量分析的角度探讨合理的膨胀初始压力和膨胀方式。

    The ideal work process was established on theory . The reasonable initial pressure and the mode of expand were discussed by the analysis of available energy .

  24. 人口迅速膨胀的压力,使国家在安排人民群众衣、食、住、行、医疗、教育、就业等方面都遇到很大困难。

    The pressure that population expanded rapidly made the country have very great difficulty in arranging the people 's clothing , food , shelter and transportation , medical treatment , education , employment etc.

  25. 试井过程中,随着开井时间的增大,气体的降压膨胀,压力波扩散到气水边界以后,水体起到阻止气体移动的作用,导致压力导数曲线上翘。

    During the well test , as the well opening time increases and the gas expands because the pressure drops , the aquifer blocks the movement of gas when the pressure wave reaches the gas / water boundary , which causes the pressure derivative curves going up .

  26. 塑料膨胀率与压力和温度双参数的结合有关,当压力大于9MPa,而温度大于80℃时,PS才开始膨胀;

    The volume expansion ratio of the plastics depended on the combination of the pressure and temperature , PS began to expand when the pressure was higher than 9 MPa and the temperature was higher than 80 ℃;

  27. 轻烃回收装置DHX工艺研究(Ⅱ)&膨胀机出口压力的影响

    Study on DHX Process of Light Hydrocarbon Recovery (ⅱ) & Influence of Pressure in Expander Exit

  28. 结果表明:开断电流的大小对膨胀室内的压力有明显的影响,熄弧压力的建立是依靠PTFE蒸气和SF6气体吸收了电弧的能量来完成的。

    The results show that arc current has a significant influence on the pressure in the expansion volume . The pressure is boosted by both the PTFE vapour and SF_6 gas which absorb the arc energy .

  29. 两种信息都由FFT(CF-910)分析仪采集记录,得到膨胀气流的压力曲线,显永过饱和度的变化;得到散射光功率曲线,立定不同蒸汽分压下液滴的相对增长速率。

    The two messages are recorded by FFT ( CF-910 ) Analyzer : the pressure curves produced from rarefactive gas-flow which exhibit the variation of supersaturation vs times and the power curves produced by light scattering which ascertains the relative growth rate of droplets in different initial partial pressures .

  30. 膨胀节的压力试验和波纹管的失稳试验

    Hydraulic Pressure Testing of Expansion Joint and Squirm Testing of Bellows