
  • 网络Expander cycle;ATREX
  1. 冷却剂不同流动方式对膨胀循环推力室再生冷却换热的影响

    Heat transfer characteristics of expander cycle thrust chamber with different cooling routing

  2. 性能高、结构简单、重量低、可靠性高、启动平稳等是膨胀循环发动机的主要优点。

    The expander cycle engine has the following main advantages : lightweigh , high performance , low cost , simplicity , and smooth ignition and starting sequence .

  3. 膨胀循环发动机起动过程研究

    Investigation on start-up process of expander cycle liquid propellant rocket engine

  4. 采用返流气膨胀循环的小型空分设备的研制

    Development on smoll & sized air separation plants adopted the process of return current gas expansion cycle

  5. 完全氢膨胀循环吸气式组合发动机性能优越,结构简单,循环布局合理。

    The absolute hydrogen expansion turbine cycles of air-breathing combined turbo-ramjet engines has the advantages of good performances , simple constructions and reasonable arrangement of cycles .

  6. 介绍了国际上膨胀循环发动机的循环系统选择、启动方式、膨胀推力室和喷管延伸段的技术水平和最新研制进展。

    The paper describes and discusses the technology developments of the cryogenic expander cycle rocket engine in the world , including the expander rocket engine cycle concepts , starting operation , advanced expander thrust chamber and nozzle extension .

  7. CO2跨临界两级压缩及膨胀机循环的性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Transcritical CO_2 Two-Stage Compression and Expander Cycle

  8. CO2跨临界膨胀机循环最佳高压压力计算

    Calculation of the Optimal Heat Rejection Pressure of CO_2 Transcritical Expander Cycle

  9. 将天然工质N2O用于跨临界循环,建立了相应的理论模型,比较了CO2和N2O用于跨临界两级压缩膨胀制冷循环的性能。

    The results show that N2O plays a better comprehensive performance than CO2 in transcritical two stage compression expander refrigeration cycle .

  10. 冷剂制冷和透平膨胀制冷循环的热力学分析比较

    Thermodynamical Analysis And Comparision of Refrigerant Refrigeration And Turbo-expansion Refrigeration Cycle

  11. 双膨胀中压循环液化工艺研究及其透平膨胀机设计要点

    Study of two-expander liquefaction technology corresponding design focuses of turbine expander

  12. 可使用太阳能制冷(热)和发电的热力循环技术&气压-热力膨胀式循环

    A Pneumatic-Thermal Expansion Type Cycling Method for Solar Cooling & Heating and Power Generating

  13. 介绍了级联式循环、混合制冷剂循环和膨胀机循环的特点,讨论了进行流程选择需要考虑的关键因素,着重分析了中小型陆上装置和新型海上浮动装置的流程选择。

    The characteristics of cascade cycle , mixed-refrigerant cycle and expander cycle are introduced , the key factors in process selecting are discussed , and the suitable processes for onshore small - and mid-scale plants as well as offshore floating plants are analyzed .

  14. 膨胀土干湿循环胀缩裂隙演化的CT试验研究

    A CT study on the crack evolution of expansive soil during drying and wetting cycles

  15. N2O跨临界双级压缩带膨胀机制冷循环

    Study of N_2O transcritical two stage compression expander refrigeration cycle

  16. CO2跨临界双级压缩带低压膨胀机制冷循环性能分析

    Research on the Performances of CO_2 Trans-critical Two Stage Compression Refrigeration Cycle with a Low Pressure Expander

  17. 公路路基膨胀土实验室循环试验研究

    Study on Laboratory Circle Test of Expansive Soil for Highway Roadbed

  18. 击实膨胀土的循环膨胀特性研究

    Approach to cyclic swelling behavior of compacted expansive clays

  19. 重塑膨胀土在循环荷载作用下长期变形的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model on Long-term Deformation of the Remolded Swelling Soil Under Dynamic Load

  20. 指出了同时具备膨胀管和循环管的系统中定压点的位置。

    Presents the position of the constant pressure point for the system with both expansion pipe and circulating pipe .

  21. 本文在阐述膨胀土干湿循环试验后,对膨胀土的结构特征进行了分析,并研究了膨胀土的微观变形机理。

    After describing the expansive soil test under cyclic drying and wetting , the structure characteristics of expansive soil were analysed , and the mechanism of microstructure behavior of expansive soil was studied .

  22. LNG生产流程主要有混合制冷循环流程、膨胀机制冷的循环流程、带循环压缩机的天然气膨胀机制冷循环流程等三类。

    LNG producing recycling processes mainly include the mixed cold producing medium , expander refrigeration and gas expander refrigeration with a recycling compressor .

  23. Al的添加及AlN颗粒表面镀铜都能有效地降低AlNp/Cu复合材料的热膨胀系数和热循环后的残余应变。

    The addition of pure Al and copper coated AlN_p all can improve the relative density and decrease the thermal expansion coefficient and residual strain of AlN_p / Cu composites .

  24. 本文同时编写了该方法的Fortran计算程序,利用该程序可以比较准确地计算出膨胀节的低循环疲劳寿命。

    In addition , the FORTRAN calculation program of this method is compiled in this paper , by which the low cycle fatigue life of bellows expansion joints can be calculated accurately .

  25. 浅谈非金属膨胀节在联合循环余热炉中的应用

    About the Application of Non-metallic Expansion Joints in Combined Cycle Waste Heat Boilers

  26. 有荷条件下膨胀土的干湿循环胀缩变形及强度变化规律

    Variation of deformation and strength of expansive soil during cyclic wetting and drying under loading condition

  27. 用挤压铸造工艺制备了钛酸钾晶须增强铝基复合材料,研究了其热膨胀系数和热循环尺寸稳定性。

    Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with potassium titanate whiskers were prepared by squeezing casting process . The thermal expansion and dimensional stability of such composites were investigated .

  28. 具体研究内容如下:1.过渡金属氧化物作为锂离子电池的负极材料,在充放电过程中,会发生体积膨胀导致电池的循环性能下降。

    The detailed contents are summarized as follows : 1 . Transition metal oxides as anode materias for lithium ion battery , show volume expansion in charge / discharge process , leading to cycle performance drop .

  29. 同时,创新性的设计和分析了单螺杆膨胀机有机朗肯循环发电系统在低温余热动力回收方面的应用案例,为中低温余热利用领域开辟了思路。

    In addition , in this paper , the application case of the Organic Rankine Cycle power generation system with single screw expander which was used in the low temperature waste heat power recovery was designed and analyzed innovatively in the future .

  30. 膨胀土及袋装膨胀土干湿循环试验研究

    Experimental Studies on Expansive Soil and Bagged Expansive Soil under Drying-Wetting Cycles